CBS Defends Obama's 'You Didn't Build That' Remarks; Invokes 'It Takes

July 26th, 2012 3:53 PM
On Thursday's CBS This Morning, Charlie Rose and John Dickerson shamelessly defended President Obama's "you didn't build that" comments on business. Rose asserted, "If you look at the full context of that He was talking about building roads to these businesses, and they didn't build the roads." Dickerson invoked a liberal slogan from the 1990s: "What the President was saying, is it takes a…

CBS Bemoans Negative Campaign, But Lets David Axelrod Unload on Romney

July 25th, 2012 4:12 PM
During an interview of Obama senior campaign adviser David Axelrod on Wednesday's CBS This Morning, Charlie Rose and Erica Hill bewailed the negative tone of the presidential campaign, hinting that it might turn off voters. However, the anchors let Axelrod rip Mitt Romney's recent foreign policy speech to the VFW without challenge, and failed to ask the adviser about the President's own speech…

CBS's Rose Hits Geithner From the Left; Fails To Mention High Unemploy

July 24th, 2012 6:22 PM
Charlie Rose omitted mentioning the continuing high unemployment rate as he interviewed Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner on Tuesday's CBS This Morning. Rose also forwarded a criticism Geithner from the left, that the Cabinet official was "too friendly to the banks, because he knew them from his years at the New York Fed." The anchor also didn't challenge the Obama administration official's…

Norah O'Donnell: Romney 'Has Been More For Gun Control' Than Obama; Ig

July 23rd, 2012 4:39 PM
On Monday's CBS This Morning, Norah O'Donnell glossed over President Barack Obama's record of supporting gun control when she claimed that "Mitt Romney, in some ways, has been more for gun control than Barack Obama...He signed, as governor...a law, to ban assault weapons, and he only just recently joined the NRA." O'Donnell also played up that the President has apparently "disappointed gun…

Norah O'Donnell Challenges Paul Ryan on Tax Rate Extension: 'Afraid to

July 20th, 2012 1:07 PM
Norah O'Donnell adopted the left's spin on extending the current tax rates on Friday's CBS This Morning, challenging Rep. Paul Ryan when he asserted that "they're really not tax cuts. We're just talking about keeping taxes where they are." She asked, "You're calling them tax policies and tax code. You're afraid to call them tax cuts now?" O'Donnell laughed when Ryan affirmed that "they're not…

Scott Pelley Plays Up Best Poll Result For Obama in CBS Poll

July 19th, 2012 12:48 PM
On Wednesday's CBS Evening News, Scott Pelley cherry-picked the most favorable result for President Obama in the most recent CBS News/New York Times poll. Pelley stated how "this campaign, of course, is, in large part, a battle for the middle class," and touted that "when we asked voters in our poll which candidate would do more to help the middle class, 52 percent said President Obama, 38…

Bozell Column: CBS, Still Lazy With Obama After All These Years

July 18th, 2012 10:22 AM
Back in 2007 and 2008, it was remarkable watching Barack Obama treated to one puffball interview after another courtesy of Steve Kroft on “60 Minutes.” Kroft compared him to Abe Lincoln and oozed about his “political poetry.” But it’s simply irresponsible, after three and a half years of President Obama wrecking the economy, that CBS -- now with anchor Charlie Rose -- is still in Puffery Mode…

Charlie Rose Boosts 'Enormously Successful' ObamaCare in Softball Inte

July 16th, 2012 5:26 PM
Charlie Rose did his best to avoid asking any tough questions during an interview of President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle that aired on Sunday's CBS Sunday Morning and Monday's CBS This Morning. Rose devoted over four straight minutes to the couple's summer vacation, family life, and marriage. He also touted the Democrat's ObamaCare law as "enormously successful," and wondered if it was…

CBS's Charlie Rose Toasts Filthy 'Family Guy' Maker's 'Funny and Smart

July 7th, 2012 2:11 PM
One of the reasons that dirty-cartoon purveyor Seth MacFarlane is very, very rich is that journalists utterly fail to question the tastelessness of his TV shows or movies when he appears for interviews. Just take CBS This Morning on Monday, where host Charlie Rose treated MacFarlane like an artiste as they discussed his new pervert-teddy-bear movie Ted. As MacFarlane said the challenge was "…

Defining the Left: 'Humanity is OK, But 99% of People Are Boring Idiot

July 5th, 2012 12:41 PM
The leftist U.K. rag The Guardian published a headline that really defines the Left, in an interview with a "complicated Marxist" philosopher from Slovenia. It reads: "Slavoj  Zizek: 'Humanity is OK, but 99% of people are boring idiots'." Despite this line, Guardian writer Decca Aitkenhead explained he's become a "global-recession celebrity, drawing crowds of adoring followers who revere him…

Charlie Rose Endorses America is 'Not Greatest Country' View of Aaron

June 22nd, 2012 4:30 PM
In Aaron Sorkin’s new HBO drama The Newsroom, the lead character Will McAvoy, played by actor Jeff Daniels, rattles off America’s failings and blasts that “It’s not the greatest country in the world.” It’s an opinion of America that CBS This Morning co-anchor Charlie Rose admitted, on his Thursday night PBS show, he shares. Rose invited on Sorkin, Daniels and actress Emily Mortimer to promote…

CBS Trumpets Justice Dept. Leak Cases 'More Than Previous Administrati

June 12th, 2012 2:13 PM
Norah O'Donnell spun the recent controversy over national security leaks in the Obama administration's favor on Tuesday's CBS This Morning, touting that "the Justice Department...points out that they have launched six cases since 2009 to investigate these leaks. And interestingly...that is more than all previous administrations combined." O'Donnell also forwarded the White House's talking…

CBS's Rose Lets Axelrod Forward White House Denial on National Securit

June 11th, 2012 2:27 PM
Charlie Rose deferred to Obama campaign adviser David Axelrod on Monday's CBS This Morning regarding the controversy over several recent national security leaks. Axelrod repeatedly denied that the leaks came from the administration. Rose didn't challenge his guest's talking point, even though former Defense Secretary Robert Gates indicated that White House officials went "out in public with…

Paul Krugman: Obama 'Screwed Up' Private Sector's 'Doing Fine' Line

June 11th, 2012 10:54 AM
President Obama made quite a gaffe Friday when just one week after the Labor Department announced horrid jobs numbers for May, he claimed "the private sector is doing fine." Appearing on CBS's This Morning Monday, New York Times columnist and unashamed Obama shill Paul Krugman covered for the current White House resident saying, "He screwed up the line" (video follows with transcribed…