Zell Miller

FLASHBACK: Zell Miller Challenges Chris Matthews to a Duel
March 23rd, 2018 4:30 PM
Sad news today, as former Democratic Senator Zell Miller passed away. But here at NewsBusters we choose to honor the Senator from Georgia – who wasn’t afraid to go against progressives in his own party – with a fond memory of him challenging Chris Matthews to a duel. That’s right, a duel. The back-and-forth took place during the 2004 Republican National Convention, where Miller was scheduled to…
CNN’s Roberts: In 2004, Zell Miller ‘Set His Hair on Fire and Ran
August 26th, 2008 8:08 PM
CNN American Morning co-host John Roberts took a gratuitous shot Tuesday at former Democratic Senator Zell Miller, who a lot of liberals haven’t forgiven for delivering the keynote address at the last Republican convention in 2004. After a guest observed that Republican Jim Leach on Monday “did not give a compelling speech compared to say Zell Miller,” Roberts snarkily observed: “Well, Zell set…
Olbermann Hypocritically Linked McCain to Bin Laden, But Decried Anti
June 18th, 2008 1:05 AM
When Georgia Republicans ran an ad against former Senator Max Cleland, which included a photograph of Osama bin Laden, attacking the Democratic Senator's numerous votes to apply labor union rules to the Homeland Security Department, liberals were outraged as they claimed the ad was an attack on the "patriotism" of war hero Cleland. MSNBC host Keith Olbermann expressed outrage by mentioning the…
'Hardball' Matthews Shows Soft Side; John Kerry, Super-Bore
October 4th, 2007 6:49 PM
The fellow synonymous with "Hardball" showed his soft side today. Interviewed by his wife to help mark the show's 10th anniversary and promote his new book, "Life's a Campaign,"Chris Matthews was frequently emotional as he talked about everything from his heroes [including JFK, Churchill and Hemingway], his drinking days and his admiration for John McCain's patriotism.In contrast, Kathleen…