civil rights movement

Zakaria Continues Media’s Flawed Attempt to Compare Trump to Goldwater
March 20th, 2016 5:06 PM
CNN host and liberal columnist Fareed Zakaria opened his eponymous Sunday talk show by rekindling the extremely flawed comparison made by the liberal media that 2016 GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump is similar to the conservative Barry Goldwater’s campaign against then-President Lyndon Johnson in 1964.

MSNBC Host Compares Wal-Mart Wage Earners with Civil Rights Marchers
June 23rd, 2014 4:30 PM
MSNBC has been covering President Obama’s White House Summit on Working Families intently thus far today, and the trend continued on the June 23 edition of Andrea Mitchell Reports. Guest host Peter Alexander brought on Charmaine Givens-Thomas to discuss her efforts in petitioning President Obama to set up a meeting with Wal-Mart workers to highlight low wages, inequality, and the lack of…

Wrong, Jesse Jackson -- JFK's Murder Had Nothing to Do With Civil Righ
August 26th, 2013 5:05 PM
Ever notice how Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and their divisive ideological brethren see anything and everything happening today through only one prism, that of race?
It's also how they view history, even when the specific event cited had nothing to do with it. (Audio after the jump)