Twitter (and ABC) Report 'Top Tweets of 2011' -- Ridiculously Exclude

December 2nd, 2011 7:18 AM
Michelle Malkin scoffed first on her blog: Twitter picked the "Top Tweets of 2011" and ABC News got the "exclusive" right to broadcast the list...and both ridiculously skipped in that top-ten list the biggest Twitter political scandal of the year (and Twitter's five-year existence): now-former Congressman Anthony Weiner's crotch shots. Their criteria was allegedly the level of “impact,…

Martin Bashir Calls on Boehner and Cantor to Resign if They Won't Rais

October 28th, 2011 5:15 PM
MSNBC's Martin Bashir on Friday called for House Speaker John Boehner (R-Oh.) and Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) to resign if they won't raise taxes on the rich (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Maddow Can't Bear the Horror, the Horror of GOP House Victories in NY

September 15th, 2011 8:53 PM
The strangest thing happened last night on MSNBC -- its self-proclaimed civics geek Rachel Maddow ignored the results not one but two special elections the day before to fill vacancies in the House. I know, I know, hard to believe. I mean, every time Maddow does report on elections results -- such as when Democrats win -- she'll segue into her reporting by mock drumming to NBC's bombastic…

Bugged by Gold: Price Climb Vindicates Conservatives, Confounds Libera

September 13th, 2011 4:20 PM
During 2009 and 2010, liberal commentators and even politicians made a point of bashing conservative commentators such as Glenn Beck and Laura Ingraham for allowing gold companies to advertise on their shows, arguing that conservatives and gold companies cynically colluded to deceive viewers into buying bad investments. The recent spike in gold prices seems to prove that the conservative…

Open Thread: Can Democrats Keep Weiner's Seat

September 9th, 2011 9:34 AM
While former Rep. Anthony Weiner's district is not always a Democratic stronghold, it does tend to vote more liberally. David Weprin, the Democratic New York State assemblyman running in the special election for Weiner's former seat is not the greatest candidate, either. A few weeks ago, he told a newspaper that he thought the national debt was around only $4 trillion. With a weak Democratic…

Latest Notable Quotables: Journalists 'Recoil in Horror' from Palin

June 27th, 2011 11:20 AM
The Media Research Center has just released the latest edition of Notable Quotables, our bi-weekly compilation of the latest outrageous, sometimes humorous, quotes in the liberal media. [here's the link to the formatted PDF version] Highlights from this issue include: journalists suggesting it’s somehow radical to think the Constitution “was intended to limit the federal government” or to…

Time, Newsweek Defensively Backed Out of Weinergate and Scorned Our 'P

June 24th, 2011 7:09 AM
Since we disposed with the notion that the networks had a feeding frenzy on the Anthony Weiner scandal, what about the news magazines? They began with a whimper, but then that week’s magazines were summer double issues. After the week off, what happened in their June 27 issues? Not much. Newsweek didn’t offer a down arrow in their “Conventional Wisdom” column, but they gave an up arrow to “…

MRC Study: Networks Found Twice as Much Intensity for GOP Foley Scanda

June 23rd, 2011 11:59 AM
As much as liberals might complain the Anthony Weiner scandal was some sort of feeding frenzy, the networks did not attack it, especially the evening news. They seemed to agree with just-departed CBS anchor Katie Couric, who asked on Twitter: “I’m curious if anybody thinks this Anthony Weiner Twitter scandal is a legit news story or just fodder for late-night comedians.” That’s not the way…

Weiner Saga Illustrates Cultural Normalization of Deviance

June 21st, 2011 10:17 AM
In the aftermath of the exposure and resignation of Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY) from Congress, his colleagues, some journalists, ethicists and pundits are trying to sort out what it means. Has a new standard been created in Washington? How can Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY) remain in office under an ethical cloud about money and Weiner be forced to resign because he had fantasy sex? It wasn't even "…

Leno Joke about Weiner Includes Pro-life Terminology: 'Unborn Son

June 20th, 2011 12:17 PM
Tonight Show host Jay Leno demonstrated June 17 that getting a laugh is much more important than political correctness to a comedian. Although Leno is married to pro-abortion feminist Mavis, he knew “male fetus” just wouldn’t get the response “unborn son” would. Watch the clip beginning at 12:28 for Leno’s quip, “Trending tomorrow, Weiner’s unborn son tweets his sonogram picture to over…

Radio Mud: Thom Hartmann Responds to Weiner With Old Enquirer Boehner

June 19th, 2011 5:43 PM
The sour grapes were incredibly sour on the Thom Hartmann radio show on Thursday when they led off with the news that Anthony Weiner was resigning. Broadcasting live from the Netroots Nation hootenanny in Minneapolis, Hartmann went right from an admitted sex scandal to an unproven old story from last November in the National Enquirer: Looks like Anthony Weiner’s about to step down. John…

Jon Stewart Tells Chris Wallace Fox News Is Biased -- But Rest of Medi

June 19th, 2011 1:35 PM
After months of being asked, Jon Stewart finally appeared on "Fox News Sunday" this weekend. The primary discussion point was bias in the media which the "Daily Show" host continually told Chris Wallace is far more prevalent on FNC than at all the other news organizations (video follows with transcript and commentary):

NPR's Nina Totenberg: 'I Finally Felt Sorry For Anthony Weiner

June 18th, 2011 10:41 AM
Did you feel sorry for disgraced Congressman Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) when he finally resigned last week? NPR's Nina Totenberg did, and actually said so on Friday's "Inside Washington" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

NPR Looks Back Favorably at 'Passionate Defender of Heroes' Weiner

June 17th, 2011 7:59 PM
NPR's Andrea Seabrook reminisced about the "defining moments" of former Representative Anthony during a glowing report on Thursday's All Things Considered. In particular, Seabrook highlighted his infamous 2010 speech on the House floor defending a multi-billion dollar proposal to aid sick 9/11 rescue workers, and labeled the New York Democrat a "scrappy and passionate defender of heroes."…