Annie Gowen

WashPost Boosts Slam of Jindal: 'There's Not Much Indian Left'
June 23rd, 2015 4:21 PM
On Tuesday, the Washington Post promoted an article touting how "many" supposedly view Bobby Jindal as "a man who has spent a lifetime distancing himself from his Indian roots" by Tweeting a professor's eyebrow-raising claim about the Louisiana governor: "There's not much Indian left in Bobby Jindal." In Wednesday's newspaper, that quote served as the big headline on page A-9.
Few Show Up for Occupier Anniversary, But WashPost Pretends It's Signi
October 2nd, 2012 7:22 AM
The Washington Post proved on Tuesday that it will promote “Occupy DC” protests as real “news events” no matter how poor the turnout. “About 50 protesters took to the streets waving signs, chanting and singing,” wrote the Post’s Annie Gowen. “They were trailed by a large cadre of D.C. police, in vans, on foot and on Segways, who obligingly shut down streets for them.”
And the Post obligingly…
WaPo Hails How 'Occupiers Confront Seats of Power,' Buries Assault Arr
January 18th, 2012 12:11 PM
Yesterday's "Occupy Congress" push by the Occupy D.C. protesters resulted in four arrests at the U.S. Capitol and a lockdown at the White House after someone lobbed "an object similar to a smoke bomb" over the White House fence.
If such disturbing incidents accompanied a Tea Party protest, the harsh reaction by the Washington Post would be predictable and, indeed, to an extent justifiable.…

The Hot (Sex) Occupy Story: WaPo Tells of Protester 'Cuddle Puddles' a
January 9th, 2012 6:56 AM
The cold weather may have really cut into the crowds "occupying" two public spaces in the nation's capital, but The Washington Post doesn't care about crowd size. It's still publicizing some sort of protest juggernaut, like a ski resort manufactures snow when none has fallen. The Post's Sunday front page was dominated by the headline "LOVE AMID THE TENTS." The biggest "news" of the day was…

WaPo's Gowen Hits Hard at Kansas Governor Sam Brownback's First Year i
December 23rd, 2011 12:01 AM
In her profile of Kansas Governor Sam Brownback on Wednesday, the Washington Post's Annie Gowen went through the predictable leftist checklist of things that should supposedly cause the rest of America not to like him. A state taken over by "tea party fervor"? Check. "Slashed" funding for "schools, social services and the arts"? Check. Imply that his predecessor, radical proabort and ObamaCare…
WaPo Sees 'Anti-Muslim' Sentiment in Opposition to Tennessee Mosque; R
August 23rd, 2010 11:45 PM
"Nowhere near Ground Zero, but no more welcome: Outcry over mosque proposals in Tennessee and elsewhere could be a sign of rising anti-Muslim sentiment across the country."With those words, the front page headline* and subheader for an August 23 Washington Post story by Annie Gowen conflated the controversy over the Ground Zero mosque with opposition to other mosques across the fruited plain,…