Andy Shallal

WashPost Smoothes All the Edginess of Muslim Radical Leftist Running f
February 4th, 2014 8:05 AM
In Tuesday’s Washington Post, political reporter Aaron C. Davis promoted radical Iraqi-American Muslim restaurant owner Anas “Andy” Shallal in his dark-horse campaign for mayor of Washington. The headline on the front page of Metro for this “scientist turned poet, painter, activist, and multi-millionaire restaurateur” was simply “Novice making unconventional bid.”
Shallal wasn’t a radical,…

WaPo Sunday Magazine Cover Story Promotes Radical Restaurant Owner Who
December 11th, 2011 7:23 AM
The cover story of Sunday’s Washington Post magazine is a supportive profile of radical-left activist “mogul” Andy Shallal, who now owns a series of “Busboys and Poets” restaurants in the D.C area. He is best known recently for being the enthusiastic sponsor of Weather Underground bomber Bill Ayers in his D.C. appearance days after the 2008 election.
But the Post’s puffy title for Shallal on…