Chris Matthews on Woody Harrelson in 'Game Change': 'It's the Role of

March 11th, 2012 12:16 PM
As NewsBusters has been reporting, Obama-loving media members have almost been orgasmic in their adoration for HBO's new Sarah Palin-bashing film "Game Change." Firmly on the bandwagon is Chris Matthews who on the syndicated program bearing his name this weekend actually said that Woody Harrelson's performance as McCain campaign manager Steve Schmidt is "the role of the century" (video…

'Game Change' Stars and Execs Gave $200K to Democrats, Zero to Republi

March 7th, 2012 7:04 PM
Days before HBO's anti-Republican propaganda film "Game Change" premieres, it has been revealed that the top stars and executives involved in the movie have given $200,000 to Democrats and liberal causes over the years. By contrast, according to the Hollywood Reporter, they've given exactly nothing to Republicans:

Matthews Accuses GOP Strategist on MSNBC Primary Coverage Panel of Bei

January 10th, 2012 9:17 PM
Chris Matthews on Tuesday accused a Republican strategist participating in MSNBC's New Hampshire primary coverage of being a Mitt Romney surrogate. Even more surprisingly, colleague Rachel Maddow quickly realized the absurdity of the accusation saying, "He's no surrogate" (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary):

Rachel Maddow Plugs and Re-Plugs McCain Aide Smearing Palin as 'Cuckoo

September 30th, 2011 8:32 AM
While the “nonfiction” writers have clearly sharpened their knives for Sarah Palin (and put “writers” in quotes if we’re talking Levi Johnston), the liberal media also can’t help but publicize smear-fiction of Palin. Case in point: Nicolle Wallace, the Palin-hating McCain aide, whose new novel smears Palin with a plot about a vice president who isn’t vetted well who’s exposed after the election…

Huh? Chris Matthews to Top McCain '08 Aide: 'We Were All Rooting for Y

September 29th, 2011 6:11 PM
Does Chris Matthews listen to himself talk? On Thursday's Hardball, the MSNBC anchor told top McCain '08 aide Steve Schmidt, "We were all rooting for you, by the way. And a lot of us in this business like John McCain a lot."     The cable anchor who famously informed America that Barack Obama gave him a "thrill" up his leg, added, "He didn't think we did and we were tough on him last time. I…

Bozell Column: The Media's Democrat Dialect

January 12th, 2010 10:36 PM

CBS’s Rodriguez Highlights Claim That Palin Didn’t Know History

January 11th, 2010 5:49 PM
While discussing Sunday’s 60 Minutes interview with former McCain campaign adviser Steve Schmidt on Monday’s CBS Early Show, co-host Maggie Rodriguez asked Face the Nation host Bob Schieffer about the claim that Palin knew little of modern history: “Schmidt, last week tells 60 Minutes that she didn’t know anything....that included World War I, World War II, the Korean War, the Cold War.”Rodriguez…

CBS Distributed ‘Inside Edition’ Hypes Sarah Palin Debate Prep

January 11th, 2010 4:01 PM
On Monday’s Inside Edition, distributed by CBS, host Deborah Norville cited Sunday’s 60 Minutes interview with McCain campaign adviser Steve Schmidt and proclaimed: “‘A debacle of historic and epic proportions.’ That’s how a former McCain campaign strategist is describing Sarah Palin’s performance as the Governor prepared for the vice presidential debate.”Norville conveniently left out Schmidt’s…

CBS Early Show Touts Palin-Bashing '60 Minutes' Interview With McCain

January 8th, 2010 11:32 AM
Friday’s CBS Early Show previewed an upcoming "60 Minutes" interview with former McCain campaign adviser Steve Schmidt as co-host Harry Smith declared: “John McCain’s former top adviser comes out swinging and tells "60 minutes" Sarah Palin often struggled with straight talk.” A clip was played of Schmidt claiming “there were numerous instances” when Palin “said things that were not accurate.”Co-…

Al Gore Advised Google About 'Search Quality

October 15th, 2009 9:53 PM
Former Vice President Al Gore a few years ago advised Internet behemoth Google about "aspects of search quality."Such was reported by the New Yorker in its October 12 issue (subscription required). By themselves, the following paragraphs from this 6500-word piece don't mean much.However, given the ongoing concerns about Google's political leanings and how its search algorithms might be…

ABC Highlights Republicans Questioning Conservative Social Views

April 20th, 2009 12:11 AM
ABC’s World News programs on Friday and Sunday highlighted "frank comments by Republicans" who indicated either an admission to having reservations over, or who called on a reversal of, the Republican party’s conservative stance on social issues. On Friday, Charles Gibson informed viewers that Sarah Palin confessed before a pro-life group to having briefly wondered about having an abortion after…

What About Williams? Vieira Claims Only Blogs Went After Palin Family

September 5th, 2008 8:31 AM
Hard to believe, but Meredith Vieira is apparently not a regular NewsBusters reader.  The Today co-anchor would otherwise have avoided an embarrassing lapse.  On Today this morning, Vieira claimed that it was only "blogs" that went after Sarah Palin's family matters.  That left her vulnerable to McCain senior adviser Steve Schmidt's zinger, pointing out that one of her own network's anchors had…