
OMG: Ryan Wonders If Scandals Make Trump an Illegitimate President

May 1st, 2018 4:26 PM
Well, that’s one way to show your partisan colors. American Urban Radio Networks correspondent and CNN political analyst April Ryan showed why she’s a chief White House press briefing carnival barker as she used Tuesday’s installment to wonder whether the various Trump scandals lay claim to credence to the notion that he’s an illegitimate President.

'The View' Unanimously Defends Michelle Wolf Mockery of Trump Aides

April 30th, 2018 4:44 PM

The ladies of ABC's The View unanimously defended liberal comedian Michelle Wolf's White House Correspondents Dinner routine on Monday. Whoopi Goldberg said there was a "brutal backlash" and calls for an end to the dinner. Joy Behar said "We were laughing our heads off here." Sunny Hostin attended the dinner with her old CNN pals. "DonLemon and I cackled during a lot of it."

Celebs, Media Defend Wolf’s Insults Targeting Trump Administration

April 30th, 2018 3:02 PM

Comedienne Michelle Wolf is a hero, according to media and Hollywood figures who are racing to defend her recent outrageous statements, regardless of how the rest of America reacts.   


CNN Tries to Defend Wolf; Trump ‘Goes Over the Line All the Time’

April 30th, 2018 2:09 PM
As part of the liberal media’s ongoing damage control following Saturday’s disastrous White House Correspondents Dinner (WHCD), Monday’s New Day saw some CNN personalities concede that some of comedienne Michelle Wolf’s jokes crossed a line, but expressed resignation and tacitly defended it as if it’s a new normal because President Trump “goes over the line all the time” and “comedy's supposed to…

NBC Excuses Offensive WHCD: ‘The President Has Said Much Worse'

April 30th, 2018 12:23 PM

In an attempt to rationalize the crude and offensive performance by comedian Michelle Wolf at Saturday’s White House Correspondents’ Dinner, on Monday, co-host Savannah Guthrie led off NBC’s Today show by noting that “the performer’s defenders say the President has said much worse.”


Former WHCA Pres. Ed Henry Condemns Vile Comedy at Media Dinner

April 29th, 2018 4:51 PM

In the wake of the vile “comedy” performance at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner, we’ve seen a future president of the association denounce the act and the current president refusing to say the act “crossed a line.” And while the current White House Correspondents’ Association president was refusing to say what so many journalists were, former WHCA President Ed Henry was on Fox News…


Jon Karl Denounces ‘Mean-Spirited’ Jokes About Press Sec at WHCD

April 29th, 2018 9:53 AM
Saturday night was the annual White House Correspondents’ Dinner and the take away from the event was that comedian Michelle Wolf was a vile person. She targeted White House staff for ridicule that went beyond friendly jabs, such as when she ‘joked’ about putting adviser Kellyanne Conway under a falling tree or the ‘joke’ about murdering babies. The event drew great condemnation from average…

Paranoid Kathy Griffin: Of Course President Trump Had Me Investigated

April 27th, 2018 5:17 PM
Less than a year after Kathy Griffin was pictured holding a fake bloodied, severed head of Donald Trump last May, the far-left comedian claims that the president has a “vendetta” against her and personally ordered Secret Service agents to investigate her. Griffin made the accusations while a guest on ABC’s Start Here podcast after host Brad Mielke asked her if the President took those actions…

Sanders Torpedoes Acosta for His ‘Unnecessary’ ‘Tone’ in Briefings

April 25th, 2018 5:32 PM
Behold the latest reminder that, for CNN, everything is about them. Wednesday’s White House press briefing saw another throw down between Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders telling off CNN’s supercilious White House correspondent Jim Acosta over claims the Trump administration has been suppressing reporters.

Eye Roll: Acosta, Karem, Ryan Battle Sanders on ‘Breeding’ Trump Tweet

April 23rd, 2018 3:48 PM
When one thinks of liberal reporters who relish showing off at White House press briefings, three individuals who come to mind are CNN chief White House correspondent Jim Acosta and CNN political analysts Brian Karem and April Ryan. All three showed up at Monday’s installment to question White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders about possible racist overtones in a Trump tweet that used…

Of Course He Did: Acosta Floats Impeachment to WH's Sanders

April 11th, 2018 6:52 PM
Feeding into the left’s dream of impeaching President Trump, CNN’s infamously incomparable White House correspondent Jim Acosta raised during Wednesday’s White House briefing the prospect of the President being impeached by the House if Democrats take control starting in January 2019.

CNN's Sanders Wrongly Claims Police Took Dylann Roof to Burger King

March 30th, 2018 10:13 PM
On Thursday's At This Hour on CNN, Symone Sanders joined Angela Rye in the list of liberal CNN political commentators who have repeated a discredited myth that the gunman in the Charleston church massacre, Dylann Roof, was given special treatment by police before being incarcerated. During a debate over President Donald Trump's reaction to the police killings of Alton Sterling and Stephon Clark,…

MSNBC's Tur Slams Trump for Not Intervening in Stephon Clark Shooting

March 30th, 2018 11:38 AM
On Thursday's MSNBC Live, near the end of her show, host Katy Tur delivered a commentary touting the liberal spin on the issue of police shootings and race as she complained about White House unwillingness to intervene in the Stephon Clark shooting case. But, even though her colleague Chris Jansing actually acknowledged the day before that twice as many whites as blacks have so far been killed by…

Shep Smith Bashes His Fox ‘Opinion’ Colleagues; Hannity Retaliates

March 16th, 2018 4:49 PM
Shepard Smith, a long-time anchor for the Fox News Channel, signed a new multi-year contract on Thursday, when he stated during an interview with Joe Concha, a media reporter for The Hill political website, that opinion programming on his network doesn't “really have rules” and exists “strictly to be entertaining.”