
NYT's Dowd Uses Trump to Suggest Dick Cheney Was a 'Liar'

October 9th, 2016 9:23 PM
Appearing as a panel member on Fox News Sunday, New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd recalled that GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump has caused the Times to change its policies so the word "liar" can be applied to politicians, and then pivoted to taking a swipe at former Vice President Dick Cheney as she recounted having to search for "synonyms" for the word "liar" when writing about him.

Nets Deflect Reports of Clinton Birtherism as Only CNN Presses Kaine

September 18th, 2016 10:25 PM
As Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Kaine appeared on five Sunday talk shows, only CNN's Jake Tapper brought up Friday's reports that longtime Hillary Clinton friend and advisor Sidney Blumenthal tried to push anti-Obama birtherism into the media during the 2008 presidential campaign by pitching it to McClatchy's then-Washington bureau chief. The other Sunday talk shows failed to bring up…

Nets Censor How Hillary Sent Classified E-mails After Leaving Office

August 31st, 2016 10:46 PM
In a major story broke by the New York Post Wednesday, it came to light that Hillary Clinton had sent an e-mail from her private server containing classified material months after she left office. According to the Post the message contained information about the “123 Deal” with the United Arab Emirates but, “was heavily redacted upon its release by the State Department because it contains…

ABC, NBC Mute on the Lies Clinton Told on Fox News Sunday

August 1st, 2016 11:06 PM
Hillary Clinton made a rare appearance on Fox News Sunday in a sit down interview with host Chris Wallace. When asked about the truthfulness of her statements to the public, regarding how she handled classified E-Mails, she asserted that FBI Direct James Comey vindicated her, when in fact he proved the opposite. And CBS was the only network in the “big three” to call her out on it in their…

Hillary Tells Chris Wallace She Doesn't Want Heller Ruling Overturned

July 31st, 2016 9:13 PM
On Fox News Sunday this morning, Democratic Party presidential nominee Hillary Clinton told Chris Wallace that she doesn't want the Supreme Court's 2008 Heller decision overturned. Clinton said this after Wallace introduced the topic by referring to a statement Mrs. Clinton made at a fundraiser last year that "The Supreme Court is wrong on the Second Amendment." If we had a responsible…

Lynch's Release of Partial Mateen Transcripts Will Censor ISIS Pledge

June 19th, 2016 10:45 PM
U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced on NBC's Meet the Press and the other Sunday morning TV talk shows that on Monday, the Department of Justice will release "partial" transcripts of phone conversations between law enforcement and Omar Mateen on June 12 during his terrorist massacre in Orlando, Florida. Asked why the transcripts would only be partial, Lynch told MTP host Chuck Todd…

Wallace To Schiff: 'We're Done With' Hillary's 'Powell Did It' Defense

May 29th, 2016 10:24 PM

On Fox News Sunday, in a segment comparing statements in the State Department Inspector General's report with claims Hillary Clinton has made about her emails and use of a home-brew private server while she was Secretary of State, host Chris Wallace had to endure Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff's obsessive insistence on bringing up former Secretary of State Colin Powell, who left office…


Brit Hume Scolds Media for Their Pro-Hillary Bias

May 15th, 2016 11:07 AM
With Donald Trump as the presumptive nominee of the GOP the liberal media has finally decided to do what they neglected to do during the nomination process, vet his past. With the release of the so called “Trump Tapes,” audio recordings that purport to show Trump pretending to be his own publicist, it’s clear the media has taken a much greater interest in his dealings than those of Hillary…

DNC Chair: Hillary Has Been Transparent 'Other Than Private Server'

April 24th, 2016 11:54 PM
In a Fox News Sunday interview so painful to watch readers are advised to consider taking headache medicine before viewing, Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz tried to make the case that the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton's handling of emails containing sensitive and classified national security information and her use of an undisclosed private email server is a…

Will: NY Values Is Honoring Rosenbergs, Electing Pro-Sandinista Mayor

April 10th, 2016 4:15 PM
Recapping the liberal media's infatuation and uneasiness with Ted Cruz's "New York values" comment, Fox News Sunday panelist and Washington Post columnist George Will highlighted how Cruz's slogan has had nothing to do with 9/11 but instead how the city's liberal base has recently honored Soviet spies and elected a mayor who used to work for the Sandinistas.

CNN Fails to Ask Hillary About Scandals While Wallace Questions Obama

April 10th, 2016 1:59 PM
CNN's State of the Union host Jake Tapper scored the lone Sunday morning talk show interview with Hillary Clinton and, unfortunately, Tapper failed to ask her about either Benghazi, the e-mail scandal, or the Clinton Foundation and instead discussed Black Lives Matter protesters, a $15 minimum wage, the Israel-Palestinian conflict, and a contested convention.

Woodward: Garland Would Be a Liberal Justice, But Isn't 'Partisan'

March 20th, 2016 7:35 PM
While discussing President Obama’s appointment of D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals Chief Judge Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court on Wednesday, The Washington Post’s Bob Woodward emphasized on Fox News Sunday that while Garland would provide a fifth vote for liberals in cases before the Court, but was someone who’s “not really partisan in anyway.”

Cruz: Media Must Expose the ‘60 Years of Failed' Policies in Detroit

March 3rd, 2016 11:03 PM
In another notable moment from Thursday’s Fox News Channel GOP debate where a candidate invoked the liberal media and their failed agenda, Senator Ted Cruz (Tex.) railed against the failed liberal policies that have led to the decline of Detroit that’s been allowed to drag on for well over half a century.

No Surprise: ABC’s Stephanopoulos Lobs Softballs at WH Chief of Staff

January 10th, 2016 7:34 PM
White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough appeared on four of the five major Sunday morning talk shows in advance of President Obama’s final State of the Union on Tuesday night and, when comparing those he sat for with ABC’s This Week host George Stephanopoulos and Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace, the contrast couldn’t be any more stark with the former lobbing softballs as the latter…