Bill Roggio

Sy Hersh, Abetted by Olbermann, Slandered SEALs That Later Killed Bin
May 3rd, 2011 4:08 PM
The Navy SEALs who killed bin Laden are being widely hailed as heroes -- in stark contrast to previous descriptions of them from liberals in the media.
It was not long ago, over in the wetlands of the left, that these courageous warriors were demeaned as little more than homicidal thugs acting at the behest of war criminal Dick Cheney.
Here's how Keith Olbermann, then at MSNBC, described…
The Truth In Sadr City
May 5th, 2008 3:12 PM
The AP article as headlined in the Houston Chronicle:"Militiamen ambush drives back US patrol in Sadr City"The story reports:"The U.S. Military said 28 militamen were killed as the U.S. patrol pulled back."Not exactly.Bill Roggio at The Long War Journal gives us the important details. The title of his article?"US troops kill 28 Mahdi fighters during Sadr City ambush"His story reports: