Colin Moynihan

Corrected NYT Story on Sat. Marches Ignores 'We Want Dead Cops' Chants
December 15th, 2014 2:11 AM
It's a good thing that establishment press publications like the New York Times have those layers of editors and fact-checkers. They're able to prevent embarrassing things like misstatements of commonly known facts, misidentifications of key parties involved in recent events, and misspellings those sloppy bloggers and new media types routinely publish.
Oh, wait a minute. All three types of…

NYTimes' Laudatory Occupy Wall Street Anniversary Coverage Vindicates
September 18th, 2012 9:18 AM
The New York Times celebrated the one year anniversary of the Occupy Wall Street encampment in Zuccotti Park near Wall Street in a fashion that vindicates former Public Editor Arthur Brisbane's concern that the paper celebrates left-wing movements like Occupy "more like causes than news subjects."
First was Sunday's "Dear Bankers: Thanks for Wrecking Our Lives..." by Mark Greif, the founding…

After Violent Attack by Anarchists, NYTimes Strains to Note Occupy Pro
April 17th, 2012 9:12 PM
Monday brought more downplaying of violence and vandalism within the Occupy Wall Street movement, from the New York Times. Joseph Goldstein and Colin Moynihan reported for the Metro section: "3 Arrested in Manhattan as March Turns Into a Melee."
A group of people who had attended an anarchist book fair in Manhattan later marched to a nearby Starbucks on Saturday night and began swinging at…

Occupy Troublemakers Merely Fringe, But Tea Party 'Responsible for the
November 7th, 2011 4:38 PM
The New York Times continues to treat toublemakers at Occupy Wall Street as a fringe minority, but the Tea Party was "responsible for the behavior of people" at their rallies.
Sunday’s Metro section led with an above-the-fold look at the state of Occupy Wall Street as winter approaches from reporters Cara Buckley and Colin Moynihan, “A Protest Reaches a Crossroads.” They briefly noted the…
After Arrests, NY Times Takes Seriously 'Occupy Wall Street' Claims of
October 4th, 2011 7:53 AM
Occupy Wall Street, the floating leftist protest in Manhattan that’s camped out in downtown Manhattan in an endless protest against...something, attempted to migrate to Brooklyn this weekend, blocking vehicle traffic on the Brooklyn Bridge and resulting in mass arrests.
The New York Times, whose attitude toward Tea Party rallies was invariably hostile, blasted support throughout the weekend…

Let's Blame the Right for Everything: NY Times Ludicrously Labels
May 27th, 2011 3:26 PM
Is the right to blame for everything, even 9-11 Truthers?
New York Times Metro reporter Colin Moynihan botched some basic politics in his Friday metro section tribute to a leftist journalist and radio host, "At an On-Air Haven for Dissent, a Voice Is Silenced." Text box: "Taking a stand against 9/11 conspiracy theories."
Moynihan, who has made a cottage industry of issuing flattering…
NY Times Says Bill Ayers an 'Ex-Radical' Who 'Hardly Resembled' an 'Un
October 27th, 2008 3:24 PM
Bill Ayers made a visit to the Chelsea neighborhood of NYC to talk about radical education reform, and New York Times Metro reporter Colin Moynihan portrayed the domestic terrorist as a mild-mannered liberal in the misleadingly headlined Monday story "Ex-Radical Talks of Education and Justice, Not Obama." When did Ayers become an "ex-radical"? He hasn't repudiated any of his views or acts of…