
Spike Lee on NBC: Easier to Have Black POTUS Than Black TV Exec

December 1st, 2015 3:13 PM
While promoting his new movie, Chi-raq, about gun violence in Chicago, during the 9 a.m. ET hour on Tuesday’s NBC Today, director Spike Lee claimed: “'s easier for an African-American, a black person, to be President of the United States than to be president of a Hollywood studio or TV network cable.”

Spike Lee Claims ‘War on the Black Male’ Is 'Tearing This Country

August 20th, 2014 9:19 PM
Ten days after police officer Darren Wilson shot and killed Michael Brown, an 18-year-old African-American, in a suburb of St. Louis, Missouri, black filmmaker Spike Lee added his voice to the tumult over the incident. During Tuesday night's edition of Anderson Cooper 360, he told the CNN anchor: “Something smells bad in Ferguson, and it’s not just tear gas.” “I do not think you should be…

NY Times Devotes Story to Texas Candidate Embracing Ted Nugent, Barely

February 19th, 2014 5:39 PM
When you work at that “Valhalla” of liberal journalism called The New York Times, you can’t believe it when Republicans associate themselves with trash-talking celebrities who make wild charges about President Obama. But when President Obama associates himself with trash-talking celebrities who made wild charges about President Bush, that’s not newsworthy at all. See these lead paragraphs of…

Spike Lee Sued For Erroneous George Zimmerman Tweet

November 12th, 2013 10:02 AM
As NewsBusters previously reported, film director Spike Lee last March retweeted a posting supposedly including the address of George Zimmerman. Now the couple who actually reside at that address are suing Lee.

Anderson Cooper on Gay NBA Player: 'The Tide of History Is Moving Forw

May 1st, 2013 4:53 PM
Hosting liberal filmmaker Spike Lee on his Tuesday show, CNN's Anderson Cooper supported Lee's prediction that more professional athletes will come out as gay like NBA player Jason Collins. "The tide of history is moving forward," the openly-gay Cooper remarked in a not-so-subtle boost of the gay rights movement. On Monday, Cooper hailed Collins as "a true pioneer" and lauded his…

Rapper Luther Campbell: Spike Lee Is 'Hollywood's Resident House Negro

January 16th, 2013 9:53 AM
Former 2 Live Crew rapper turned music promoter and VH1 star Luther Campbell isn't pleased with Spike Lee's comments about filmmaker Quentin Tarantino and the new movie "Django Unchained." Writing at his Miami NewTimes blog Tuesday, Campbell called Lee "Hollywood's resident house negro."

Spike Lee Frets Over NRA's 'Vulcan Death Grip

August 14th, 2012 1:54 AM
As liberal film maker Spike Lee appeared as a guest on CNN's Piers Morgan Tonight, he complained that the National Rifle Association has a "Vulcan death grip" that prevents the enaction of further gun control. During a discussion of politics, host Piers Morgan recounted recent high-profile shootings and raised the issue of gun control:

Spike Lee: If Obama Loses 'I Will Be Dead Before' There's Another Blac

July 9th, 2012 9:49 PM
Filmmaker Spike Lee said Monday that if Barack Obama loses his reelection bid in November, "I will be dead before" there's another black president. Lee also said during an interview with entertainment website Vulture that Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's religion is going to play a huge factor in the upcoming election:

Open Thread: Even Spike Lee Admits Obama Critics May Not Be Racist

June 13th, 2012 10:17 AM
When Spike Lee, one of the most notorious racial grievancemongers, admits that people may have legitimate reasons to dislike President Obama, then you know people may be tuning out the media's virtual non-stop campaign to demonize conservatives. In an interview with GQ magazine, Lee, known primarily for films he made in the 80s and 90s, stated that the bad economy might be reason enough for…

Roseanne Barr Becomes Second Leftist Celebrity to Threaten George Zimm

March 29th, 2012 4:54 PM
Formerly relevant comedian Roseanne Barr has become the second leftist entertainment celebrity to threaten the family of George Zimmerman, the accused shooter in the death of Florida teenager Trayvon Martin by posting the home address of his parents on Twitter. While she quickly deleted her tweet after an onslaught of criticism by her 110,000+ followers, Barr continued to defend her action,…

MSNBC's Jansing Spins Spike Lee Tweet That Put Elderly Couple In Jeopa

March 28th, 2012 11:15 AM
A few days ago, left-wing director Spike Lee, who has 248,000+ followers on Twitter, retweeted an item bearing what was supposed to be the address of George Zimmerman, the man who claims to have shot Miami teen Trayvon Martin in self defense a month ago in Sanford, Florida. But the address was incorrect and the occupants of the residence are an elderly couple who bear no relation to Zimmerman.…

Bozell Column: Obama Courts the Glitz Elite

February 4th, 2012 7:57 AM
While Democrats mock Mitt Romney for his alleged lack of interest in the “very poor” and focus their political pitch on income inequality, one can’t help noticing the Obamas running around to $35,000-a-head fundraisers with the very rich and very famous in New York City and Hollywood. Michelle Obama kicked off February with an exclusive fundraiser in Beverly Hills at the home of Netflix…

On Today: Spike Lee Attacks NRA, Calls USA 'Most Violent Country In H

January 12th, 2011 11:36 AM
Director Spike Lee, along with his wife Tonya, came on Wednesday's Today show to promote their new children's book, but he couldn't leave without blaming the NRA for the Gabrielle Giffords shooting and slamming the United States of America for being "the most violent country in the history of civilization." Initially both Lees just talked about their new book, Giant Steps to Change the World…

Spike Lee: DC is ‘Chocolate City

January 16th, 2009 5:55 PM
Discussing “post-racial” inauguration, CNN doesn’t call Lee on outdated racial term.We’ve heard ad nauseam from a hopeful media -- Daniel Schorr of NPR, commentator Juan Williams and The New Republic among them -- that Obama will be a “post-racial” president. At least some of his supporters haven’t gotten the message.Popular filmmaker and Obama supporter Spike Lee used a passé racial term for…