Chastity Bono

NPR Contributor Bemoans 'Enormous Unease' Toward Chaz Bono
September 30th, 2011 5:31 PM
Barbara J. King of the College of William and Mary bizarrely asserted that a "person's sex can be socially constructed" in a Thursday item for's "13.7" blog. King used the rare phenomenon of hermaphroditism to justify Chastity Bono's "transformation" to become "Chaz" Bono, and lamented that the "the case of Chaz Bono tells us that enormous unease still exists in our society when…
CNN's Cooper Interviews 'Chaz' Bono as Part of Pro-Transgender Publici
March 12th, 2010 2:51 PM
CNN went into full tilt in promoting its upcoming pro-gender "reassignment" documentary "Her Name Was Steven" with Anderson Cooper's interview of Chastity "Chaz" Bono, the daughter of Sonny Bono and Cher, on his AC360 program on Thursday. Cooper very sympathetically interviewed Bono, and threw softball questions, even going so far as to ask, "How do you like shaving?"The anchor heralded the "…
‘GMA’ Features Chastity (now Chaz) Bono's ‘Journey into Manhood
November 19th, 2009 12:11 PM
Leave it to ABC and its obsession with alternate sexuality to characterize being a male or a female as a "difficult decision." Introducing an interview featuring Chastity (now Chaz) Bono on Nov. 19, "Good Morning America's" Diane Sawyer said, "There can be no decision that you make that is more complex and difficult than gender identification." Bono explained the hardships of undergoing a sexual…