CBS's Harry Smith: GOP On 'Fool's Errand' of 'Dismantling Health Care

January 3rd, 2011 12:50 PM
Filling in for Bob Schieffer on Sunday's Face the Nation, CBS's Harry Smith grilled Minnesota Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann on Republican efforts to repeal ObamaCare: "One of the things the Tea Party has talked about is dismantling health care. And we're wondering if, in the end of the day, that ends up being a fool's will face a certain veto. Is it worth the effort to try to do…

CBS: Letting Americans Keep Their Own Money = 'Holiday Gift' From Cong

December 17th, 2010 11:56 AM
On Friday's CBS Early Show, congressional correspondent Nancy Cordes reported on the passage of legislation to extend current tax rates and described it as: "an early holiday gift for every American taxpayer." She pointed out how "The cost of all that led 112 Democrats and 36 Republicans to vote no."   Moments later, she falsely claimed: "The bill also cuts the estate tax rate from 45% in…

CNN: Conservative Guests are 'Controversial;' No Labels for Liberals

November 16th, 2010 2:01 PM
CNN, whose new ad claims that they "keep them all honest, without playing favorites," actually played favorites on Monday's Parker-Spitzer. Hosts Kathleen Parker and Eliot Spitzer failed to give ideological labels to their liberal guests, while clearly identifying Tim Phillips as being president of "Americans for Prosperity, a right-wing group" and labeling Bjorn Lomborg a "controversial author…

Rep. Weiner's Anti-Goldline/Beckophobia Crusade Falls Flat

September 24th, 2010 4:32 PM
An organization once headed by former Obama administration official Van Jones tried it. Other so-called grassroots organizations have given it a shot. Now Rep. Anthony Weiner, D-N.Y., with the power of Congress in tow, has taken his best shot to shut Glenn Beck down. But so far it isn’t really working. On Sept. 23, Weiner called a representative from Santa Monica, Calif.-based Goldline to…

Scarborough to Rep. Weiner on 9/11 Responders Controversy: 'You're Not

August 11th, 2010 6:07 PM
Love him or hate him as a "conservative," MSNBC host Joe Scarborough just showed he hasn't been completely brainwashed at his network. On his Aug. 11 program, Scarborough demonstrated just how thin the veil is over the parlor tricks going on with in the U.S. House of Representatives controlled by Democratic Speaker Nancy Pelosi. At the center of this was the back-and-forth between Reps. Peter…

Unrepentant Weiner: People at Fox News 'Make Millions Acting Angry Whe

August 2nd, 2010 8:43 AM
Of all networks to go on to accuse Fox News hosts of faux anger, Anthony Weiner chose MSNBC.  You know, MSNBC--home to Ed Schultz, who into his mid-40s was a Republican, and who described himself as a "fresh conservative voice" in seeking a GOP congressional nomination.  MSNBC.  Keith Olbermann's hang-out, the man whose stagey histrionics have made him a laughingstock even at his sister network'…

ABC and NBC Showcase Weiner’s Anti-GOP Scream-Fest Expressing ‘the

July 31st, 2010 2:37 PM
Democratic New York Congressman Anthony Weiner’s theatrical temper tantrum rant on the House floor Thursday night, against supposed Republican obstructionism, animated cable news on Friday and Friday night ABC and NBC elevated it to legitimate news as they imputed great meaning to it as genuine frustration with congressional gridlock. ABC anchor Diane Sawyer announced:Every now and then, someone…

The Golden Witch Hunt: Left-Wing, Mainstream Media Target Gold Adverti

July 28th, 2010 7:27 PM
Gold has been a highly valued commodity going at least as far back as the ancient Egyptian culture in 2600 BC. But now, with economic instability and uncertainty over the health of major global currencies, the demand for gold has risen as a store of value and a hedge against inflation. Over the past 12 months, the price of gold has gone up dramatically - up 25 percent from July 2009 (from $929…

Liberals Lambast Beck's Connections to Gold Dealers, Ignore Colossal N

May 19th, 2010 2:41 PM
A far-left Democratic congressman is accusing conservative commentators of improperly -- perhaps illegally -- conspiring with advertisers to shill for their products under the guise of political opinion. The accusers, however, conveniently ignore liberal commentators that do virtually the same thing, only on a far larger scale.Rep. Anthony Weiner released a report yesterday alleging that Goldline…

Congressman Calls 'Fox & Friends' Liars, O'Donnell Thanks Him

March 3rd, 2010 2:19 PM
More and more it's becoming clear that when Keith Olbermann takes a night off from "Countdown," and Lawrence O'Donnell fills in for him, viewers are getting the same hyperpartisan, hate-filled Democrat talking points.Consider the reaction that Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) got from O'Donnell Tuesday evening after the Congressman called the folks at "Fox & Friends" liars earlier in the day."…

Matthews: Change Constitution To Make Senate More Democratic - And Pas

December 17th, 2009 11:55 PM
Chris Matthews asked a New York Congressman Thursday if we should "change the Constitution to make the Senate a more democratic body."At issue of course was the difficulty Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) is having getting 60 Democrats to sign on to any version of a healthcare reform bill.Clearly getting frustrated by this, Matthews on Thursday's "Hardball" asked Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-…

MSNBC's Ratigan Shouts Down Conservative Guest, 24 Hours After Lamenti

October 6th, 2009 4:32 PM
An interesting, yet little known fact about goldfish:  The average goldfish has a memory of approximately one to three months, depending on the stimuli used to train it.Dylan Ratigan, former CNBC co-host and current MSNBC desk jockey, has a shorter memory than a goldfish.As the MRC’s Tim Graham noted just yesterday, it is an odd thing when MSNBC hosts wish for more civility in political dialogue…