
CBS Contributor Questions Legitimacy of Abrams, Gillum Losses

November 7th, 2018 3:39 AM
Two years after he compared President Trump’s victory to the defeat of Civil War Reconstruction, CBS News contributor and Slate columnist Jamelle Bouie was back on the eyeball network to offer takes on the 2018 midterms, most notably insinuating that the victories of Republicans in states like Florida and Georgia weren’t exactly legit because of — wait for it — “voter suppression.”

Georgia Hysteria: CNN’s Ryan Claims Voting Rights Don’t Exist Anymore

November 7th, 2018 3:21 AM
Despite the fact that Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp held a lead outside the threshold needed for a runoff, Democrats and the liberal media were not conceding the state’s gubernatorial election. During CNN’s Election Night in America in the wee hours of Wednesday morning, CNN political analyst April Ryan was in hysterics as she pushed conspiracies of voter suppression, even going so far as…

Here's Seven Times When King Showed a Liberal Tilt on Election Night

November 7th, 2018 2:47 AM
When it came to the major broadcast networks and their midterm election coverage, CBS didn’t pan out to have quite the bias the ABC and NBC offered, but there was still one journalist who came through in the clutch with plenty of liberal bias and that was, of course, CBS This Morning co-host and Obama donor Gayle King.

Bear Witness to Van Jones’ Election Night Emotional Roller Coaster

November 7th, 2018 12:47 AM
Election Night 2018 was a mixed bag that left both parties walking away feeling happy. Republicans blunted the so-called “blue wave” and captured key governorships while Democrats flipped control of the House. During CNN’s Election Night in America, Tuesday, liberal activist and commentator Van Jones was a whirlwind of emotions as each development unfurled.

ABC’s Pitts, Vega Blame Racism in FL, GA for Abrams, Gillum Losses

November 7th, 2018 12:32 AM
When it became clear that Democratic and liberal media darlings Stacey Abrams and Andrew Gillum were likely to lose their respective races in Georgia and Florida, senior White House correspondent Cecilia Vega and Nightline co-host Byron Pitts sought to blame racism for people not electing them.

Nets Go Nasty Against GOP Early, Invoking Bomber, Shooting

November 6th, 2018 9:05 PM
Within moments of the broadcast networks coming on the air Tuesday night with their midterm coverage, ABC, CBS, and NBC had the long knives out for Republicans, condemning their “nativist,” “white-hot rhetoric” creating “one of the most divisive midterms in our lifetime” that was marred by “hate, violence and tragedy.”

WashPost’s Capehart: If You Vote GOP, You’re ‘Okay’ With ‘Racism'

November 6th, 2018 2:57 PM
Appearing on MSNBC Live With Craig Melvin late Tuesday morning, left-wing Washington Post columnist Jonathan Capehart accused anyone voting for Republicans in the midterm elections of being “okay” with “racism.” Asked later if some Democrats running in red states were “perhaps a little left of the center,” he dismissed such concerns and insisted they were just living their “truth.”

Nets Make Final Pleas to Viewers to Vote Democratic in Midterms

November 5th, 2018 10:30 PM
With roughly 24 hours until polls closed for the midterm elections, the liberal broadcast networks were out in force Monday evening as they pleaded with viewers to vote for Democratic candidates. From touting Democratic Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill as a moderate to blasting Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp for accusing Democrats of hacking to fantasizing about all the investigations of…

Media’s Midterm Madness: Trump to Blame for Everything Wrong

November 5th, 2018 3:12 PM
In the closing days before the midterm elections the liberal media went mad in their attacks on the GOP and especially President Donald Trump as they blamed his “racist” and violent rhetoric for the crazed actions of both the mail bomber and synagogue shooter. On CNN, a correspondent for GQ raged: “This President has radicalized so many more people than ISIS ever did.” The following are the worst…

ABC Asks Dem if She's 'Concerned' GOP 'Racist Appeals' Will 'Work'

November 5th, 2018 10:07 AM
Just one day before the midterm elections, ABC’s morning show went all out in touting Democrat candidates for office, from the gubernatorial race in Georgia to the Senate race in Texas. Anchor George Stephanopoulos even touted charges of racism and voter suppression by Republicans in the Georgia race, while inviting the Democrat candidate, Stacey Abrams, on the show to bash her opponent in an…

Jake Tapper Presses Georgia's Abrams on Her Gun-Grabbing Legislation

November 4th, 2018 11:14 PM
On his State of the Union show on CNN, Jake Tapper presses Georgia Democrat gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams on legislation she introduced as a member of the Georgia state legislature that would have forced owners to surrender their so-called "assault weapons."

MSNBC's Tur Still Seems Unaware GA 'Voter Suppression' Was Debunked

November 4th, 2018 4:22 PM
During Saturday morning's AM Joy show, as MSNBC's Katy Tur on location at a Brian Kemp campaign event in Georgia spoke with a Republican guest, Tur still seemed unaware that claims of "voter suppression" against state Republicans have been debunked as she asked why so many voters on the pending registration list are minorities.

MSNBC's Wallace Praises 'Powerful,' 'Persuasive' Oprah Effect

November 4th, 2018 7:05 AM

During Thursday’s edition of Deadline: White House, host Nicolle Wallace and her panel devoted almost an entire segment to praising the “powerful” and “persuasive” Oprah Winfrey. Wallace went on to talk about “the Oprah effect happening right in front of us as the TV superstar knocked on doors stumping for Stacey Abrams, the Democrat running for Governor there.” Wallace urged her audience to “…


Urp: MSNBC Stars Descend Into 'Oprah Is Our Hope-rah' Cheerleading

November 3rd, 2018 7:41 PM
Jeffrey Cimino at the Washington Free Beacon caught two MSNBC primetime stars going so gaga over Oprah Winfrey it's amazing the camera lenses in their studios didn't fog over. After Oprah campaigned in Georgia on Thursday for black female ultraliberal Democrat Stacey Abrams, the superlatives bubbled over in the transition from Rachel Maddow to Lawrence O'Donnell. Maddow actually said the words "…