
Hillary 'Lavished Praise on Wall Street--You Guys Pillar of Economy'

February 10th, 2016 9:30 AM
Yesterday, Politico reported that in a Wall Street speech, Hillary sounded more like "a Goldman Sachs managing director." Today, Bloomberg's Josh Green quoted a financial CEO who attended another Clinton speech as saying Hillary "lavished praise on Wall Street, said you guys are the pillar of our economy."  Ruh-roh: how will the increasingly left-wing Dem electorate react to that? GOP strategist…

Morning Joe Ratchets Up Rubio Attacks, He’s Not Eisenhower

February 5th, 2016 4:49 PM
Joe Scarborough held a fiesta on Friday’s Morning Joe and Senator Marco Rubio was their piñata. The host let his panelist take several good hits on the presidential candidate on the topic of his alleged inexperience. “So after the campaign had all day to figure out what his big accomplishment was, what was his big accomplishment? What did he come up with on the list?” 

GOP Strategist to Matthews: We Could Blame Your Old Boss for ISIS

December 15th, 2015 8:05 PM
Former John McCain presidential campaign advisor Steve Schmidt pushed back against Chris Matthews on tonight's Hardball when the latter whipped out his tired Bush-caused-ISIS talking point.

‘Morning Joe’ Mocks Dems Refusal to Say ‘Radical Islam’

November 16th, 2015 10:09 AM
On Monday, the panel on MSNBC’s Morning Joe repeatedly mocked the three Democratic presidential candidates over their refusal to use the term “radical Islam” following last Friday’s terrorist attack in Paris. After playing a clip from Saturday night’s Democratic presidential debate, co-host Joe Scarborough appeared shocked at their answers and proclaimed “How stupid do they think we are?"

Ex-McCain Adviser on MSNBC: McCarthy News Shows GOP 'Hunts Heretics’

October 8th, 2015 3:07 PM
To the surprise of no one, MSNBC ran to find the nearest token Republicans it could after shocking news that House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) dropped out of Speaker of the House race and once such person was MSNBC political analyst and former 2008 McCain campaign adviser Steve Schmidt, who railed against the GOP for “hunting heretics” and not “converts.”

Scarborough: Hillary's 'Getting Into Rick Perry 2012 Territory'

September 15th, 2015 8:29 AM
Like someone looking for the first robin of Spring, this NewsBuster has been on the prowl for the first media person to suggest that Hillary Clinton is going to have to quit the race.  Joe Scarborough didn't go quite that far, but let's just say his shirtfront was taking on a distinctly robin-red hue on today's Morning Joe. After lambasting her "dismal" performance on the stump, Scarborough--…

MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Praises John Kasich's ObamaCare Stance

August 7th, 2015 12:27 AM
During Thursday night's MSNBC coverage of the Republican presidential debate, Andrea Mitchell praised Ohio Governor John Kasich’s defense of expanding Medicaid in his state: "Kasich's defense of taking the Medicaid money was absolutely a great defense. It could sell with Republican primary voters and it is terrific for a general election candidate."

Morning Joe Attacks Scott Walker: 'Flip-Flopping', Inauthentic

July 13th, 2015 11:44 AM
On Monday's Morning Joe, panelists Al Hunt, Mark Halperin, and Steve Schmidt discussed Scott Walker’s entry into the race for the 2016 Republican nomination. All three of them voiced concern about the Wisconsin governor and criticized him for “flip-flopping” and for supposedly being inauthentic. Bloomberg’s Hunt: “I think it's a question of authenticity. He has flipped on a number of issues. And…

Kathleen Parker Blasts Hillary’s ‘Inner Ayotollah’ Campaign Attitude

April 19th, 2015 12:15 PM
On Sunday’s Meet the Press, Washington Post columnist Kathleen Parker sharply criticized Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign rollout and insisted that “[s]he has to let this inner ayatollah get out of her head.”

Chuck Todd: Obama Could Start a 'Political War' on Immigration

November 6th, 2014 9:56 AM
NBC’s Chuck Todd recognized what even the President doesn’t seem to get. That the Republican landslide on Election Day should’ve “put an end” to Barack Obama acting alone on immigration reform via an executive order. 

Typical: 'Hardball' Features GOP Strategist Warning Party It Risks Los

July 1st, 2014 8:46 PM
You may recall how, on Monday's Hardball, guest Michelle Bernard held forth with her view that the Hobby Lobby ruling would help Democrats rope in massive numbers of women voters in the 2016 presidential cycle.  Well, tonight, perhaps to build on that theme, guest host Steve Kornacki moderated a discussion segment featuring Democratic pollster Margie Onero and McCain presidential campaign…

Chris Matthews Proudly States the ‘Thrill Up My Leg’ Came From Bar

December 13th, 2013 10:40 AM
During his 19-year tenure as host of the Hardball cable TV political talk show, Chris Matthews has made several mistakes, but the one he will probably be remembered for most was his 2008 off-the-cuff remark that “I felt this thrill going up my leg” while listening to a speech given by then-presidential candidate Barack Obama. Even though he has been razzed about it many times over the years…

MSNBC’s Richard Wolffe: Joe Scarborough, Steve Schmidt and Michael S

September 18th, 2013 6:31 PM
There was an interesting debate on Newsmax TV Tuesday between host Steve Malzberg and MSNBC’s Richard Wolffe. In it, the latter claimed that on his network, Joe Scarborough, former John McCain campaign manager Steve Schmidt, and former RNC chairman Michael Steele represent – wait for it! – conservative views (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Andrea Mitchell's Pro-Obama Syria Spin Too Much Even For Carville

September 12th, 2013 8:40 AM
How do you know when an MSM member is pushing pro-Obama spin to the absurd?  When even the most partisan of Dems, in the person of James Carville, can't stomach it. On today's Morning Joe, Andrea Mitchell, claiming that the world was "coalescing" around Obama's position on Syria, said that there was "a lot of optimism" surrounding the Obama team's negotiations with the Russians.  Mitchell…