
Mika: 'I Question Patriotism of Someone Questioning Prez's Patriotism'

February 23rd, 2015 9:50 AM
MSNBC might like to replace "Lean Forward" with a new slogan: "Dissent Is Unpatriotic." On today's Morning Joe, discussing the Rudy flap, Mika Brzezinski said: "I question the patriotism of someone who questions the president's patriotism." Joe Scarborough retorted that for years on MSNBC, Keith Olbermann got away with saying much worse about W without criticism from Mika or others in the MSM.

Chuck Todd Claims Giuliani 'Led' 'This Week's Race to the Bottom'

February 22nd, 2015 1:45 PM
On Sunday, Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd did his best to continue the media’s obsession surrounding former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani questioning President Obama’s love of America. Despite Todd’s insistence that he has “hated this story in so many ways,” he made sure to declare “[t]his week’s week's race to the bottom, led by former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, is proving why…

Jeffrey Toobin: Giuliani an ‘Embarrassment’ With a ‘Paranoid Style’

February 22nd, 2015 1:40 PM
Toobin, of the New Yorker and CNN, argues that while Giuliani’s “I do not believe that the President loves America” comments were “simply incorrect,” it was more important to understand that they were “not principally meant as assertions of fact.” Rather, they were “meant to tap into a deep wellspring of American political thought, one defined by the Columbia historian Richard Hofstadter five…

ABC, NBC Continue to Promote ‘Firestorm’ Over Giuliani's Comments

February 22nd, 2015 10:29 AM
On Saturday and Sunday, ABC’s Good Morning America and NBC’s Today continued to play up the ongoing controversy surrounding comments made by former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani in which he questioned President Obama’s love of America. Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd went so far as to suggest that some Republicans fear the New York City mayor had caused the “issue of race” to pop up.

Rudy Giuliani and Flagrant Morning Joe Hypocrisy

February 21st, 2015 12:22 PM
Here is Joe Scarborough, a guy who blithely plays the co-host of a morning show on a network that has a god-awful record for living in the sewers of racial politics. This is the network that gives the possibly-soon-to-be-removed-to-the weekend lineup Al Sharpton an entire show. But Joe is concerned about Rudy Giuliani - a guy whose political heroes include those vociferous racists Robert Kennedy…

CBS, ABC Notice New ObamaCare 'Glitch;' NBC Omits

February 20th, 2015 11:12 PM
Julianna Goldman spotlighted the latest ObamaCare glitch on Friday's CBS Evening News. The same evening, ABC's World News Tonight aired a ten-second news brief on the "outrage over another glitch to the ObamaCare website – nearly 800,000 people received inaccurate forms from the site." However, Friday's NBC Nightly News ignored this story completely. Instead, the evening newscast hyped Rudy…

MSNBC Guest: Rudy’s Obama Comments Like Using ‘N-Word' and 'C-Word'

February 20th, 2015 4:01 PM
As part of the left’s bashing of Rudy Giuliani for stating his belief that President Obama doesn’t love America, MSNBC’s The Last Word convened a panel on Thursday night to berate Giuliani. Liberal radio show host Stephanie Miller went as far as to compare what the former New York City Mayor told a gathering of Republican donors to using derogatory language toward African-Americans, gays, and…

Chuck Todd Dismisses Obama Criticism as 'Bizarre' 'Cable News Fight'

February 20th, 2015 12:41 PM
Appearing on Friday's NBC Today, Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd brushed aside criticism of President Obama's refusal to accurately label terrorism as "Islamic extremism": "...we're having what has turned into sort of a cable news fight and a cable news-type debate. All of this, they're not dealing with the two bigger issues here....So we're having this bizarre fight on the sidelines and we'…

MSNBC: It's Fine to Question GOPers' Patriotism, But Not Obama's!

February 20th, 2015 12:05 PM
An outraged Chris Matthews on Thursday railed against Rudy Giuliani's assertion that Barack Obama doesn't "love America." The cable anchor assailed the idea that anyone's patriotism would be questioned. An odd assertion from an MSNBC host as they do it quite often. A wounded Matthews howled, "They're saying [Obama] doesn't love America!" 

NYT Plays Race Card on Giuliani, Notes Criticism From Larry King

February 20th, 2015 10:14 AM
The New York Times played the race card while criticizing former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani for suggesting President Obama doesn't love America. Not fo the first time, the Times implied Rudy was a racist.

Morning Joe Rips Rudy: Questioning Obama Is 'Stupid' and 'Crazy'

February 20th, 2015 7:55 AM
Something striking on today's Morning Joe. On the one hand, there was complete consensus that—as a matter of politics—Rudy Giuliani made a huge mistake in claiming that President Obama doesn't love America.  Panelists called his comments "stupid," "crazy," "tone deaf," even "racist." Joe Scarborough did suggest that some Republican make this his Sister Souljah moment by criticizing Giuliani and…

Rudy Giuliani Takes a Shot at Brian Williams on SNL Red Carpet

February 16th, 2015 1:02 PM
Disgraced NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams was the butt of several jokes on Saturday Night Live’s 40th Anniversary Special. Jim Carrey, Jerry Seinfeld and even former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani got into the act during an interview on the red carpet. 

NY Times Attacks Cops and Indulges Protesters — Just Like de Blasio

December 30th, 2014 10:59 PM
Earlier this evening, Clay Waters at NewsBusters noted the New York Times Editorial Board's blistering attack on Gotham's finest. The Times editorial insisted that the NYPD has "squandered" its presumptive respect in its treatment of Mayor Bill de Blasio since a bi-racial grand jury's December 3 decision not to indict officers on the scene in July when Eric Garner died on Staten Island. This is…

Rudy Rebukes 'White Supremacy' Jab: 'I Said the Same Thing' Obama Said

November 25th, 2014 3:50 PM
Rudy Giuliani fired back at Michael Eric Dyson on CNN's New Day on Tuesday for the MSNBC analyst's "white supremacy" attack on the former New York City mayor. When anchor Alisyn Camerota raised Giuliani's supposedly "controversial comments" from Sunday's Meet the Press on NBC, the former Republican politician underlined that he had "said the same thing the President of the United States said, and…