Chad Griffin

CNN's Pereira Gushes Over 'Poster Boy' for Same-Sex 'Marriage'
April 28th, 2015 5:54 PM
On Tuesday's New Day, CNN's Michaela Pereira broke out the kid-glove treatment for one of the plaintiffs in the same-sex "marriage" cases being heard by the Supreme Court. Pereira touted how Jim Obergefell has "become the poster child" for such partnerships, and gushingly complimented her guest: "And you do it very well, I must add."

AP Celebrates Facebook Creating Fifty Gender Categories For Its Users
February 13th, 2014 11:30 PM
Associated Press reported Thursday that Facebook is caving to the LGBT (especially T) lobby in completely blurring its gender category. Users can now choose from fifty options of gender-blending instead of the allegedly archaic "gender binary" of male and female.
AP's Martha Mendoza offered one paragraph of dissent to Focus On The Family, and the rest was loaded with transgender activists,…

NPR's Gay Ari Shapiro Reports On 'How 2013 Became The Gayest Year Ever
December 29th, 2013 3:49 PM
On the day after Christmas, NPR’s All Things Considered offered a little gift to openly gay reporter Ari Shapiro: seven minutes of air time for a story with the online title “How 2013 Became The ‘Gayest Year Ever’.”
As anchor Robert Siegel said NPR was looking at the “winners and losers of 2013...for gay rights groups, the last 12 months saw a huge string of victories, from state…