The FTX Dog That Didn’t Bark

November 17th, 2022 4:19 PM

In Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's famous Sherlock Holmes tale, “Silver Blaze”, the detective investigates the case of a murder of a horse trainer. At first, investigators presume that the murderer of the trainer must have been a stranger to him. But Holmes cracks the case with the revelation that a watchdog remained silent the night of the murder -- a “curious incident,” as Holmes puts it, if the…

The Red Wave Was Actually a Fizzle

November 11th, 2022 3:26 PM

There was no red wave. There was no red tide. There was no red trickle. There was a fizzle. The 2022 midterm election fundamentals would have suggested a ringing Republican victory: an unpopular president of the opposing party, deep public unhappiness with the state of the economy, unified Democratic control in Congress and radical social policy out of step with most Americans.

Why the Legacy Media Is Panicked About Elon Musk’s Twitter Takeover

November 3rd, 2022 9:36 AM

It has now been a week since Elon Musk took over Twitter, and the wailing and gnashing of teeth is still audible across the legacy media landscape. In one sense, that's rather shocking: Why, precisely, should members of the media be so apoplectic about a billionaire taking over a social media company from other millionaires, pledging to loosen restrictions on dissemination of speech? In…

Joe Biden, Dylan Mulvaney and the Collapse of the West

October 27th, 2022 5:32 PM

This week, President Joe Biden held an interview with a TikTok influencer named Dylan Mulvaney. Mulvaney is a man -- a former Broadway star in “The Book of Mormon” -- who less than a year ago decided that he was a woman. Ever since, he has made daily videos titled “Day X as a Girl.” These videos range from the stereotypical (on Day 1, Mulvaney announces, wearing drag, that he has cried three…

Democracy Isn’t in Peril — So Long as Americans Talk to Each Other

October 19th, 2022 4:42 PM

American democracy, we have been told, is in grave peril. It's a perspective we hear echoed dozens of times per day in the mainstream media: If this next election doesn't go precisely how our hallowed elitists desire, surely tyranny will follow. As one of those sagacious experts, MSNBC's Joy Reid, recently put it on Twitter, “It's terrifying how many Americans will choose literal fascism,…

America’s Suicidal Energy Policy Has Very Real Costs

October 14th, 2022 6:09 PM

Last week, Saudi Arabia announced, in conjunction with OPEC+, that it would be cutting oil production in the face of dropping prices. That decision came in spite of the Biden White House's lobbying in favor of increased production, which included a sycophantic visit by President Joe Biden to Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. In response to the Saudi announcement, the White House quickly…

Should the West Seek an Off-Ramp in Ukraine?

October 6th, 2022 5:47 PM

How does the war in Ukraine end? This is precisely the question no one is supposed to ask these days. The supposition by our thought leaders seems to be that if we keep up the pressure on Vladimir Putin in Ukraine, he'll fold and go home; his threats to use tactical nuclear weapons on the battlefield are nothing more than saber-rattling. He will then retrench on the domestic front, resolidify…

The International Anti-Woke Backlash

September 30th, 2022 1:42 PM

This week, Italy prepared to welcome a new prime minister: 45-year-old Giorgia Meloni, leader of the right-wing Brothers of Italy party since 2014. Meloni is a populist conservative on issues ranging from marriage to immigration; she is a nationalist by philosophy and combatively passionate by temperament.

ABSURD! Canadian Gov’t Outlet Says ‘Extremist’ Shapiro Radicalizes Men

September 20th, 2022 2:45 PM

Canada’s CBC, a government-funded outlet, pushed increased online censorship to stop “radicalization” -- by conservatives like Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief and political commentator Ben Shapiro.

The Country Is Forgetting 9/11

September 15th, 2022 5:09 PM

On the 21st anniversary of Sept. 11, President Joe Biden repeated the same tired nostrums we have heard for the past several years on the anniversary of the worst terror attack in American history: “We will never forget, we will never give up. Our commitment to preventing another attack on the United States is without end.” That, of course, was rather ironic coming from the president who…

Joe Biden Is the Real Semi-Fascist

September 1st, 2022 4:21 PM

This week, President Joe Biden -- in search of a new label to pin on his political opponents after the failure of his “ultra-MAGA” branding, which prompted peals of laughter rather than shudders of horror -- landed on a new slur with which to tar those who don't support his agenda: they are, he said, semi-fascists.


Morning Joe: Red Wave 'Gone' Because of 'Political Poison' Trump

August 30th, 2022 5:04 PM

On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough and John Heilemann agree that the prospects of a Republican 'red wave' in the midterms are "gone" because of the 'political poison' of Donald Trump. 

Those Who Want to Destroy the Constitution

August 29th, 2022 10:10 AM

Last week, The New York Times published its latest op-ed calling for the end of the Constitution of the United States. The authors, Ryan Doerfler and Samuel Moyn, teach law at Harvard and Yale respectively. They argue that the Left's progress has been stymied by constitutionalism itself. “The idea of constitutionalism,” they correctly write, “is that there needs to be some higher law…

Big Tech's Dangerous Censorship Got a LOT Worse This Week

August 27th, 2022 5:00 PM

Two stories, same problem. There is out there in the media world and today’s mania for podcasts something called The Podcast Movement, which identifies itself as “The World’s Largest Community of Podcasters.” As this is written, the Podcasters are having a conference of thousands of their podcast brethren in Dallas, Texas. Then…