Chris Wallace: Cronkite 'Would Not Be Happy to See What's Happening in

June 17th, 2014 1:00 PM
In an interview with the Chicago Sun-Times, Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace condemned network television news for being obsessed with "what's trending online or some Internet YouTube video" rather than hard news, lamenting: "I'm frankly disheartened by some of the stuff I see creeping into newscasts." He further observed: "The weekday morning television shows have really been overrun by…

Brit Hume Slams Democrat Jane Harman Over Benghazi: Talking Points Wer

May 4th, 2014 11:52 AM
Appearing on Fox News Sunday, Fox’s Brit Hume had some strong words for former Congresswoman Jane Harman (D-CA) over her dismissal of the seriousness of the latest revelations in the Benghazi scandal. After Harman said that it was time to “move on" from Benghazi Hume swiped back “ I'm talking about the talking points used on that program that day which were monumentally misleading and were,…

George Will On ObamaCare: Claiming ‘The Debate Is Over Is Something

April 20th, 2014 12:51 PM
Conservative columnist and Fox News contributor George Will mocked President Obama’s claim last week that the debate over ObamaCare is over and that Republicans need to stop trying to repeal the law. Appearing as a guest on Fox News Sunday on April 20, Will argued that “The debate is over is something of a mantra. The debate is over about climate change, everyone be quiet. The debate is over…

Fox News Sunday’s Chris Wallace Grills Dem. Congressman On IRS Scand

April 14th, 2014 9:30 AM
Fox News Sunday was the only Sunday show that discussed the latest revelations in the IRS’ targeting of conservative groups. As a result, viewers were treated to host Chris Wallace grilling Congressman Sander Levin (D-MI) over why the IRS targeted 100 percent of conservative groups as opposed to only 30 percent of liberal groups. Appearing on Sunday April 13, Wallace challenged Levin: “30…

Nothing To See Here: ABC, CBS, And NBC's Sunday Shows Ignore Latest In

April 13th, 2014 1:48 PM
Over the last seven days, three major revelations have emerged surrounding the IRS’ targeting of Tea Party groups. Despite the new stories, on Sunday April 13, three of the four Sunday shows,  NBC’s Meet the Press, CBS’s Face the Nation and ABC’s This Week, all ignored them, whereas Fox News Sunday was the only program to mention the IRS at all. On Wednesday April 9, The Washington Times…

George Will On Liberals Playing The Race Card: ‘Liberalism Has A Kin

April 13th, 2014 12:28 PM
Conservative columnist George Will had some harsh words for liberals who play the race card as a way to demonize conservatives who oppose President Obama’s liberal agenda. Appearing as a guest on Fox News Sunday on April 13, Will observed that “Liberalism has a kind of Tourette's syndrome these days. It’s just constantly saying the word racism and racist.” [See video below.]

AP’s Julie Pace: Media Not Covering IRS Scandal Because ‘We Don't

April 13th, 2014 10:28 AM
Last week, the House Oversight Committee asked the Justice Department to seek criminal charges against former IRS official Lois Lerner. Despite the newest revelations in the IRS scandal, the Associated Press’ Julie Pace attempted to excuse the lack of media coverage. Appearing as a panelist on Fox News Sunday on April 13, Pace argued, “If you are going to keep the story going and you want to…

George Will: Obama Donor Investigating IRS Scandal ‘Kind Of A Sham

March 9th, 2014 1:50 PM
Appearing on Fox News Sunday, conservative columnist George Will had some harsh words for the Obama Administration’s handling of the IRS scandal. In response to a question from host Chris Wallace about how little is known about the IRS scandal, Will observed that Obama’s “appointed an employee of his who is also a donor of his to investigate him and before the thing starts he says, oh, by the…

Chris Wallace Calls Out Susan Rice For Skipping Fox, Not Wanting ‘To

February 24th, 2014 8:53 AM
National Security Advisor Susan Rice gave her first televised Sunday interview since her infamous Benghazi interview in 2012 on February 23, and rather than answer tough questions on the terrorist attack, she chose instead to give a softball interview to David Gregory of NBC’s Meet the Press. For his part, Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace called out Ms. Rice for her refusal to appear on his…

Rove Rips Former Ohio Gov. Strickland, Whose Admin Invaded Joe the Plu

February 17th, 2014 10:27 AM
Democrat and former Ohio Governor Ted Strickland, who has been "shadowing" Chris Christie while taking every possible opportunity to accuse New Jersey's GOP Governor of either "lying" or of being "the most inept, incompetent chief executive imaginable," tried his schtick yesterday morning on Chris Wallace's Fox News show. Unfortunately for Ted, establishment Republican and former George W.…

George Will on 'Climate Change' and In General: When Pols Say 'Debate

February 16th, 2014 10:56 PM
On Fox News Sunday earlier today, George Will got in some tremendous rips at global warming/"climate change" alarmism. Although Will's criticism was primarily aimed at politicians, we cannot overlook the fact that their enablers in the establishment press have made their immature "climate denier" and "flat earther" name-calling rants possible by unskeptically allowing their so-called "settled…

‘Mentalist’ Goes On Fox News Sunday And Blows Away Host And Guests

February 16th, 2014 9:05 PM
Now here’s something you probably aren’t used to seeing on the Sunday shows. On February 16, Fox News Sunday played host to mentalist Gerard Senehi who performed a series of illusions for host Chris Wallace and panelists Kirsten Powers and George Will. With all of the negativity in Washington today, this lighthearted and entertaining segment is sure to brighten everyone's day. Enjoy! [See…

Laura Ingraham on Immigration Reform: ‘There Is No Will To Enforce T

February 9th, 2014 3:21 PM
In something rarely seen on ABC, NBC, or CBS, two prominent conservative commentators, Laura Ingraham and George Will, appeared on Fox News Sunday on February 9th to discuss the future of the Republican Party as it related to immigration reform. Appearing alongside panelists Juan Williams and Julie Pace of the Associated Press, Ingraham argued that, “The middle ground on immigration I think…'s Lack of Security Is Still a Disgrace, As Is the Press

January 19th, 2014 4:43 PM
On Thursday, Stephanie Condon at CBS News reported ("Security chief: has passed security testing") that Teresa Fryer, who had recommended against allowing going live before its October launch but was overruled, "told Congress ... that the Obamacare website passed security testing in December, and she would recommend that its official Authority to Operate (ATO) be…