Here We Go Again; NBC's Wolffe Claims GOP Criticism of Susan Rice Raci

November 27th, 2012 4:18 PM
It’s one thing for a leftist pundit to appear on MSNBC and smear Republicans as racist and bigoted.  It’s another when the editor of, a supposedly professional journalist, joins the ranks of liberal pundits slamming the GOP for its criticism of U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice’s comments following the attack on our Embassy in Benghazi.  Appearing on Tuesday’s NOW with Alex Wagner, Wolffe…

Klein Gobbles Obama's Benghazi Talking Points 'Like Thanksgiving Turke

November 26th, 2012 9:00 AM
At the end of Joe Klein's stupefying defense of Susan Rice and the Obama admin's misinformation campaign on the Benghazi outrage on today's Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough asked Time's Klein whether President Obama had invited him to play golf, "because you are just gobbling up the talking points like Thanksgiving turkey." H/t NB reader Carmel. Here were some of Klein's astounding assertions:…

Washington Post Suspects Racism In GOP Opposition To Rice Nomination

November 23rd, 2012 10:05 AM
As I wrote this morning to the NewsBusters editor who alerted me to the Washington Post's editorial, "The GOP’s bizarre attack on Susan Rice," I don't read WaPo much, but somehow assume they're not quite as extreme as the New York Times." Silly me, judging by WaPo's ugly, over-the-top opinion item. Here's the ugly last paragraph from today's editorial: "Could it be, as members of the…

Leno: 'Petraeus's Mistress Had More Information About Benghazi Than Su

November 21st, 2012 10:38 AM
Jay Leno continued his comedic assault on the White House Tuesday. During the opening monologue of NBC's Tonight Show, the host said David Petraeus's mistress Paula Broadwell had more information about Benghazi than United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Soledad O'Brien Tees Up Clyburn to Identify Racial Code In GOP Opposit

November 20th, 2012 11:53 AM
CNN's Soledad O'Brien teed up Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.) to pick out the "code words" in GOP opposition to Susan Rice's nomination to Secretary of State, on Tuesday morning's Starting Point. "Would you agree with what she's saying that there's a racial or a sexist component to a lot of these comments?" O'Brien asked, quoting the incoming chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC). "…

Morning Joe Rips 'Old White Guy' Republicans For Going After 'Younger

November 20th, 2012 9:37 AM
From Joe Scarborough to John Heilemann, Katty Kay to Mark Halperin to Willie Geist, it was unanimous on today's Morning Joe.  Whatever the substance, whatever the policy, Republicans would be making a massive political mistake by opposing the possible nomination of Susan Rice as Secretary of State. Summed up Scarborough the MJ zeitgeist: "do a bunch of old white guys want to make their first…

MSNBC's Richard Wolffe Smears McCain as a Bigot: 'There's No Other Way

November 19th, 2012 6:27 PM
Former top Newsweek journalist and current editor Richard Wolffe on Monday smeared Senator John McCain as a racist. According to Wolffe, there's no legitimate reason for the Republican to oppose Susan Rice's confirmation for Secretary of State. Appearing on Hardball, the journalist sneered that it was "outrageous" the way McCain was acting, raging against "this witch hunt going on the…

On Front Page, NYT's Mark Landler Shields 'Stand-in...Bystander' Susan

November 19th, 2012 4:45 PM
On Sunday's front page, New York Times reporter Mark Landler took the heat off United Nations ambassador Susan ("stand-in...bystander") Rice for her media tour spreading false statements about what happened in Benghazi, Libya, where four Americans were murdered by terrorists. Rice went on the Sunday shows after the terrorist attack and falsely suggested that the outburst was spontaneous,…

Maddow's Bizarre Defense of Susan Rice: McCain, Not Rice, Offers 'Made

November 17th, 2012 3:35 PM
As she moved into an interview with former Obama spokesman Bill Burton on Wednesday night, Rachel Maddow claimed it was somehow insane to resist the idea of Susan Rice being the next Secretary of State after Rice lied on five Sunday shows about Benghazi. Maddow claimed somehow John McCain was the one inventing Benghazi stories: "But if it's made-up -- like the John McCain crusade against Susan…

Politico's Simon: McCain Picked Palin But Won't Vote For Rice - 'That

November 17th, 2012 2:11 PM
The liberal media cheerleading for United Nations ambassador Susan Rice to become Secretary of State despite her repeated claims that September's attack on our consulate in Libya were a reaction to an anti-Muslim video are becoming nauseating. On PBS's Inside Washington Friday, Politico's Roger Simon actually said, "John McCain named Sarah Palin to be a heartbeat away from the presidency but…

Soledad O'Brien Grills Republican Over Susan Rice, But Lets Democrat O

November 15th, 2012 3:45 PM
Showing an obvious double standard, CNN's Soledad O'Brien asked a GOP congressman whether Republicans were hypocritical for opposing Susan Rice's potential candidacy for Secretary of State, but she failed to ask tough questions of a Democratic congressman about Rice's qualifications. O'Brien insisted that although some Republicans are opposing Susan Rice's candidacy because she circulated…

Krauthammer: 'Why the Hell' Would Obama Have Rice Address Benghazi If

November 14th, 2012 7:43 PM
President Obama at Wednesday's press conference defended United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice from criticism concerning the four Americans killed in Libya in September by claiming she "had nothing to do with Benghazi." This led syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer to ask on Fox News's Special Report hours later, "Then why the hell are you sending her out" to inform the public about what…

NBC: Obama Defending Susan Rice's Phony Benghazi Story Like A 'Dramati

November 14th, 2012 5:32 PM
Following President Obama's Wednesday afternoon press conference, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams continued his longtime obsession with the liberal fantasy film The American President and his eagerness to compare Obama to Michael Douglas's fictional presidential character: "...the President today almost conjuring the wording of Aaron Sorkin from the movie American President, as will be…

CBS Pummels McCain; Rushes to Susan Rice's Defense Over Refuted Bengha

November 14th, 2012 5:22 PM
Charlie Rose and Norah O'Donnell took turns hammering Senator John McCain on Wednesday's CBS This Morning over his promise to block any potential nomination of Susan Rice to be secretary of state. Rose grilled McCain after the Republican slammed Rice for blaming a "spontaneous" mob for the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi: "Didn't Susan Rice say that...all the information was not in,…