Carol Morello

Bozell Column: Terry McAuliffe's Anti-Catholic Campaign
October 29th, 2013 11:28 PM
There may be no more misleading newspaper sentence in the Virginia governor’s race than this one from reporter Carol Morello in the October 26 Washington Post: “The two major-party candidates running for governor of Virginia are both practicing Catholics.”
The Post did not ask McAuliffe where near his home in Fairfax County he attends church every Sunday and holy day of obligation, which is…

WashPost Boosts Amnesty Rally on the 'Otherwise Shutdown' Mall Without
October 9th, 2013 8:17 AM
The Washington Post typically boosted a leftist rally for amnesty for illegal immigrants, with one major difference – they utterly ignored the hypocrisy of the Obama administration and the National Park Service closing open spaces in Washington, unless a left-wing protest was scheduled.
The Post promoted the rally in a story on A-4 with three photographs and a story on the front page of the…

Wash Post Falsely Claims Only ‘Few Dozen’ People Show Up In Defens
March 27th, 2013 5:26 PM
One of the more interesting things regarding the coverage of the Supreme Court hearing two cases regarding gay marriage has been the lack of reporting on the thousands of individuals who marched on Tuesday in support of traditional marriage.
If you only got your news from the Washington Post, you'd have no clue that the march happened at all, as in two separate pieces both authors ignore the…