Cal Perry

MSNBC Fears Ukranian Refugee Crisis May Cause ‘Swing to the Right'
Over the past few days, MSNBC has repeatedly fretted that the massive refugee crisis likely to result from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine could lead to “the rise of far-right political movements” across Europe and falsely blamed “a misinformation campaign about immigration” following the 2015 Syrian refugee crisis for conservative wins like Brexit.

Here’s the WORST Moments from MSNBC’s America-Hating Rushmore Coverage
MSNBC debased itself Friday night with a vile display of hatred for America, the Constitution (except the freedom of the press), the Declaration of Independence, the Founding Fathers, and positive celebrations of both where the country has been and where we hope to go. Led by The Beat host Ari Melber, it was a despicable 103 minutes of venom, filled with calls to go beyond Confederate…

MSNBC Falsely Claims Gun Rights Rally Filled With ‘White Nationalists'

MSNBC Distraught U.S. Strike Killed Head of Iranian Quds Force

MSNBC's Perry: Detention Centers Show U.S. ‘Is No Longer...a Haven’

MSNBC: ‘Xenophobic Nonsense’ to Say Migrant Parents Endangering Kids

NBC Ignores Own Reporter, Crew Assaulted By Antifa in Charlottesville
On the one-year anniversary of the deadly Charlottesville protests, white supremacists and radical leftists known as Antifa descended on the Virginia town once more to commit more violence. Late Saturday night, NBC News reporter Cal Perry and his crew were in the thick of it as Antifa members ganged up on them and attacked. The next morning, NBC’s Sunday Today ignored the attack and suggested…

MSNBC Propagandizes Women’s March Is ‘Message of Unity’ or Anti-Trump