Bill Owens

Psst! List of Prominent Pols Skipping Dem Convention in Charlotte Is U
June 23rd, 2012 10:07 AM
The count of prominent Democratic Party politicians who have decided not to attend the Democratic Party's convention in Charlotte, thereby attempting to avoid direct association with the formal renomination of incumbent President Barack Obama, is up to seven. Press coverage has been sparse. One can only imagine how much media end-zone dancing there would have been in 2004 had one governor, one…
CNN's Crowley Omits Sound Bites From Conservatives in Palin Report
November 10th, 2009 6:36 PM
CNN’s Candy Crowley neglected to include sound bites from conservatives during a report about Sarah Palin on Tuesday’s American Morning, other than from the former Alaska governor herself. While Crowley did acknowledge the widespread support that Palin has among conservative Republicans, she only used clips from moderate commentator David Frum, Democrat Bill Owens, and colleague Wolf Blitzer.The…
Sam Donaldson: GOP Doomed If It Follows Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck
November 8th, 2009 2:27 PM
"If the Republican Party follows the course of Palin and Beck and Company it's doomed." So said Sam Donaldson on ABC's "This Week" Sunday.His evidence?Democrat Bill Owens victory Tuesday in the 23rd Congressional district of New York.Readers are strongly advised to stow all fluids, combustibles, and sharp objects for the ignorance on display here might produce uncontrollable fits of anger (video…
ABC's Concerns of Sexism in Scozzafava Exit Ignore Its Own Bigotry Tow
November 5th, 2009 10:00 AM
Dede Scozzafava's exit from a major campaign gave readers a perfect glimpse into the double standard applied by the media when it comes to women in politics. The World Newser, official blog of ABC's World News Tonight, ran an article November 2 lamenting Scozzafava suspending her campaign curtly titled "Message to the GOP - 'Moderates Need Not Apply.'" The piece quoted three people sympathetic…
No Dems Among Hotline 'Losers
November 4th, 2009 6:42 PM
Does the National Journal's Hotline inhabit the same universe as the rest of us? Democrats lost two-out-of-three among last night's big races. But in declaring Winners and Losers among non-candidates involved with the campaigns, the only Losers Hotline saw were . . . Republicans and conservatives, with nary a Dem in sight! Chris Matthews was only too happy to seize on the Hotline hitlist during…
Mitchell Goes Casablanca On Axelrod: 'We'll Always Have NY
November 4th, 2009 3:36 PM
"We'll always have Paris. We didn't have, we'd lost it until you came to Casablanca. We got it back last night."
So famously said Humphrey Bogart to Ingrid Bergman in the marvelous conclusion of one of the greatest films of all time, "Casablanca."
On Wednesday, MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell shamelessly used a version of this line on White House advisor David Axelrod.
During her interview about…
NBC's David Gregory Downplays GOP Wins on Today
November 4th, 2009 10:13 AM
NBC's David Gregory, on Wednesday's Today show, downplayed the huge GOP wins in New Jersey and Virginia as merely reflecting the "anti-incumbency mood," and "the change message that Obama" started last year. Gregory, however, did play up Democrat Bill Owens' win over Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman in the New York 23 congressional race, and even more absurdly Bob McDonnell's win in…
CNN's Martin: Dems are a 'Big Tent,' GOP Risks 'Fringe' Status
November 3rd, 2009 4:32 PM
CNN’s Roland Martin picked up where Anderson Cooper left off on Monday’s AC360, claiming that there’s “the beginnings of a civil war” in the GOP and that Tea Party protesters “want to radicalize the right” in the party. Martin also claimed that the Democrats are more of a “big tent” than Republicans: “You have a Democratic Party that has no problem having liberal...moderate...and conservative…
Scozzafava Records Robocall for Owens, What Will Press Say
November 2nd, 2009 4:28 PM
Since Dede Scozzafava suspended her campaign for the open House seat in New York state's 23rd district Saturday, media members have been depicting her as a moderate Republican who was the victim of an attack by the far-right in the nation.As NewsBusters reported hours ago, ABC's George Stephanopoulos on Monday said of events in upstate New York:You saw this conservative candidate just come in and…
Politico Allen's Idea Of 'Real Toss-up': Hoffman Ahead By
November 2nd, 2009 7:23 AM
UPDATE--Nov. 4 6:35 AM: Mike Was RightWhen Mike Allen appeared on Morning Joe today, the very first thing he did was tweak Joe Scarborough over the 3:1 odds, described below, that Joe had offered to those wanting to bet against Doug Hoffman. Joe responded that no one, including Allen, had taken up the bet. While Allen apparently didn't plunk down any dollars, it must be mentioned that at the…
BREAKING NEWS: Scozzafava Endorses Democrat Bill Owens
November 1st, 2009 3:22 PM
Dede Scozzafava, the Republican and Independence Parties' candidate for the 23rd Congressional District of New York state who suspended her campaign Saturday, announced moments ago she was throwing her support behind Democrat candidate Bill Owens rather than the Conservative Party's Doug Hoffman.This should make liberal media members ecstatic for the next 48 hours.Scozzafava just released the…
WaPo: 'It Is Now a Two-Person Race Between Hoffman and Democrat Bill O
October 27th, 2009 9:03 AM
(New poll update at bottom.)Chris Cillizza at the Washington Post has written a story in his Morning Fix political news analysis that is sure to cause conniption fits over at the Daily Kos which endorsed "Republican" Dede Scozzafava in the New York 23rd CD race that has now grabbed the attention of the political world. The political news that Cillizza has reported looks great for Conservative…
Oops! In Major Turnaround Politico Confirms Possible Hoffman Surge to
October 26th, 2009 10:29 PM
Note to Politico: If you base a story on an outdated Daily Kos poll you could end up with egg on your face. This is pretty much what has happened in the past three days. On Saturday your humble correspondent cited a Politico story of the day before by Josh Kraushaar in which he reported on Doug Hoffman continuing to lag behind in third place in the NY 23rd CD race:The latest poll in the New York…