Editor’s Pick: Daily Wire on Chris Wallace Calling Out Hannah-Jones

April 8th, 2022 11:12 AM

On Thursday, The Daily Wire’s Virginia Kruta reported on how “Former ‘Fox News Sunday’ anchor Chris Wallace got into a heated debate with ‘The 1619 Project’ creator Nikole Hannah-Jones during her appearance on his new CNN+ interview show, ‘Who’s Talking To Chris Wallace?’”

Editor’s Pick: Blaze on CNN Possibly Hiring Williams to Replace Cuomo

March 14th, 2022 10:29 AM

On Sunday, The Blaze’s Paul Sacca reported on possible replacements for disgraced fired CNN anchor Chris Cuomo, a list which unbelievably included former MSNBC anchor Brian Williams: “Former Fox News anchor Chris Wallace is rumored to fill Chris Cuomo’s primetime CNN slot, according to a report. Another possible replacement for the former host of ‘Cuomo Prime Time’ is former MSNBC anchor Brian…


Editor’s Pick: Blaze on Stern Saying ‘Who’s Gonna Pay for CNN+?'

December 15th, 2021 10:57 AM

On Monday, The Blaze’s Alex Nitzberg reported on talk radio host Howard Stern “discussing the news that Chris Wallace is leaving the Fox News Channel and heading over to work for CNN+” and “gave voice to a sentiment likely shared by many Americans when he questioned who would actually pay for CNN’s streaming subscription service.”

NYT Uses Chris Wallace to Take Page-One Swipe at ‘Conspiratorial' Fox

December 14th, 2021 10:20 AM

New York Times media reporter Michael Grynbaum made the front page Monday upon the resignation of Fox News anchor Chris Wallace, using the surprise announcement as a springboard to attack the cable channel. The print edition headline: “Fox Anchor Wallace Decamps as Right-Wing Hosts Set Agenda.” The front-page text box showed some copy editor to be fully on board: “Latest Exit as…


UPDATE: Chris Wallace Announces He's Leaving Fox News, Going to CNN

December 12th, 2021 10:48 AM

At the end of his show, Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace announced that after 18 years, he would be leaving his show to cryptically pursue an endeavor “beyond politics” and for his own interests. An endeavor he described as a “new adventure.” But according to new reporting, he seemed to be jumping ship to swim over to CNN.


Wallace Unloads TRUTH on Court Packing: ‘Bone-Headed,' Not Happening

April 16th, 2021 5:16 PM

Unlike the liberal networks, who this week tried to justify and explain the Democratic power grab to try and pack the Supreme Court, Fox’s Chris Wallace on Friday wasn’t having any of it. He unloaded on the “unconstitutional,” “bone-headed” move, flatly declaring it’s simply “not going to happen.” Appearing on America’s Newsroom, Wallace appeared as though he was just itching to…


'Why Mislead Folks?' Wallace Grills Buttigieg on Infrastructure Lies

April 11th, 2021 1:18 PM

While the liberal media were helping to push along President Biden’s $2 trillion infrastructure slush fund, where only six percent actually went to infrastructure, Fox News Sunday anchor Chris Wallace called out Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and the rest of the administration for lying to the American public about how many jobs would be created by the plan (by over 16 million) and…


Moderator Wallace: Trump Put Foot in My 'Beautiful, Delicious Cake'

October 1st, 2020 11:42 PM

Speaking out after the disastrous presidential debate Tuesday night, moderator Chris Wallace appeared on Thursday’s Bill Hemmer Report to discuss “what happened.” The interview came off as a sort of airing of grievances as Wallace blamed President Trump for the raucous nature of the debate, and complained that Trump “put his foot” in the “beautiful, delicious cake” Wallace and his…

Brzezinski and Scarborough

MSNBC Meltdown: Cancel Future Debates to Save ‘Our Country’

October 1st, 2020 11:28 PM

In the wake of Tuesday night’s heated Presidential Debate between President Trump, Democratic nominee Joe Biden, and Fox News anchor Chris Wallace, the hosts of Morning Joe found themselves in a whirlwind of mixed emotions.


Joy Behar Encourages Joe Biden Pull Absurd Stunt at Tonight’s Debate

September 29th, 2020 12:53 PM

The hosts of The View joined ABC News correspondent Martha Raddatz to offer debate advice to Joe Biden, Tuesday morning. While the hosts were worried about Biden having to “fact-check” President Trump, they all agreed that Biden didn’t have to do much but be the “adult” in the room and tell Americans his plan as President. Joy Behar also encouraged Biden to play mind games with Trump…

WashPost Freaks Out Over 'Race & Violence In Our Cities' Debate Topic

September 25th, 2020 3:39 PM

Merely the announcement of topics for the first presidential debate caused great liberal angst and foot-stomping at The Washington Post. We found four articles of complaint so far. They couldn't just wait for the actual questions??

Stelter Claims Media People Find Chris Wallace, Bret Baier 'Complicit'

September 20th, 2020 6:40 AM

CNN’s Reliable Sources host Brian Stelter has a book out, stuffed with anonymous sources, ranting about Fox News and President Trump. As you can tell by the title, it’s just the sort of even-handed account one could expect from an objective host of a media show at CNN: HOAX -- Donald Trump, Fox News and the Dangerous Distortion of Truth. Stelter was guest on a friendly N


Flashback: Did Chris Wallace REALLY Push Biden Hard? And What Next?

July 20th, 2020 9:35 PM

While liberal journalists were happy with Chris Wallace pushing hard questions on President Trump on Fox News Sunday, there was no cheerleading section when Wallace did a little fact-checking with Joe Biden on his March 1 program. 


Fox's Chris Wallace Asks: Why the Double Standard on COVID & Protests?

June 22nd, 2020 6:37 AM

Here's a dramatic difference in network Sunday shows. Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace asked Biden spokesperson Symone Sanders why there's a double-standard, that mass street protests against the police aren't "super spreader" events. She denied there was a double standard!