Huffington: 'I Would Not Have Posted' Article Asking Gore To Apologize

January 8th, 2009 1:33 PM
On Saturday, NewsBusters asked:Did you ever in your wildest dreams imagine seeing an article at the liberal website the Huffington Post that not only refuted the anthropogenic global warming myth, but also asked Nobel Laureate Al Gore to apologize for the climate hysteria he's caused? Apparently, neither could the website's founder, as Arianna Huffington has now gone on the record as saying, "It…

HuffPo: Gore Should Apologize for Spreading Climate Hysteria

January 3rd, 2009 5:29 PM
Did you ever in your wildest dreams imagine seeing an article at the liberal website the Huffington Post that not only refuted the anthropogenic global warming myth, but also asked Nobel Laureate Al Gore to apologize for the climate hysteria he's caused?No...neither did I.Unfortunately, Harold Ambler's "Mr. Gore: Apology Accepted" wasn't featured on HuffPo's home page when it was published late…

LAT Sunday Conversation: MSM 'Reverence' For Bush 'Only Recently Lifte

December 21st, 2008 8:38 PM
The MSM has been too reverential towards George W. Bush.  Yeah, that's the ticket.  The only thing more absurd than that assertion was Arianna Huffington's willingness to accept it as a fact in answering a question. Here was the exchange between Huffington and Choire Sicha, writing for the LA Times, in today's "Sunday Conversation" feature [emphasis added]:CHOIRE SICHA: It was only recently that…

Huffington Post Stealing Others' Writing

December 20th, 2008 9:54 PM
The humor site The Onion, the offbeat weekly The Chicago Reader, and Time Out Chicago have discovered that some of their articles have appeared in total on Arianna Huffington's mega web outlet The Huffington Post. And they are none too happy about the wholesale lifting of their material, either. has the full story about the Huffington Post's unwelcome lifting saying that Huffington…

PBS's Smiley Tells Arianna of His Joy When the N.Y. Times Quotes the H

December 10th, 2008 8:27 PM

CBS: Arianna Huffington Laments Sarah Palin’s ‘Lack of Curiosity

December 4th, 2008 4:55 PM
During a discussion with co-host Maggie Rodriguez on Thursday’s CBS Early Show, liberal blogger Arianna Huffington, remarked that: "The problem with Sarah Palin was not anything to do with her being a woman. It had to do with her antediluvian views on creationism, her lack of curiosity, her lack of interest in the world around her." The segment was about an open mic gaffe by Pennsylvania Governor…

Arianna Huffington's Disturbing Fantasy

November 14th, 2008 10:31 PM
By definition, projection is revealing of what lurks in a person's heart and mind.  Arianna Huffington projected tonight, and what she revealed wasn't pretty.  So much so, that even her liberal host hastened to diassociate herself from the HuffPo editor.  Huffington, grossly misquoting Grover Norquist's famous line about doing away with government, added an infanticidal twist.Huffington was a…

Chuck Norris Smacks Down Arianna Huffington

September 13th, 2008 4:58 PM

NYT's Attack on Verb 'Swift Boat' Ignores Facts and Media's Role

June 30th, 2008 11:46 AM
The New York Times published an article Monday about the anger some Vietnam veterans feel over the vessel they used to serve on, Swift Boat, now being synonymous with "the nastiest of campaign smears."In dredging up this issue, Times' writer Kate Zernike not only misrepresented many of the facts surrounding the claims made by the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, but also completely ignored the…

Chris Matthews Holding Long Time Grudge Against Arianna Huffington

May 29th, 2008 9:37 PM
Let's take a little time off of more serious matters for some juicy gossip. Over at there is a somewhat humorous little tale of an MSNBC photo shoot that saw TV yaker Chris Matthews of "thrill going up my leg" fame storming out after being told he might be required to share the camera frame with blog maven and born again lefty Arianna Huffington. Apparently Chris is still mad at her…

CNN’s Blitzer to Huffington: ‘I Read Your Blog on HuffPost All the

May 7th, 2008 2:00 PM
Wolf Blitzer, on Friday’s "The Situation Room," conducted a softball interview of Arianna Huffington, helping her to promote her new book, "Right is Wrong: How the Lunatic Fringe Hijacked America, Shredded the Constitution, and Made Us All Less Safe," and asking her for her take on the three presidential candidates. He failed to identify her "Huffington Post" website, "one of the most popular…

Limbaugh Derangement Syndrome at HuffPo: Radio Host Genocidal to Dems

May 7th, 2008 1:54 PM
I'm no medical doctor or psychiatrist, but I believe there's a disturbing condition sweeping the left-wing blogosphere, closely related to the well-documented malady of Bush Derangement Syndrome. Call it Limbaugh Derangement Syndrome if you will, and I will.What else do you call it when a lib blogger compares the radio talk show host to agitators of Rwandan genocide? From Jeffrey Feldman's May 7…

Huffington Cheap Shot: 'John McCain Should Not Be Allowed to Hold Shar

May 6th, 2008 9:20 AM
Shortly after reporting on her Web site that GOP presidential hopeful Sen. John McCain did not vote for George W. Bush in 2000, Arianna Huffington continued to denigrate the presumptive Republican nominee before a Washington, D.C., audience. "Actually, you know what I think - the more I think of it, John McCain should not be allowed to hold sharp scissors," Huffington said. "[Y]ou know he…

ABC Didn't Ask Arianna About Removing the Right from the News

May 1st, 2008 4:41 PM
Scott Whitlock mentioned that ABC allowed Arianna Huffington to plug her book Thursday on GMA. But Charlie Gibson failed to perform any self-defense on Huffington’s frontal attack on what she calls in her book "The Pontius Pilate Press." (Is Obama the Christ in this scenario? Conservatives are the crucifiers?) Scott noted Gibson merely began: "You think they've taken on the media as well or taken…