Arthur Brisbane
Lamar Smith Column: Former NY Times Public Editor Admits Liberal Media
September 14th, 2012 8:04 AM
It is not often that members of the liberal national media admit their biases. Americans know that the media is not impartial and that objectivity is not a priority when reporting on current events. Americans need and deserve a balanced media.
The New York Times Public Editor Arthur Brisbane gave us insight into the Times’ liberal slant in his final column after two years with the newspaper.…

Outgoing Public Editor: Progressivism 'Bleeds Through the Fabric of th
August 26th, 2012 8:56 AM
The outgoing public editor for the New York Times, wrote a final column Saturday that has already garnered comment from the paper's executive editor.
First thing's first, here's what Arthur Brisbane observed in "Success and Risk as The Times Transforms":
New York Times's Public Editor Has Beef With Paper's Hostility Toward
May 9th, 2012 10:54 AM
New York Times Public Editor Arthur Brisbane got in a little food fight with Ariel Kaminer, the Ethicist columnist for the paper's Sunday Magazine, over Kaminer's much-hyped essay contest in which readers were invited to defend the unenlightened, outdated, just plain bizarre practice of...eating meat?
Populist impatience with his paper's righteous liberal fussiness seeped out of Brisbane's…
Public Editor Confesses: NYT 'Basked a Bit in the Warm Glow of Mr. Oba
April 23rd, 2012 2:00 PM
New York Times Public Editor Arthur Brisbane promised that the Times would take "A Hard Look at the President" during the 2012 presidential campaign cycle, while admitting that "the paper basked a bit in the warm glow of Mr. Obama’s election in 2008," in his latest column for the Sunday Review.
That admission is nice to hear, but in fact the paper not only celebrated Obama's election, it…

NY Times Writers Rush to Obama's Defense Like It's Their Job
February 10th, 2012 1:34 PM
New York Times reporter Erik Eckholm (pictured), whose previous reporting betrays no conservative sympathies, listened to former presidential candidate Rep. Michele Bachmann speak at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Thursday afternoon and winced at her attacks on President Obama. Thursday’s post for the paper’s “Caucus” blog, “Bachmann Assails Obama Before Conservatives.”

NYT Public Editor Traces Media's 'Fact-Checking' to Outcry Over Willie
January 24th, 2012 7:50 AM
New York Times Public Editor Arthur Brisbane followed up in Sunday's edition on his controversial January 12 blog post, “Should The Times Be a Truth Vigilante?,” in which he asked readers if the paper should be more direct in challenging the statements of politicians in its straight news reporting. As Times Watch reported, the paper already does this, albeit almost solely to Republicans.

NYT Public Editor Responds to Koch Industries, Laments Paper's One-Sid
January 16th, 2012 9:59 AM
There was a fascinating exchange last week between Melissa Cohlmia, spokesman for Koch Industries, and New York Times public editor (or ombudsman) Arthur Brisbane. Koch Industries, which engages in arts philanthropy and conservative-libertarian causes, is a target of obsession and hostility both by left-wingers and reporters and writers for the New York Times, as Times Watch has shown.

NYTimes Public Editor Asks if Reporters Should Fact-Check, But They Al
January 13th, 2012 7:46 PM
New York Times’s Public Editor Arthur Brisbane made waves Thursday in a rare post to his blog asking “Should The Times Be a Truth Vigilante?” What he was really asking: Should the Times be more vigilant in fact-checking politicians?
And only Republican politicians, judging by the two examples he selected (claims that were relatively immune to being checked in the first place) and…
NY Times Jerusalem Bureau Chief Accused of Conflict of Interest with
September 26th, 2011 3:46 PM
New York Times Jerusalem Bureau Chief Ethan Bronner took some friendly fire from the paper’s Public Editor Arthur Brisbane in his Sunday column, “Tangled Relationships in Jerusalem.” Brisbane forwarded complaints from a left-wing anti-Israeli blogger about Bronner's business relationship with a conservative Israeli, Charley Levine. But Bronner's history of slanted reporting, especially his…

New NY Times Executive Editor Abramson Admits, Sort of, the Times's Li
September 14th, 2011 12:08 PM
Jill Abramson, the paper’s new executive editor, talked with the Times’s public editor Arthur Brisbane on Sunday, and touched on the paper’s perceived liberal slant. Abramson didn't quite deny it.
Brisbane: The legendary Times executive editor A. M. Rosenthal once told a colleague he felt the need to steer The Times to the right to compensate for the leftward political leanings of some…

NYT Ombudsman Finds Editors Who Don't Mind Joe Nocera Comparing Tea Pa
August 16th, 2011 10:13 AM
New York Times’s Public Editor (or ombudsman) Arthur Brisbane weighed in on columnist Joe Nocera, who apologized in print last week for having compared Tea Party members to terrorists in a column August 2.
Just four months into his new job as a New York Times Op-Ed columnist, Joe Nocera banged out a blistering screed against Tea Party Republicans who “have waged jihad on the American people…

NYTimes Critics Vindicated: Public Editor Dresses Down Dubious Article
July 18th, 2011 12:46 PM
New York Times Public Editor Arthur Brisbane gave a dressing down to reporter Ian Urbina’s heavily criticized recent Sunday front-page article on natural gas extraction, “Insiders Sound an Alarm Amid a Natural Gas Rush,” in his Sunday column, “Clashing Views on the Future of Natural Gas.” The benign headline concealed a reasonably incisive critique, accusing Urbina of making unsubstantiated…
For NYT, Obscure Left-wing Attacks on the Koch Brothers Are News
May 11th, 2011 4:09 PM
Most of the conspiracy theories about libertarian philanthropists Charles and David Koch have originated in the left-wing blogosphere. But a few media outlets, most notably MSNBC and the New York Times, have served to filter the anti-Koch campaigns into the mainstream political conversation.
The Times, which has printed numerous factual inaccuracies relating to the Koch brothers of late,…

NYT Public Editor Arthur Brisbane Almost Admits Liberal Bias Skewed Tu
January 18th, 2011 1:10 PM
On Saturday, the New York Times's Public Editor offered a milquetoast apologia for the paper's leading role in falsely ascribing blame for the Tucson massacre to conservative pundits and politicians.
Nowhere in the column did Public Editor Arthur Brisbane address columnist Paul Krugman's false smear of Rep. Michele Bachmann, noted in a letter sent by NewsBusters to Brisbane's office on Friday…