
SNL Predicts 2017 Doomsday: ‘Probably Never Be Another Christmas Eve'

December 19th, 2016 2:49 PM
This weekend, with Christmas and the meeting of the Electoral College just around the corner, SNL released three aptly timed and culturally relevant sketches. As per usual, the videos glorified Obama, bashed Trump and intimated that catastrophe will strike on January 21. 

NBC's Todd: Did GOP Provoke Russian Hacking by Calling Obama 'Soft'?

December 19th, 2016 12:17 AM
On Sunday, NBC Meet the Press host Chuck Todd displayed the ability for some on the left to blame Republicans for anything. During a discussion of the recent hackings from Russia that were revealed months before the presidential election, Todd asked former Bush and Obama Defense Secretary Robert Gates if Republican critics of President Obama actually provoked the hackings by accusing Obama of…

NYT Wakes Up to Russia Threat With 8,000-Word 'Hacking the Democrats'

December 14th, 2016 2:19 PM
After its favored candidate lost the presidential election in shocking fashion, the New York Times is suddenly wide awake to the threat posed by Russia. It devoted 8,000 words and Wednesday’s front page to “Hacking The Democrats – How Russia Honed its Cyberpower and Trained It on an American Election.” The accompanying photo of the filing cabinet broken into during Watergate made it clear the…

NBC Fears Tillerson Will Enrich Putin: ‘Kremlin Couldn’t Be Happier’

December 13th, 2016 9:55 PM
It appeared that NBC sharpened its claws in preparation for NBC Nightly News on Tuesday, as the network sent Richard Engel to Russia. The reporter was there to find dirt on President-elect Donald Trump’s pick for Secretary of State, ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson. “I'm Richard Engel in Moscow, where the Kremlin couldn't be happier with the way Trump's cabinet is shaping up, especially with Rex…

NYT’s Rutenberg, in Panic, Warns of Putin-Style Thuggery Dawning

December 6th, 2016 4:19 PM
We’re just a few steps away from Putin-style reign in America under the Trump regime, New York Times media reporter Jim Rutenberg implied in his “Mediator” column on the front of Monday’s Business Day: “From Russia Comes a Warning for Americans.” Rutenberg used Tolokonnikova, who has also attacked Trump, to make dubious parallels between the Russian media situation and America’s: “ an…

Keith Olbermann: President-Elect Donald Trump's Behavior 'Not Normal'

November 18th, 2016 5:01 PM
Just when we thought we'd heard the last from Keith Olbermann, the former MSNBC bomb-thrower has created an online video series for GQ magazine entitled The Resistance, in which the former sportscaster and political commentator is lashing out at President-Elect Donald Trump as “the man who was elected by a minority” whose actions are “not normal.” The fire-breathing pundit also targeted former…

‘Late Show’ Denigrates Bible, Jokes Pence Is Gay Giving Putin Blowjobs

October 5th, 2016 2:03 AM
As it did for the first presidential debate, CBS’s Late Show was live again on Tuesday night to comment on the vice presidential debate as host Stephen Colbert denigrated the Bible with a fake verse about Indiana pizza parlors and crudely joking that Republican nominee Mike Pence is gay giving blowjobs to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

TNR Writer Contrasts ‘Unflappable’ Obama, ‘Useful Idiot’ Trump

September 30th, 2016 11:51 PM
There’s been a lot of talk in the past few days about “presidential temperament,” and where that quality is concerned, Brian Beutler firmly believes that President Obama has the right stuff. In a Friday piece, Beutler lauded Obama’s "unflappable" performance at CNN’s military-themed presidential town hall Wednesday at Fort Lee in Virginia. By contrast, Beutler opined, Donald Trump "lost his…

WashPost Hillary Conspiracy Theory: Putin and/or Trump Poisoned Her

September 14th, 2016 7:57 AM
Neal Gabler, who for decades has claimed that the press is consistently biased — against the left! — typed up a 1,000-word screed which appeared at Reuters Tuesday afternoon decrying what he described as "sub-news," and how it has been irresponsibly "driving the (Hillary) Clinton health rumors." Gabler describes "sub-news" as "a pipeline of effluvium that flows beneath the mainstream news and…

Hemingway Tackles Media’s Pathetic Double Standard on Russia

September 10th, 2016 1:07 PM
The Federalist senior editor and 2015 Noel Sheppard Media Blogger of the Year Award recipient Mollie Heminway was at it again on Friday with a masterful takedown of the media for their double standard in mocking Mitt Romney’s warning about Russia in 2012 but expressing alarm in 2016 at Donald Trump’s infatuation with the oppressive country and their president in Vladimir Putin.

CBS Hounds Conway on Trump's Foreign Policy; Touts Kaine on Race

September 9th, 2016 4:48 PM
CBS This Morning's hosts badgered Trump surrogate Kellyanne Conway on Friday over the billionaire's recent praise for Vladmir Putin, the Iraq War, his appearance on Larry King's show on Russia's state-run RT network, and North Korea's nuclear program. By contrast, the anchors went much easier on Democratic V.P. nominee Tim Kaine. They spent seven minutes out of eleven playing up his record on…

Media Yawn After Democratic Senator Claims Trump, Putin Founded ISIS

August 15th, 2016 7:02 PM
During yesterday morning's edition of Fox News Sunday, host Mike Wallace asked Senator Claire McCaskill from Missouri if Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton should share “some responsibility” for the rise of ISIS (the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) since she was serving as President Barack Obama's secretary of state when the terrorist organization was founded. The Democratic…

Does NY Times Owe Romney Apology on Russia Mockery?

July 27th, 2016 12:32 PM
Night 2 of Democratic Convention coverage: A New York Times reporter referred to the Clintons’ “very rich and complicated relationship,” the “historic” card was played nonstop, and the editorial page owes Mitt Romney an apology on Russia. The reporters weren’t particularly thrilled with Bill Clinton’s speech, but one reporter still found a euphemism for Bill Clinton's personal sex scandals,…

NBC Uses Assad Interview to Harp on Trump's Inexperience, Muslim Ban

July 14th, 2016 7:34 PM
NBC News foreign correspondent Bill Neely interviewed Syrian President and brutal dictator Bashar Al-Assad that began airing on Wednesday night and, somehow, large portions of the hour-long special were dedicated to harping on Donald Trump’s candidacy, if his lack of foreign policy experience concerned Assad and if his Muslim ban hurt his feelings.