CNN Batters Joe Walsh, But Dem Opponent Gets Much Softer Treatment

July 6th, 2012 7:09 PM
Is CNN campaigning for Rep. Joe Walsh's Democratic opponent? In a heated exchange with Walsh on Thursday, anchor Ashleigh Banfield rattled off a list of opponent Tammy Duckworth's accomplishments and admitted "she should get elected" if voters are pleased with her resume. CNN gave much softer treatment to Duckworth on Friday. Host Wolf Blitzer did press her about controversial statements she…

Will Media Report Reid Pressuring Blago Not To Pick Black Senators

January 3rd, 2009 12:43 PM
Imagine for a moment the Senate was currently controlled by Republicans, and the white male majority leader advised Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich not to pick a black candidate to fill president-elect Barack Obama's vacated seat instead pressuring the governor to choose between two white candidates, do you think this would get some media attention?Probably every hour on the hour until the white…

Obama Busted on His 'No Contact' Statement? Oh, I Think So (UPDATE: Ac

December 10th, 2008 1:59 PM
Note -- A related November 5 story at KHAQ in advance of the Obama-Blago meeting that is no longer available at KHAQ's site is here at my web host. It has been taken down from the related web site, and I believe its Google cache has also been removed.(original post follows)Yes indeed (content at original link was deleted; current link is to copy at my web host; HT to an e-mailer, who tells me…