Rush Explained, According to Cal Thomas

February 25th, 2021 12:46 PM

I wasn't going to write a second column on the passing of Rush Limbaugh but given the reaction from hostile and snarky individuals -- even from a few self-styled conservatives -- explaining his influence is key to understanding him and more importantly the movement for which he was such a powerful spokesman. As with the former president, Donald Trump, Limbaugh spoke for people who felt…


DESPICABLE! The Ugliest Limbaugh Obits by Lefty Journalists and Celebs

February 24th, 2021 8:50 AM

Sadly, the Left’s hatred and venom against Rush Limbaugh only grew over the decades, and it spilled over in an ugly display within minutes (in some cases) of his passing last Wednesday. The following are the most disgusting attacks on the conservative broadcast giant in the last week by lefty journalists and Hollywood celebrities: 


The Rush Limbaugh I Knew

February 23rd, 2021 9:18 PM

The man who picked me up at an airport too many years ago to recall the date asked if I had ever heard of a guy named Rush Limbaugh. When I said I had not, he turned on the car radio and said, “listen.” After 15 minutes I was hooked. Limbaugh, who died of lung cancer on Wednesday at age 70, spoke my values. He didn’t tell people what or how to think, as his detractors often charged, but…


Slimy Stelter, Carter Continue to Smear Rush Limbaugh

February 21st, 2021 8:39 PM

On Sunday’s Reliable Sources, CNN host Brian Stelter and media analyst Bill Carter doubled down on loathsome attacks that they made on Limbaugh earlier this week. 

NYT Opinion Editor Hosts Limbaugh Forum, Slimes 'Trollish' Ben Shapiro

February 21st, 2021 3:02 PM

Sigh: The New York Times is cranking out still more vituperative reaction on the passing of conservative radio legend Rush Limbaugh. A revealing email from opinion editor Kathleen Kingsbury introducing a package of no less than four essays on the man. Kingsbury announced them with self-importance, and anti-Ben Shapiro insults, in an Opinion email, while saluting her left-wing Rush-…

An Appreciation of the Rush Limbaugh Media Revolution

February 20th, 2021 4:00 PM

Call it Rush Limbaugh’s media revolution. To explain? Hop in the time travel machine and come with me back to 1963 and 1964. Arizona’s Republican Senator Barry Goldwater, dubbed “Mr. Conservative” as he was the unofficial standard bearer of the aborning conservative movement, was getting ready to run for president in 1964, and finally did so.

NY Times Goes on Elitist Rant About Rush’s ‘Indefensible Conduct'

February 20th, 2021 2:30 PM

After brutalizing him in its front-page obituary, the New York Times took a Trumpian angle on talk radio legend Rush Limbaugh’s passing with reporter Jeremy Peters’ “Political Memo”: “Rush Limbaugh’s Legacy of Venom: As Trump Rose, ‘It All Sounded Familiar’ -- Weaponizing conspiracy theories and bigotry long before Donald Trump’s ascent, the radio giant helped usher in the political…

Why Are Post, NY Times Obits Nicer to Terrorists Than Conservatives?

February 20th, 2021 12:15 PM

It’s amazing how nuanced obituaries can be for figures that liberal media types appreciate. The portrait is always complicated. But less so when it’s a conservative. Conservative radio star Rush Limbaugh passed away this week and The New York Times slammed him with an obit about “hate,” “mistrust” and grievances.” The online version featured a sub-headline sliming him as “pushing talk radio to…

Rush Limbaugh: A Loving Brother and ‘a Friend to Countless Americans’

February 19th, 2021 8:05 PM

I am uniquely blessed to be Rush Limbaugh's brother in ways too numerous to count, and I am blessed to be in the special position of witnessing firsthand the outpouring of love and prayers from his, family, friends and fans. His wife, Kathryn, has been amazing and a rock throughout. I could fill a book with the well-wishes I've received. I sent Rush a link to my “mentions” column on Twitter so…


CNN Sneers: Rush Spewed 'Lies and Conspiracy Theories' Across America

February 19th, 2021 7:12 PM

As CNN on Wednesday covered the passing of Rush Limbaugh, Anderson Cooper 360 ran a pre-recorded piece that was nearly all negative about the conservative icon's radio career. Correspondent Randi Kaye declared that "for decades, Limbaugh filled the airwaves with lies and conspiracy theories, racist and misogynistic comments."


FLASHBACK: Rush Was a Threat to Them, So They Tried to Destroy Him

February 19th, 2021 9:30 AM

The following are just a few of the most hate-filled attacks on Rush Limbaugh over the years (as culled from the MRC’s archives)


Snerdley Pays Tribute to the Late Rush Limbaugh as Only He Could

February 19th, 2021 1:27 AM

A day after the passing of conservative icon and talk radio legend Rush Limbaugh, the man known as Bo Snerdley gave a rare interview Thursday night to Fox News Channel host Sean Hannity and delivered a beautiful set of remarks reflecting on his late friend after having served as Limbaugh’s longtime producer and call screener.

AP's Rush Limbaugh Obit Sneers at His 'Captivating Brand of Malice'

February 18th, 2021 8:58 PM

Associated Press national reporter Matt Sedensky should be entered into the Savage Limbaugh Obituary sweepstakes, describing Rush Limbaugh as "the talk radio host who ripped into liberals and laid waste to political correctness with a captivating brand of malice that made him one of the most powerful voices in politics..."

Al Franken

MSNBC Invites Disgraced Franken to Trash Limbaugh: He ‘Spewed Lies’!

February 18th, 2021 3:05 PM

Just a short time after the passing of conservative talk radio icon Rush Limbaugh on Wednesday afternoon, MSNBC welcomed on disgraced ex-Senator Al Franken and invited him hurl insults at the recently deceased media pioneer. The angry, bitter Democrat railed against Limbaugh’s influence and declared that he “spewed lies” throughout his career.