Anne Barnard

NY Times Hails Cultish Extinction Rebellion Protests as 'Worth a Try'
October 9th, 2019 7:30 PM
Extinction Rebellion, a burgeoning radical group of self-proclaimed environmentalists, that originated in England in the summer of 2018, now has a following among the hard left in America, as they do the usual left-wing protest things, like disrupting the commutes of ordinary people trying to get through the day. In two reportesr the New York Times blandly took notes on the truly bizarre, End…

NY Times Thrilled With Kid Climate Crusade: Send Us Your Protest Pics!
September 20th, 2019 12:48 PM
Schoolkids around the world are cutting class Friday for the “climate,” and the New York Times is very excited (so much for the value of education). The editorial page was especially hyped up, issuing a call online for protest sign pictures: “Are You Going to the Climate Protest? We Want to See Your Sign! -- We want to share young people’s illustrations and videos with the world.” Thursday’s lead…

NYT Heralded Phony Memoir on NYC's 'Retrograde,' Anti-Feminist Women
June 8th, 2015 8:45 AM
Primates of Park Avenue is a new memoir by Wednesday Martin that purports to examine and explain the preposterously well-off women of the Upper East Side of Manhattan, much like Jane Goodall studied chimpanzees. Martin's prominent pre-publication essay in the New York Times mocked those "poor little rich women" for betraying feminism by being "dependent and comparatively disempowered." Times…
Peculiar: New York Times Reporters Stick Up for Hamas on Social Media
August 12th, 2014 7:55 AM
As a 72-hour ceasefire takes hold in Israel, New York Times Gaza-based reporters remain locked in a peculiar moral equivalency between Israel and the terrorist group Hamas bent on the nation's destruction, with reporters taking pains on social media and television to stick up for Hamas, dismissing the idea of Hamas harassment of journalists as "nonsense," and even criticizing Hillary Clinton…
NYT Hits 'Dehumanization' of Palestinians, Ignores Years of 'Apes, Pig
July 21st, 2014 10:47 AM
Jerusalem bureau chief Jodi Rudoren's front-page Monday story, "In the Battleground of Words, Hatred and Muddied Reality," strived for a tone of equal blame and moral equivalency, dubious enough when talking about a war started by the anti-Israel terrorist group Hamas.
Yet Rudoren clearly slanted against Israel in her unbalanced condemnations of rhetoric vs. reality in the region, claiming…

More Miserable Anti-Israel Bias from the New York Times
July 18th, 2014 7:23 AM
The New York Times' coverage of the ongoing situation in Israel, which began with the kidnapping and murder of three Israeli teenagers, continued this past week to be marked by intense anti-Israel bias in tone and labeling, and overwhelming emotionalism over the deaths of Palestinian civilians in the crossfire (Israeli deaths from terrorism rarely if ever merited such heart-felt treatment).…