Collusion (Bozell book)
Video: NB Publisher Bozell Discusses 'Collusion: How the Media Stole t
August 12th, 2013 11:33 AM
Last Wednesday, NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell spoke at the Heritage Foundation about his new book co-authored with NB senior editor Tim Graham, Collusion: How the Media Stole the 2012 Election and How to Stop Them From Doing It in 2016. As they pulled back from the microscopic day-by-day examination of liberal media bias and reviewed the big picture, Graham and Bozell saw the larger pro-…
'Collusion' by MRC's Bozell and Graham Debuts on the Washington Post B
August 5th, 2013 11:14 AM
Sunday's Washington Post brought the news that the book "Collusion" by MRC president Brent Bozell and MRC director of media analysis Tim Graham debuted on the Washington Post Best-sellers List for nonfiction at number seven. You can join the crowd at our site
Last Sunday, The New York Post published a new op-ed by Bozell and Graham about how Obama can denounce the march…

MRC's Graham Talks About Obama Boasting Reporters Love His 'Great' Ide
July 27th, 2013 7:28 AM
On Friday afternoon, MRC director of media analysis Tim Graham was interviewed by guest host Eric Bolling on the show Your World with Neil Cavuto.
The interview focused on a snippet of President Obama’s speech in Galesburg, Illinois where the media skipped how the president said that "a lot of reporters say that, well, Mr. President, these are all good ideas, but some of you’ve said before;…

MRC Special Report: The Media Censorship That Put Barack Obama Back in
July 23rd, 2013 9:34 AM
For more than two years, Media Research Center analysts monitored news coverage of the 2012 presidential campaign, especially the Big Three broadcast networks which reach the widest audiences. What we uncovered — both during the campaign, and then later while conducting research for Brent Bozell and Tim Graham’s new book, Collusion: How the Media Stole the 2012 Election — documents how the top…

Bozell Discusses 'Collusion' With John Miller of National Review
July 19th, 2013 5:31 PM
MRC president Brent Bozell talked about his book Collusion with Tim Graham in an interview with John J. MIller at National Review as part of his author-interview series "Between the Covers."
Miller began asking about the subtitle, the charge that the media stole the 2012 election. "When the good folks at Harper Collins came to me with the idea of doing this book, and that title was suggested…

Audio: Ed Driscoll's Interview with Brent Bozell About 'Collusion: How
July 16th, 2013 5:34 PM
"The Obama people were very smart in the way they handled media relations," NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell told Pajama Media's Ed Driscoll during a recently-recorded interview about his new book with Tim Graham, Collusion: How the Media Stole the 2012 Election and How to Stop Them Doing It In 2016.
"The people that they chose for interviews were either entities that weren't news to begin…

The Audacity of Myth: How the Media Ignored Obama's Lies In His Memoir
July 13th, 2013 6:29 PM
[Excerpted from Collusion, by Brent Bozell and Tim Graham]
The media's sneakiest dirty trick in the book is bias by omission, because is is so hard to find, when journalists decide "what the people don't know won't hurt them," or more precisely, "what the people don't know won't hurt our candidate."
In Barack Obama's case this omission emerged in 2012 over his biographical narrative: his 1995…

FBN's Varney, NB Publisher Bozell Discuss Unraveling of ObamaCare, New
July 12th, 2013 12:05 PM
ObamaCare is coming apart at the seams, and everyone knows it, but the media are deliberately censoring coverage of developments that expose the health care overhauls fatal flaws, NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell noted on the Thursday morning edition of Fox Business Network's Varney & Co. [watch the full appearance in the video embedded below the page break]
For example, Bozell informed…

Barack Hollywood Obama: How The Media Sold the President As Populist
July 12th, 2013 9:25 AM
[Excerpted from Collusion, by Brent Bozell and Tim Graham]
The most effortless dirty trick in the liberal-media playbook in 2012 was painting Mitt Romney anywhere and everywhere as an uptight white gazillionaire, a man who was running for president to boost the profits and ego of his own social class. What really took chutzpah was the other half of the equation: boosting Barack Obama as a…
Richie Rich Romney: How the Media Smeared Mitt As a Bullying, Dog-Hati
July 11th, 2013 8:22 AM
[Excerpted from Collusion, by Brent Bozell and Tim Graham]
Have you ever noticed the media’s dirty trick about multimillionaires in politics? If you’re a Democrat named Kennedy or Rockefeller, who inherited millions, or have a habit of marrying women with millions (think John Kerry), or made your millions chasing ambulances (Edwards), it couldn’t possibly put a wrinkle in your populist image.…
Brent Bozell on 'Hannity': Slams Liberal Media's 'Nonstop' 'Character
July 10th, 2013 10:38 AM
Appearing on the July 9 Hannity, NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell slammed the "character assassination" perpetrated by the liberal media in the 2012 presidential election. Talking with host Sean Hannity about his new book with Tim Graham, Bozell described the previous election cycle as "character assassination against anybody who would challenge Barack Obama." (Collusion is available online…
From Hope to Hatchets: How the Media Systematically Axed the 2012 GOP
July 10th, 2013 8:10 AM
[Excerpted from Collusion, by Brent Bozell and Tim Graham]
As Obama prepared for re-election, the media elite treated the emerging Republican challengers as a field of nightmares, a group of pretenders and has-beens who could not be seriously hoping to defeat Obama. Republican debate audiences were criticized as “bloodthirsty” and demonstrating “bloodlust.” ( (() ((Collusion by Brent Bozell and…

The New Book 'Collusion' by Brent Bozell and Tim Graham Debuts Today
July 9th, 2013 6:48 AM
The media have always been liberal, but never have they shown such obvious bias as in the 2012 election. Today, the book “Collusion” by Brent Bozell and Tim Graham is available online and in book stores. The authors present detailed evidence of the liberal media’s unmistakable – and highly successful -- efforts to reelect Barack Obama and to demonize his rival.
In the 2012 election, decades…