Offensive NYT: 'Superhero' BLM Protester Pic Like Tiananmen 'Tank Man'

July 31st, 2016 12:00 PM
Offensive BLM melodrama in the NYT: A "superhero” Black Lives Matter protester faced down “storm troopers” in a showdown compared to the Tiananmen Square massacre, according to the latest New York Times Magazine. Magazine photography critic Teju Cole compared a widely-circulated photo of a confrontation between police and BLM protester Ieshia Evans in Baton Rouge to the unknown “Tank Man” of the…

Lifetime Exploits Racial Tensions and Police Shootings for Ratings

July 19th, 2016 3:12 PM
At the beginning of “Ambush,” Lifetime’s UnREAL warned last night’s episode contained imagery and dialogue related to gun violence, race, and law enforcement. After claiming the network’s “hearts are with those families affected by gun violence,” Lifetime proceeded to run an episode of UnREAL, a show about the fictional behind-the-scenes workings of a reality show similar to The Bachelor, that…

Bill Maher: Cops Getting Shot Is 'Just Part of the Job'

July 19th, 2016 12:20 AM
HBO’s Real Time host Bill Maher was a guest on Netflix’s talk show Chelsea and, together with Chelsea Handler, he hit all of the following liberal talking points: Portraying police as power-hungry, racist cowards? Check. Promoting riots? Check. Calling Republican opposition to socialist liberals racist? Check. Demonizing hunting? Check. Toss in a few fat jokes and that’s the pretty much the whole…

Fox Sports 1's Clay Travis Attacks Anti-Police Culture

July 17th, 2016 8:32 PM
Fox Sports 1’s Clay Travis did not suffer fools today, in the aftermath of yet another murderous attack on police officers. This time in Baton Rouge. Travis, also a trained lawyer, let the knowledge bombs fall.

NYT's Rosenthal on Rudy the Racist, Donald the Racist Xenophobe

July 16th, 2016 8:17 PM
New York Times former editorial page editor Andrew Rosenthal, perhaps the most self-satisfied liberal on a Times staff that’s not exactly running short of them, was in rare form on the eve of the Republican Convention in Cleveland, going after multiple “racist” and bigoted GOP targets and comparing them to various notorious dictators.

NYT Cuts Obama's Bible Flub, Praises His 'Scripture'-Quoting Speech

July 14th, 2016 10:15 AM
President Obama’s speech at a memorial service for the five police officers assassinated in Dallas while patrolling a Black Lives Matter protest led Wednesday’s New York Times. The paper portrayed Obama flatteringly as having “spoke hard truths to both sides” at the service, while downplaying how the President politicized the memorial by thumping for gun-control, ranting about how a Glock pistol…

NYT Attacks 'Race-Baiting' Giuliani for BLM Hit; Sharpton Avoids Label

July 12th, 2016 5:22 PM
Well, the New York Times didn’t actually call former NYC mayor Rudy Giuliani a racist in its lead editorial Tuesday, which it has strongly implied in the past on its news pages. That’s about the best that can be said for “Rudy Giuliani’s Racial Myths,” in which the Times attacks its old enemy as a race-baiter for criticizing Black Lives Matter, which the paper referred to as a “civil-rights…

'UnReal' Mocks 'Racist's Pregnancy as Growing a Future Trump Supporter

July 12th, 2016 4:07 AM
In Lifetime’s latest episode of UnReal, “Casualty,” the white southern contestant portrayed as a racist competing for the first black suitor provides a surprise plot twist. Beth Ann (Lindsay Musil) foils the race-baiting script for ratings when, during the hometown visit date with Darius (B.J. Britt), her supposedly racist family welcomes the football star with open arms.

Black Cop Character Destroys Black Lives Matter With Simple Question

July 11th, 2016 1:44 AM
After a brutal evening in Dallas, Texas, where five law enforcement officers were murdered while protecting a Black Lives Matters protest, TNT’s Murder in the First delivered a poignant reminder that all lives matter. In the episode “Black and Blue,” Inspector Terry English, a black cop with ten years service with the San Francisco Police Department is facing growing pressure from the public to…

Troy Aikman Tweets Support for the Police, Huff Po Loses Their Minds

July 8th, 2016 8:52 PM
NFL Hall of Famer and former Dallas Cowboy Troy Aikman took to Twitter on Friday to express support for the Police, in the aftermath of the Dallas shootings. And because of that tweet, Aikman, found himself in the crosshairs of the Huffington Post.

BET Awards: Clinton Rally, Then a Sermon Against Abusive 'Whiteness'

June 27th, 2016 1:27 AM
Just as you would expect, the 2016 BET Awards were full of Black Lives Matter references and reminders to register to vote and then get out the vote for Hillary Clinton. After the opening of the award ceremony featured Beyoncé and her back-up dancers marching into the auditorium to a Martin Luther King, Jr. speech, actor and producer Terence J went on to say, “Your vote is your voice,” and…

NBC Drama on Racism: 'Don't Go all Trump on Me'

June 23rd, 2016 2:27 PM
On Wednesday night’s episode of NBC’s The Night Shift, “Three-Two-One,” a riot breaks out in response to a verdict about to be rendered on a 45-year-old white man charged with shooting and killing a black man as he waited roadside for a tow truck. The accused man’s story was one of self-defense but the Black Lives Matter crowd of protesters isn’t having any of it. The hospital staff at San…

Lifetime’s ‘UnReal’ Pits Confederate Flag Bikini Against #BLM T-Shirt

June 14th, 2016 5:52 PM
In “Insurgent,” last night's episode of Lifetime’s UnReal, racial tensions once again rear their ugly head - in a completely cynical, manufactured way, of course. 

Lifetime’s 'UnReal' Exposes Dark Underbelly of Ratings Obsession

June 8th, 2016 11:26 PM
Lifetime’s second season of UnReal premiered this week and it is an all-too-real, sad commentary on our culture. The scripted drama shows a behind-the-scenes look at the cutthroat making of a The Bachelor-type reality dating show called Everlasting where producers go to extremes to manipulate cast members for ratings.