ABC's Bianna Golodryga Wages Class Warfare on 'Super Rich

May 19th, 2008 5:49 PM
On Friday's "Nightline," ABC reporter Bianna Golodryga filed a segment on the "super rich" who are untainted by the tough economic times and once again highlighted left-wing investor Warren Buffett's calls for more taxation. Without ever labeling Buffett as liberal (he has endorsed Democrat Barack Obama for president), Golodryga cheerfully proclaimed that the billionaire is "concerned about the…

Media ♥ Warren Buffett-style Populism

December 11th, 2007 2:39 PM

ABC Gushes Over 'Robin Hood' Buffett; Pleads for Higher Taxes

November 15th, 2007 12:58 PM
ABC's "Good Morning America" devolved into outright advocacy on Thursday as the morning program openly lobbied for more taxes, misled viewers about how much the wealthy pay and passed off an economic advisor to Hillary Clinton's 2008 campaign as an impartial observer. Correspondent Bianna Golodryga filed a report on liberal billionaire Warren Buffett and his assertion that he pays a lower…

Media Darling Warren Buffett Barks Up Estate Tax Tree

November 14th, 2007 11:44 AM
The billionaire-turned-populist beloved by the media is in Washington telling Congress to keep taxes high. Warren Buffett, ranked as the 21st most influential liberal in the United States by the Telegraph (U.K.), appeared before the Senate Finance Committee November 14 to make his case against the repeal of the estate tax. And he used a very abnormal circumstance as his evidence.Leona Helmsley, a…

Brokaw Laments Too-Low Taxes on Rich: 'A Fundamental Injustice

October 30th, 2007 9:58 AM
A billionaire and a receptionist walk into an IRS bar. They each order a beer. The IRS bartender charges the receptionist $2.50 and the billionaire $2,260. Who got undercharged? If you're Warren Buffett or Tom Brokaw, the answer is . . . the billionaire.As NB Editor Brent Baker has noted, the NBC Nightly News "decided Monday night to base a story on a four-year-old contention by a professor…

NBC Frets Over Income Gap, Touts Advocate for Higher Taxes on Rich

October 30th, 2007 4:00 AM
Without a peg to anything in the news, NBC decided Monday night to base a story on a four-year-old contention by a professor that the middle class is worse off now than in the 1970s, followed by a piece promoting Warren Buffett's claim the rich don't pay enough in taxes. In fact, the federal income tax system remains quite progressive. “Not fair,” Brian Williams teased with matching text on…