Richard Gere and Others Take Parting Shots at Bush Admin at Critics' C

January 9th, 2009 12:14 AM

CBS Touts 'Great Schlep' Effort to Get Grandparents to Back Obama

October 14th, 2008 11:47 AM
A night after Sunday's CBS Evening News ended with a feature piece on a 106-year-old nun in Rome who plans to vote for Barack Obama, Monday's newscast concluded with a puff piece on “The Great Schlep,” a Columbus Day weekend effort headlined by left-wing comedian Sarah Silverman to get Jewish grandchildren to travel to Florida to convince their grandparents to vote for Barack Obama. In a video…

CBS Promotes Pro-Obama Video by Sarah Silverman, Censors and Ignores A

October 14th, 2008 9:10 AM
CBS aired another light and fluffy pro-Obama segment in the second hour of Monday’s Early Show. It was about "The Great Schlep," an effort to get young Jews to visit their grandparents in Florida and urge them to vote Obama. (Video is here.)The effort is led by raunchy comedienne Sarah Silverman, but CBS never let one word slip about Silverman’s trashy Comedy Central show (like the episode where…

Comedy Central Features God Having Sex

March 8th, 2007 10:28 AM
As reported by NewsBuster Ken Shepherd Wednesday, America’s newspapers are getting rid of their religion sections like bad habits. Speaking of losing one’s religion, Comedy Central Wednesday evening featured the star of the “Sarah Silverman Program” having sex with God, and disparagingly tossing him out of bed in the morning using the lame excuse that she had to help her friend move out of her…