‘CBS This Morning’ Features CBS Winning Peabody Award

April 2nd, 2014 9:56 AM
It must be nice for a major news network to self-congratulate itself by bringing on someone to give them an award. Such was the case on Wednesday April 3, when “CBS This Morning” brought on Charlayne Hunter-Gault and Ira Glass to present co-host Charlie Rose with a Peabody Award for an interview he conducted with Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad. Hunter-Gault hyped the “surprise” she had for…

Charlie Rose Slams 'Climate Deniers,' Invites on Expert That Predicted

April 1st, 2014 6:01 PM
Charlie Rose, during a panel discussion about the new UN report on climate change, had the audacity to insult global warming skeptics as “climate deniers” even as he brought on a so-called expert who once predicted the “greenhouse effect” would cause “food riots” all across North America...in 1995. Everyone remembers the great North American Food Riots of ‘95? Right? Well that crazy scenario…

Six Seconds of Awkward: CBS's Rose Gets Dead Air from Bill Daley About

April 1st, 2014 10:22 AM
Wrapping up an interview with President Obama's former White House chief of staff Bill Daley on Tuesday's CBS This Morning, co-host Charlie Rose wondered if it was "fair to say" that ObamaCare was "badly conceived." After a long pause, Daley replied: "I didn't hear you, Charlie." Rose let him off the hook, and was suddenly out of time: "I was asking whether it was badly conceived but I don't…

Hollywood Actress Mindy Kaling Confesses: I'm 'Weirdly Patriotic

March 31st, 2014 2:33 PM
Here’s a real shocker. Someone in Hollywood confessing they are “patriotic.” Mindy Kaling, the star and creator of Fox’s The Mindy Project, admitted on Friday’s Charlie Rose show that she’s “weirdly patriotic” - because of course being patriotic in the left-leaning entertainment industry must be considered weird. Still it was refreshing to hear someone in Hollywood celebrate American…

CBS Boosts White House's Final Push For ObamaCare Before March 31 Dead

March 20th, 2014 12:56 PM
Bill Plante acted as a stenographer for the Obama administration on Thursday's CBS This Morning, as he spotlighted the "multi-tiered state and national effort to get young people enrolled" in ObamaCare before the end of March. Plante touted the "supportive celebrity Tweets and videos....and a tongue-in-cheek tool kit that teaches parents how to get on social media and 'nag' their children '…

NYT’s Friedman Defends Obama, Distorts Reagan, G.W. Bush on Russia

March 19th, 2014 12:05 PM
New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman went on PBS’s Charlie Rose show Monday night and defended President Obama’s soft foreign policy approach to the crisis in Ukraine. [Video below. MP3 audio here.] Of that approach, which so far has consisted of sanctions against 11 Russian and Ukrainian officials, Friedman said:

CBS Brings On Anita Hill to Tout New Documentary, Slam Clarence Thomas

March 13th, 2014 10:54 AM
More than 20 years after Anita Hill tried to wreck the Supreme Court confirmation of Clarence Thomas with unsubstantiated sexual-harassment claims, CBS This Morning brought her on to hype a new documentary simply titled “Anita.” During the interview on Thursday, all three CBS hosts treated Ms. Hill to a softball interview and allowed her to uncritically slam Justice Thomas throughout the…

More 'Newsworthy' than Latest ObamaCare Delay: Dry Cleaner Scams, Corv

March 11th, 2014 9:45 AM
In a nakedly political move designed to ease election year pressure on Democrats the Obama administration has delayed, yet again, another aspect of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and again the Big Three networks have barely covered it. The White House’s March 5 announcement that they would allow insurers to keep offering health plans that don’t meet ObamaCare standards was granted a total of…

NBC, CBS See IRS Probe Hitting 'Dead End' After Democrat's Outburst; A

March 6th, 2014 4:30 PM
Both NBC's Today and CBS This Morning on Thursday saw the beginning of the end of an investigation into the Obama administration's IRS scandal following tirade by Democratic Congressman Elijah Cummings at the conclusion of a Wednesday hearing on the topic. [Listen to the audio or watch the video after the jump] On Today, news reader Natalie Morales proclaimed: "Well, after a shouting match…

Only CBS Bothers to Cover Yet Another ObamaCare Delay: Critics Have a

March 5th, 2014 4:48 PM
Only CBS This Morning on Wednesday bothered to cover yet another delay of ObamaCare. NBC's Today and ABC's Good Morning America both skipped the news. On Tuesday night, all three networks ignored the topic.  CBS co-anchor Charlie Rose explained, "This morning, critics of the President's health care law have a new target for anger, another major delay." He added, "The Obama administration will…

Only CBS Notices Joe Biden 'Lowering Expectations' on ObamaCare, NBC a

February 20th, 2014 10:07 AM
After Vice President Joe Biden admitted on Wednesday that the goal of getting 7 million people signed up for ObamaCare by March 31 would not happen, only Thursday's CBS This Morning made any mention of it, and then only giving the news a mere 29 seconds. Neither NBC nor ABC bothered to cover the acknowledgment of failure. [Listen to the audio or watch the video after the jump] This Morning…

CBS Blames Global Warming for Harsh Winter Weather

February 13th, 2014 11:11 AM
As a snow storm beared down on the east coast on Thursday, CBS This Morning sought to lay blame on global warming, with the headline on screen fretting: "Extreme Weather; Are These Kinds of Storms, Droughts Unprecedented?" Co-host Charlie Rose turned New York City College physics professor Michio Kaku and wondered: "What's causing all this?" [View video after the jump] Kaku proclaimed: "Well…

NBC Skips AOL Executive's Slam of ObamaCare Costs, CBS Highlights

February 10th, 2014 12:21 PM
  AOL executive Tim Armstrong last week publicly worried about how ObamaCare is impacting his company, but only CBS highlighted this complaint. NBC, instead, focused solely on his "outrageous" comments about how seriously ill babies have impacted AOL's 401k plan. ObamaCare went unmentioned. In a CNBC interview on Friday, Armstrong explained why the company would cut retirement benefits: "As…

CBS Plays Nice With Biden, Suggests Obama Is Building a 'Can-Do Attitu

January 29th, 2014 12:00 PM
Vice President Joe Biden made the rounds on the network morning shows following President Obama’s State of the Union address and CBS This Morning did its best to help the vice president protect Obama from criticism. Appearing with co-hosts Charlie Rose and Norah O’Donnell on January 29, Biden was treated to a friendly interview, and the only tough questions he received were that the Obama…