Globe's Linskey at It Again: ‘Critics’ Say Trump ‘Bigoted, Dangerous'

July 9th, 2018 10:10 PM
The front page of Monday’s Boston Globe once again featured a hostile anti-Trump story by Annie Linskey, who saw racism in every turn of phrase and policy decision: “Trump's joy ride on a third rail: President turning caustic racial comments into policy.” Linskey showed no journalistic skepticism before tying every policy or idea Trump supports into one seamless racist garment.

Boston Globe: Trump Hits on Warren 'Double Scoop of Misogyny, Racism'

July 7th, 2018 11:06 AM
The Boston Globe, which can make the New York Times look reasonable and moderate, pushed back ferociously against President Trump’s mockery of local hero Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, a potential Democratic rival to Trump in 2020, accusing the president in an online headline of woman-hating and racism. The front page of Saturday’s paper featured reporter Annie Linskey’s attack: “With…

Matthews: E-Mails Are 'Great' Showing 'Intelligence' of Clinton Aides

October 13th, 2016 8:53 PM
Somehow trying to spin the Wikileaks document dumps from the e-mail account of Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta as a positive, MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews ruled on Thursday night that “what I found great about it from the Clinton side was the intelligence of the people inside” in their self-evaluation of their candidate’s messaging.

Boston Globe Reporter Coos at 'Wonderful and Refreshing' Sanders Ideas

August 13th, 2015 10:36 PM
On Wednesday night’s edition of The Rachel Maddow Show, Boston Globe national political reporter Annie Linskey sounded just like a writer from The People’s Republic of Massaschusetts, employing the words “wonderful and refreshing” to describe Bernie Sanders preaching the old-time religion of socialist reform. Fill-in MSNBC host Ari Melber was asking about how Democratic front-runner Hillary…

WaPo Buries Opposition to Tuition Bill; Baltimore Sun Paints GOP Criti

May 11th, 2011 11:24 AM
Yesterday liberal Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley (D) signed into law a measure allowing illegal immigrants to pay in-state tuition rates at public colleges and universities. Covering the story today, the Washington Post offered this bland print edition headline on page B1: "O'Malley signs bill allowing immigrant tuition breaks." The move "bucks trend in other states" and a "showdown…

Labeling Bias from Balt Sun: 'Ehrlich Wants Tax Cuts; O'Malley Wants M

October 29th, 2010 3:08 PM
Liberal Democrats love to couch increased government spending as "investments." It's smart political marketing, but it's a less-than-truthful spin on what government spending is or does. When's the last time you got a dividend check from your state government giving you your share of the "profit" from a road or bridge project? But it's when journalists buy into that spin that we at…

BaltSun Names Indicted Mayor's Party Affiliation... In Last Paragraph

November 23rd, 2009 12:52 PM
Twelve days ago I noted how the Baltimore Sun failed to mention indicted Mayor Sheila Dixon's Democratic Party affiliation in a story about an embezzlement trial. The mayor stands accused of misappropriating gift cards intended for poor Baltimoreans. Instead of making sure the donated retail gift cards got into the hands of needy folks, Dixon is alleged to have used them for her own personal…

Baltimore Sun: New Indictments of Dem Mayor Dixon 'Blow to Baltimore's

August 3rd, 2009 3:47 PM
New indictments on theft and perjury charges handed down against Democratic Mayor Sheila Dixon are a “blow to Baltimore’s pride” leading “political watchers” to huff in disgust that it’s time to “get this over with,” reports Annie Linskey this morning at course almost all of the political watchers quoted in the story – the exception being University of Virginia’s Larry J.…

Name That Party, Baltimore Edition; Brief Running in WaPo Leaves Out

January 8th, 2009 11:29 AM
If ever there was a new year's resolution the mainstream media could take up, it would be to note the party affiliation of indicted politicians regardless of their political party and especially when noting indictments in urban areas where one party holds a monopoly on city government. Take for example a January 8 Baltimore Sun article running on page B4 of the same day's Washington Post*, that…