Rush Destroys 'Little' Acosta, 'Circular Firing Squad' CNN as 'Fools'

July 6th, 2017 3:55 PM
On the heels of his June 28 monologues annihilating CNN over how embarrassingly biased they’ve become in the Trump era, conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh again unloaded Thursday afternoon on CNN for devolving into “a circular firing squad” led by “Little Jim Acosta....making a fool of himself.”

Limbaugh Blasts CNN, ‘Little Jim Acosta’; The WH 'Owns' Those 'Fools'

June 28th, 2017 6:36 PM
As only he could, conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh spend large swaths of Wednesday’s program trashing the liberal media and particularly CNN, referring to them as “fools” with “little Jim Acosta” behaving like a cat “chasing the red laser pointer around and bumping into walls and sofa.”

HuffPost Piece Thinks Trump Leaving Paris 'Is an Impeachable Offense'

June 9th, 2017 4:41 PM
Conservative talk radio show host Rush Limbaugh dedicated time on his Friday program to mocking a deranged Huffington Post column by Thomas Jefferson School of Law professor Marjorie Cohn that President Trump’s withdrawal of the U.S. from the Paris climate deal “constitutes an impeachable offense” and crime against humanity.

Eichenwald Accuses Republicans of Defending 'Right-Wing Terrorists'

June 4th, 2017 6:53 PM
Appearing as a guest on Saturday's AM Joy, MSNBC contributor and Newsweek senior editor Kurt Eichenwald accused Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Republican members of Congress of defending "right-wing terrorists" during the Obama administration, as the liberal journalist tried to implicate mainstream conservatives in recent reports of hate crimes. Eichenwald: "In order to attack Obama. they said…

On CNN, Atlantic's Frum Slams Limbaugh; Injects Race into MT Assault

May 26th, 2017 4:25 PM
On Friday's New Day on CNN, during a discussion in which panel members fretted over Republican reaction to GOP Rep.-elect Greg Gianforte violently attacking a reporter, The Atlantic's David Frum managed to inject race into the discussion as he theorized about what Rush Limbaugh would have done if Gianforte were a black Democrat. Frum: "Had the congressman been a black Democrat, imagine what Rush…

NYT Remains Faithful to Maddow: Tax Fail Part of Successful Strategy

March 15th, 2017 8:05 PM
MSNBC host Rachel Maddow may be an object of mockery, even among her liberal media colleagues, for breathlessly hyping (and then endlessly milking) a “big scoop” about Donald Trump’s tax returns Tuesday night. The big leak turned out to be a two-page 1040 form from 2005, showing that Trump paid $38 million in income taxes that year. Even Slate headlined it a “Cynical, Self-Defeating Spectacle.”

Limbaugh Goes to Town Mocking ‘Overrated’ Maddow, 'Lunatic' Johnston

March 15th, 2017 3:32 PM
Yes, you read that headline correctly. Leading off his eponymous talk radio show on Wednesday, conservative stalwart Rush Limbaugh lambasted MSNBC host Rachel Maddow and “lunatic” far-left journalist David Cay Johnston over the pathetic release of President Trump’s 2005 tax returns, declaring “they got schlonged” and blinded by their hatred for Trump.  

CNN: Trump Gets Info From ‘Propaganda’ ‘Not Legitimate’ Sources

March 6th, 2017 10:40 AM
Monday morning on CNN’s New Day, hosts Chris Cuomo and Alisyn Camerota spoke with media correspondent Brian Stelter and analyst Bill Carter about Trump’s claims that he was wire-tapped by President Obama. The CNN panel took the opportunity to not just bash Trump but also blast the “illegitimate” and “partisan” right-wing sources where Trump gets his news.

Politico Misquotes Limbaugh on Russian Involvement in Election

February 20th, 2017 3:50 PM
Opening his program on Monday, Rush Limbaugh referred to a Politico item by Hanna Trudo, who reported on his appearance on the February 19 edition of Fox News Sunday. Trudo opened by claiming that "Rush Limbaugh says he doesn’t buy the notion that Russia influenced the election of President Donald Trump." Rush observed on the air that this isn't what he said. Then Trudo doubled down and…

Irony! Williams, Guest Blame Eroding Trust of Media on Conservatives!

February 8th, 2017 5:31 PM
In a hilarious case of irony, The 11th Hour host and serial liar Brian Williams teed up guest Charlie Sykes on Tuesday to lambaste conservative media (like the one you’re reading) for being why no one trusts mainstream media in the age of Trump and alternative facts. 

NYT Blames Rush's '80s Show for CA's Immigrant-Hostile Past

February 2nd, 2017 7:25 PM
New York Times Emily Badger dominates all of page 3 of Thursday’s print paper, with “Immigrant Shock: California Offers Hint of Nation’s Future,” a long “Upshot” analysis operating under the unspoken assumption that Donald Trump voters were prejudiced and skitterish of different-looking people invading their neighborhood. She even roped Rush Limbaugh’s 1980’s Sacramento radio show into her essay…

NYT Front Spreads Fears 'Throwback' Sessions Would Wreck Civil Rights

January 9th, 2017 6:25 PM
Would an Attorney General Jeff Sessions wreck civil rights? Several newspapers seem to think so, including Monday’s New York Times, which tried to poison the well against him as his confirmation looms. The long front-page profile of Sen. Sessions of Alabama, Donald Trump’s pick for attorney general, hid its hostility and labeling slant under the benign headline, “Bonding by Bucking the…

Blogger: ‘Dumb Motherf**kers’ in MSM Partly to Blame For Fake News

January 1st, 2017 6:59 PM
In the mid-1990s, when the great Norm Macdonald was kicking off his “Weekend Update” segments of Saturday Night Live with, “And now, the fake news,” pretty much everyone knew what he meant. These days, however, disputes over definitions of “fake news” seem as common as fake news itself. It may be that the lefty writer angriest about fake news is media critic and political blogger Allison…

Graham Blasts Media Double Standard on Presidents Criticizing Press

December 22nd, 2016 6:55 PM
Late Thursday afternoon, the Media Research Center’s Tim Graham appeared on the Fox Business Network (FBN) program After the Bell to slam the media for their double standard in reacting to President Barack Obama’s media criticism versus whenever President-elect Donald Trump does the same. FBN host David Asman set the scene with a quote from an Atlantic interview in which President Obama’s offered…