
Josh Earnest: Sherrod Brown Should 'Apologize' To Obama

May 13th, 2015 8:38 AM
If you love the smell of liberal infighting in the morning, today's Morning Joe was must-see TV. The MSM is reluctant to report it, but you might say that a trade war has broken out among liberal Dems, and it's getting personal. A few days ago, criticizing Elizabeth Warren for opposing his TPP trade bill, President Obama said that “the truth of the matter is that Elizabeth is, you know, a…

Brown's Trade Fictions Spanning 12 Years Don't Interest Ohio's Press

April 28th, 2015 9:45 PM
It must be nice to be a leftist Washington politician representing congressional districts in or the entire state of Ohio. You can serially fib about something for years on end, and ordinarily the folks back home won't know any better. Even when you're caught red-handed by the national press occasionally breaking down and doing its job, your area's or the Buckeye State's press will ignore it. A…

WashPost Reporter: Inhofe's a Crank, Take Sherrod Brown to the Bank

January 29th, 2015 2:27 PM
On January 9, Washington Post political writer Ben Terris profiled conservative Sen. James Inhofe and described him as “the country’s most prominent climate-change denier.” A headline announced “Senate’s top climate-change denier is flying high.” Twenty days later, Terris is shamelessly profiling a liberal senator as terrific presidential material. The headline was “Why Isn’t He Feeling A Draft…

NPR Exalts Waxman, Gives Him Platform to Bash Tea Party; Lets Liberal

January 31st, 2014 6:38 PM
NPR's resident ObamaCare booster, Julie Rovner, lionized outgoing liberal Congressman Henry Waxman on Friday's Morning Edition. Rovner trumpeted how "during his 40 years in the House, he focused on passing legislation – lots of legislation – the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, the Orphan Drug Act, nutrition labels, food safety, and the Affordable Care Act. Waxman played a major role in all…

Bozell Column: The Liberal 'Least Productive' Complaint

January 7th, 2014 10:58 PM
Liberals are angry that President Obama won a second term, and yet they didn’t get the liberal agenda items they wanted passed in 2013, including gun control and amnesty for illegal aliens. The complaint at the end of the year is that this was the “least productive Congress” in 66 years, production always measured by the amount of legislation passed. But the media complaint here isn’t about…

Self-Proclaimed Media ‘Fact Checking’ Site Clearly Favors Democrat

October 3rd, 2012 11:14 AM
As their circulation numbers continue to decline, the self-described mainstream media has errected a new idol for Americans to worship: so-called “fact checking” websites which ostensibly exist to vet claims from all sides about political disputes. A review of one such site, PolitiFact Ohio -- an arm of Cleveland's Plain Dealer -- shows that the supposedly non-partisan fact-checkers there have a…

NPR Celebrates Obama-In-Ohio Day By Ripping GOP Senate Candidate For

July 5th, 2012 11:34 PM
As Obama prepared to tour northern Ohio cities by bus on Thursday, NPR's Morning Edition was trying to take apart the Republican challenger to liberal Senator Sherrod Brown. First, correspondent David Welna dismissed 34-year-old GOP state treasurer Josh Mandel as someone "who could easily be mistaken for a teenager." Then he added that "independent" (read: liberal media elite) fact-checkers…

AP's Julie Carr Smyth Uses Tired Dem Talking Points in Josh Mandel Hit

January 16th, 2012 8:04 PM
Republican Ohio State Treasurer Josh Mandel is challenging incumbent Democrat U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown this November. Despite the false bravado emanating from the DNC and Ohio's Democratic Party and polls solely based on name recognition, Brown, as the Senate's most liberal member (2009 and 2010 Club for Growth ratings: 0%) in a swing state, is very vulnerable. Associated Press Ohio…

Matthews Gushes Over Obama's Bridge Speech, Doesn't Mention There's No

September 22nd, 2011 7:42 PM
Chris Matthews was tremendously impressed by an obviously political photo-op Barack Obama did Thursday at a bridge connecting Ohio and Kentucky where he pushed for his jobs bill to be passed so that a new modern span could be erected between the two states. Not at all surprisingly, the "Hardball" host failed to tell his viewers that there's absolutely no mention of this bridge in the…

Fox 19 Cincinnati's Sherrod Brown Interview Typifies Weak Media Covera

August 1st, 2011 1:07 AM
Saturday night in Cincinnati, Fox 19's Kimberly Holmes Wiggins interviewed Ohio Democratic Senator Sherrod Brown from Washington about the state of the debt-ceiling debate. A full transcript follows. Contained therein readers will see the untruthful establishment press memes which have dominated their coverage, and all too typical disgraceful and predictable demagoguery by Brown. Similar…

Senate Liberals Looking to Ban Filibuster in

December 15th, 2010 1:25 PM
With an even smaller majority in the 112th Congress next year, some Senate Democrats are pushing harder in their attempts to stop the use of the filibuster, the exclusive-to-the-Senate procedure that requires votes to have a 60-vote majority instead of a 51-vote majority.

Media Neglect: Populist Rage Aimed at Wall Street as Democrat-Controll

April 28th, 2010 1:19 PM
As congressional Democrats press on with their attempts to get financial legislation reform passed, a key component has been lacking from the debate: how to handle the government-sponsored enterprises Fannie Mae (NYSE:FNM) and Freddie Mac (NYSE:FRE).  Although some Republican lawmakers have cried foul over the fact nothing has been included in a bill sponsored by Senate Banking Committee…

John King to Dems: Is ObamaCare Important Enough to Buy Votes

November 22nd, 2009 10:48 PM
In the wake of Saturday's Senate vote to move forward with debate on controversial healthcare reform legislation, CNN's John King may have posed one of the best questions asked on any of Sunday's political talk shows:To get Senator [Mary] Landrieu's vote, just to proceed, just to go across the starting line, language was inserted in the bill that gives her state up to $300 million. To get Senator…

AP's Auto Bailout Coverage Nearly Ignores Excessive Labor Costs, Omits

November 13th, 2008 10:25 AM
Wednesday evening's dour Associated Press report by Tom Krisher and Ken Thomas on the proposed bailouts of General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler acted as if their fates will determine the viability of the entire US auto industry, and waited until the 15th paragraph to name the primary reason why the companies are where they are financially. Beyond that, the AP report did not mention that United Auto…