Zero Air Time on CBS Evening News For Latest Weiner Sex Scandal

July 24th, 2013 1:10 PM
CBS Evening News stood out among the Big Three evening newscasts on Tuesday in their failure to cover former Rep. Anthony Weiner's admission that he sent lewd text messages even after his resignation in 2011. The CBS show apparently deemed the British royal family's new baby, the doping scandal in baseball, and whale watching to be more important news items. ABC's World News and NBC Nightly…

ABC Fails to Identify Scandal-Marred Weiner as a Democrat

July 24th, 2013 12:51 PM
Despite devoting three segments to Anthony Weiner's latest sexually explicit photos and texts, Good Morning America on Wednesday failed to identify the New York politician as a Democrat. Instead, an ABC graphic simply called him a "mayoral candidate" for office. The previous evening's World News deemed Weiner a "former congressman" and a "mayoral candidate." Reporter Jeff Zeleny delicately…

Joe Scarborough: Anthony Weiner is 'Chuck Yeager of Sex Scandals

July 24th, 2013 12:33 PM
Appearing on Wednesday's NBC Today, MSNBC Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough made a strange analogy while discussing the latest Anthony Weiner sex scandal: "You know, let's just say he is the Chuck Yeager of sex scandals, he is constantly pushing the envelope, and breaking – I mean this is like The Right Stuff for sex scandals. Nobody has ever been here before, he is in new ground, new territory…

'Morning Joe' Spends Hour on Weiner Scandal, Never Once Calls Him a 'D

July 24th, 2013 11:57 AM
MSNBC’s Morning Joe spent nearly half of their Wednesday program covering the latest revelations in the Anthony Weiner scandal, yet never once mentioned that the disgraced former congressman and New York City mayoral candidate is a Democrat. The panel was extremely critical of Weiner and his candidacy, but apparently did not consider the candidate’s political affiliation to be of any importance…

Real Weiner News: He Kept in Contact With Sexting Partner Until Month

July 23rd, 2013 7:50 PM
For some reason, press reports I've seen thus far dealing with revelations that disgraced former congressman and now-New York City mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner continued "sexting" after his June 2011 resignation won't directly tell us that he didn't stop sexting -- assuming we've heard the last of this, which is by no means certain -- until November 2012 or January of this year, 4-6 months…

Flashback: The Worst of the Media During Weiner's First Scandal

July 23rd, 2013 7:50 PM
Former Democratic congressman Anthony Weiner, now a New York mayoral candidate, admitted Tuesday to sending out lewd photos of himself even after he resigned from Congress for doing so back in June of 2011. During the previous scandal, up until Weiner's resignation, members of the media moved from casting the evidence against him as a smear job to acknowledging his mistake while imploring…

New York Magazine Writer Prat-Fawns Over Mrs. Weiner

July 16th, 2013 6:53 AM
Isaac Chotiner at The New Republic exposed New York magazine writer Mark Jacobson as a Huma Abedin shoe-polisher. “Abedin always gets good press, but this piece takes it to a new level. As a public service, I have chosen the four silliest/creepiest tidbits.”  1. “She approached in a knit white top and navy-blue business skirt, her dark, almost black hair down to her shoulders. She wore…

Shock: MSNBC's O'Donnell Mocks Spitzer and Weiner Return to Politics

July 9th, 2013 2:41 PM
On Monday's The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell, MSNBC host Lawrence O'Donnell not only mocked disgraced former Democratic officeholders Anthony Weiner and Eliot Spitzer for their efforts to return to political office, but he even suggested that former President George W. Bush is setting a better example by working to fight cancer in Africa. After playing clips of Weiner and Spitzer talking…

Malkin Column: Anthony Weiner's Underage Girl Problem

June 11th, 2013 12:45 PM
Touchy, touchy. Despite Team Anthony Weiner's best efforts at political rehabilitation, there's just no way to shore up his sorest scandal spot. As the New York Post reported this week, Weiner had a bit of a snit fit when a local Democratic official boldly slammed his sexting habits with underage girls. Chris Owens, the Dems' state committee member in northwest Brooklyn, called out the skeezy…

An MSNBC Kind Of Candidate: Weiner Says He's 'Leaning Forward

June 6th, 2013 8:34 AM
MSNBC and Anthony Weiner: made for each other like a frank and a bun? Today's New York Daily News reports that when NYC mayoral candidate Weiner got into an argument on the campaign trail yesterday, he boasted that despite his mistakes, "I am still gonna be out there leaning forward."  "Lean Forward" is of course MSNBC's lefty slogan, featured in many promos that NB has analyzed, as here and…

The Continuing Disgrace of Anthony Weiner, Brought to You by the Liber

June 3rd, 2013 5:15 PM
From time to time, Americans manage to elect extraordinarily corruptible people—and these walking moral catastrophes, in turn, pass laws for us, enforce those laws for us, presume to lecture us, and run, in general, as much of our lives as they can gets their hands on. It's not that we don't care about being governed by vulgarians, and it's not that we're pathologically gullible—so what is it?…

As Democrats Turn on Weiner, ABC Follows: 'Disgraced' 'Controversial

May 28th, 2013 12:52 PM
  Initially, the networks covered Anthony Weiner's entry into the New York City mayoral race as the "comeback kid" fighting for a "second chance." However, over the last several days, top state Democrats have recoiled at the campaign of the scandal-scarred congressman. Governor Andrew Cuomo mocked, "shame on us," should Weiner win. Senator Chuck Schumer refused to talk about the race. After…

Reihan Salam Slaps Down Stephanie Miller's Hackish Defense of Weiner

May 23rd, 2013 3:16 PM
On Wednesday's Erin Burnett OutFront, lefty radio host Stephanie Miller tried to be funny while downplaying Anthony Weiner's Twitter scandal as just an eighth-grade stunt and a "guy thing." "Which middle school did you go to, Stephanie?" conservative CNN contributor Reihan Salam shot her down. And host Erin Burnett wouldn't have Miller's hackery, either: "I got to say, Stephanie, I beg to…

Networks Play Promotional Video of 'Comeback Kid' Anthony Weiner Fight

May 22nd, 2013 1:04 PM
All three networks on Wednesday played a promotional video of Anthony Weiner, hyping the mayoral run of the "comeback kid." On Good Morning America, former Democratic operative George Stephanopoulos showed an extended clip of the campaign video. [See video below. MP3 audio here.] But Stephanopoulos (who in his previous career defended Bill Clinton's against sexual scandals) didn't get into much…