TV Journalists Relieved Obama 'Masterpiece' Took on McCain

August 29th, 2008 5:48 AM
Television journalists were nearly uniformly enthralled with Barack Obama's Thursday night acceptance speech, relieved he showed the toughness to take on John McCain directly, unlike, in their world view, all too-soft past Democratic nominees. Only FNC offered a contrarian view or mentioned the word “liberal” while David Gergen on CNN trumpeted the address as a “symphony” and a “masterpiece” with…

What Every Liberal Reporter Should Say About Biden Pick

August 23rd, 2008 11:51 PM
While mainstream media members do a collective standing ovation for presumptive Democrat presidential nominee Barack Obama's choice for his running mate, something seems desperately wrong with their reports. After all, they're supposed to be the great supporters of women's issues and equal rights.This obvious hypocrisy has gone largely unnoticed as liberal reporter after liberal reporter jumped…

Couric: ‘Glimmer of Hope’ in Israel’s Agreement to Release Terro

July 27th, 2008 7:14 PM
When the Israeli government and the terrorist group Hezbollah carried out a prisoner release agreement in which Israel released five Lebanese prisoners while Hezbollah released the bodies of two Israeli soldiers who had been killed, there was a substantial contrast in the way the broadcast network evening newscasts reported the story. While ABC’s Charles Gibson and Simon McGregor-Wood reported on…

Obama Camp Rips Wright

April 28th, 2008 8:36 PM
One small step for David Axelrod, one giant leap for Barack Obama away from Jeremiah Wright . . . When chief Obama strategist Axelrod appeared at the end of this evening's Hardball, I expected him to dodge the current Rev. Wright controversy with some bromide about the reverend's right to express his opinions. But—in evidence of just how badly Wright's current comments are hurting Obama—Axelrod…

Who Had the Fairer Panel: Meet the Press or Fox News Sunday

April 27th, 2008 2:43 PM
For a moment, let's step away from the commentary, per se, and focus on the commentators. Liberals love to chide Fox News for its alleged conservative bias. So why don't we see, when it comes to being fair and balanced, how this morning's Fox News Sunday panel stacked up against that of its main competitor, Meet the Press?Here are the line-ups—you be the judge.MEET THE PRESS Host–Tim Russert…

NYT's Cohen: Barack's 'Grown Beyond' Wright

March 17th, 2008 7:06 AM
One set of facts, two diametrically different NYT op-eds addressing it this morning. The fact: that Barack Obama is backpedaling as fast as he can away from the hateful anti-American rhetoric of Jeremiah Wright. The op-eds: Bill Kristol's, offering a dose of sobering realism about Obama's feet that if not of clay, then are certainly those of a garden-variety politician. And then there's Roger…

Hume to Conservatives: 'Get Off McCain's Back

March 2nd, 2008 10:29 AM
Brit Hume has some blunt advice for conservatives: lay off McCain if you don't want a Dem president.At the very end of today's Fox News Sunday panel segment, Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol was first to make an argument along similar lines.BILL KRISTOL: I'm more conservative than John McCain but I think it would be a mistake for him to just make himself into an orthodox conservative in this…

Wash. Monthly Blog Shows for Left, Name Calling = Political Analysis

December 29th, 2007 5:07 AM
Now With Updates, Kristol Responds to critics and Steve Benen responds to me! Washington Monthly has a blog called Political Animal that is also picked up by the CBS News website. It is written by Kevin Drum, but recently has been guest penned by a former Clinton intern and Internet gadfly named Steve Benen who makes no bones about the fact that he is an extreme leftist. Looking over his Wash.…

John Gibson Calls Neal Gabler a ‘Lowlife’ and a ‘Coward’ for K

October 23rd, 2007 11:18 AM
As NewsBusters reported Saturday, Neal Gabler implied on FNC's "Fox News Watch" that he wanted the Weekly Standard's Bill Kristol to go to Iraq and be killed so that he could attend the conservative writer's funeral. On Monday, FNC's John Gibson took issue with Gabler's despicable comments during his radio program, calling Gabler a "lowlife," and "a coward" because "he will not come on the air…

Kristol Astounds Lauer: Rejects Media Touting of Warner, Negative NIE

August 25th, 2007 5:03 AM
Matching the theme of NBC Nightly News from the evening before, the Today show on Friday morning portrayed Republican Senator John Warner's call for 5,000 troops to return home by Christmas as “a major defection” and “sharp rebuke” to President Bush, but to the astonishment of co-host Matt Lauer, who described Warner as “a pretty heavy domino” falling against Bush, guest Bill Kristol rejected the…