
MSNBC Scoffs at Trump Calling BLM, Marxist: Racism 'Comforts' Trump!

August 6th, 2020 10:45 AM

Liberal journalists did their best to defend Black Lives Matter Marxists on The Last Word Wednesday night, while not actually addressing their radical ideology. After President Trump called BLM, “Marxists” in an interview yesterday, PBS White House correspondent used a made-up statistic to defend the group, praising BLM for “wanting to make America better.” Boston Globe


Woke Activists: CNN Attacks Barr for Disagreeing with Systemic Racism

July 30th, 2020 10:30 AM

On Wednesday’s New Day, CNN co-hosts Alisyn Camerota and John Berman brought on senior legal analyst Laura Coates and chief legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin to predictably attack Attorney General William Barr for daring to disagree with the Democrats and Black Lives Matter. The Democratic shills assaulted Barr for not hiring people of color and Camerota, a typical white, woke liberal,…

Brianna Keiler and Laura Coates

Woke CNN Attacks Barr for Caring about Black on Black Crime

July 28th, 2020 7:59 PM

On Tuesday afternoon’s CNN Newsroom, host Brianna Keilar tag-teamed with senior legal analyst Laura Coates to assist the House Democrats bashing Attorney General William Barr’s responses at the House Judicial Hearing. Coates insanely attacked the “baffling” Barr as a racist and for daring to cite black on black crime statistics to express his concern for black lives. Along with…

Amy Klobuchar and Poppy Harlow

CNN's BLM Enabler Doesn't Grill Klobuchar On Not Prosecuting Chauvin

July 23rd, 2020 8:27 PM

On Thursday’s CNN Newsroom, co-host Poppy Harlow brought on Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) to spew Democratic talking points on police reform. The partisan anchor allowed Klobuchar to bash Attorney General Bill Barr and Republicans on the topic but shamefully never asked the Minnesota Senator about her refusal to prosecute the police officer who killed George Floyd, Derrick Chauvin, for…


'View': Trump 'Planned Attack Against Americans' By Detaining Antifa

July 21st, 2020 5:25 PM

The hosts of The View went into meltdown mode on Tuesday’s show after a video surfaced of federal agents arresting violent Antifa anarchists in Portland, Oregon last weekend. The show hosts took a deep dive into conspiracy theory land, ranting this was a “planned attack against Americans” and relating it to the Kent State massacre. 

CNN Panel

Endorsing Hate: CNN Hails Black Panthers and BLM as 'Mainstream'

July 17th, 2020 6:11 PM

On Friday’s New Day, CNN co-host Alisyn Camerota and fill-in Jim Sciutto brought on the host of United Shades of America, W. Kamau Bell to spout woke talking points. Bell went on a tear against white people, insisting that “white supremacy is a system that promotes whiteness.” He also claimed that the Black Panthers and Black Lives Matter are “mainstream” groups and praised…


Cancel News Network: CNN's Harlow Urges WNBA to Oust GOP Owner

July 17th, 2020 8:00 AM

On Thursday morning’s CNN Newsroom, host Poppy Harlow brought on WNBA commissioner Cathy Engelbert to encourage her to forward the radical cancel culture of Black Lives Matter. Harlow pressured Engelbert to force Georgia Republican Senator Kelly Loeffler to sell her co-ownership of the Atlanta Dream due to her opposing the WNBA’s endorsement of BLM. Harlow even compared Loeffler…

Vile NYT Smears Trump With Nazi Insults: Upcoming ‘Reichstag Fire'

July 13th, 2020 8:00 AM

The New York Times will stop at nothing to paint President Trump and fellow Republicans as racist, even Nazi-level threats, while ignoring Democratic political trolling and the violence that took place under the anti-racism rubric during recent George Floyd protest marches. Foreign affairs columnist Roger Cohen, writing from Paris, hysterically compared the Trump era to the Nazi era…


Good News: CBS Shares Positive Story Between Black Man, White Cop

July 10th, 2020 8:53 PM

Positive stories are too far and few between lately in the mainstream media, particularly on the topic of race relations. But if you tuned in to CBS News Friday night, you would’ve been blessed to hear about the kind of story that likely happens often but is still an important reminder of our shared humanity during troubling times. 


CNN Guest: Trumpism Sees Black Lives as 'Disposable'

July 10th, 2020 6:21 PM

A segment on Thursday’s edition of CNN Tonight basically acted as a public service announcement for the far-left group Black Lives Matter. Host Don Lemon and the panel were overjoyed about the fact that a Black Lives Matter mural was painted in front of Trump Tower. One of the guests, political analyst Jared Yates Sexton, used his appearance on cable TV to trash President Trump and…


Far-Left CNN Endorses BLM Radicalism, Reparations

July 8th, 2020 7:04 PM

On Wednesday morning’s CNN Newsroom, co-host Poppy Harlow brought on Democratic Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer to discuss the investigation of the killing of Breonna Taylor and at first, Harlow grilled Fischer over the investigation, but then softened when he endorsed parts of the Black Lives Matter radical agenda. Harlow revealed herself to not just be a Democrat, but a radical…


CNN Host Doesn't Object to Guest Calling Trump 'Terrorist-in-Chief'

July 1st, 2020 8:45 PM

Professor Melina Abdullah joined Brooke Baldwin on Wednesday's CNN Newsroom to discuss President Trump and his response to a Black Lives Matter street painting in New York City outside Trump Tower. Abdullah, who was hailed by Baldwin as one of the original members of BLM, called Trump "the embodiment of white supremacist terrorism" and the "terrorist-in-chief." Baldwin only informed…


NASTY CNN Compares Trump To 'Bull Connor and George Wallace'

June 24th, 2020 9:04 AM

On Tuesday morning’s New Day, CNN hosts Alisyn Camerota and John Berman brought on Axios political reporter Alexi McCammond and CNN political commentator Bakari Sellers to discuss Nascar drivers showing support for Bubba Wallace. However, the segment quickly devolved into the hosts and guests bashing President Trump. Sellers even claimed that Trump will be on the same “side of history…


CBS Social Justice Series Pits Peaceful BLM Movement Vs Alt-Right

May 12th, 2019 11:20 PM
CBS’s mini-series The Red Line is still racking up those intersectionality points at the expense of the truth. If you needed any more proof, just look at the most recent episode outright depicting alt-right white men attacking peaceful Black Lives Matter protestors.