Brendan Farrington

AP Scum Falsely Blame on DeSantis for Inspiring Racist Murders in FL
August 29th, 2023 4:40 PM
The Associated Press and reporters Steve Peoples and Brendan Farrington took their place in a hypothetical Scumbag Hall of Fame on Tuesday as they blamed 2024 GOP presidential candidate and Governor Ron DeSantis (FL) for Saturday’s racist murders by a white young-adult male in Jacksonville.

At AP, GOP's Mayoral Win in Nation's 13th-Largest City a Local Story
May 21st, 2015 9:45 AM
The idea that the nation's largest cities are impenetrable Democratic Party strongholds took a serious hit Tuesday night. In Jacksonville, the nation's 13th-largest city, a Republican took back the mayor's office, unseating the incumbent Democrat who won four years ago.
Predictably, the Associated Press, when it sensed that Democrat Alvin Brown might hold on in his reelection attempt, treated…
AP Headline and Story: Group Which Opposes Same-Sex Marriage Is 'Anti
November 19th, 2013 1:59 PM
The "About" page at the Florida Family Policy Council (FPPC) tells us that it "is one of 38 other state based policy council around the country which are associated with Focus on the Family," and that its mission is "to strengthen Florida’s families through public policy education, issue research, and grassroots advocacy." It claims that is basis for public argument is "using good research,…

AP on Rubio Assumes He's Still the One on the Defensive Over Parents
October 25th, 2011 12:12 AM
Despite all the huffing and puffing over Florida Senator Marco Rubio's alleged "embellishing" at the Washington Post, the fact is that his parents were Cuban exiles (meaning number 5 at link: "anyone separated from his or her country or home voluntarily or by force of circumstances"). That fact essentially undercuts everything about the WaPo article except the problem with the opening sentence…