Dan Steinberg

Fake News: Trump Breaking Long Tradition By Not Throwing First Pitch
April 3rd, 2017 2:50 AM
The season opening home game for the Washington Nationals will take place Monday afternoon and last week media outlets were full of outrage over how President Donald Trump, by declining the team’s invitation to throw out the first pitch, was breaking a century-old “baseball tradition.” But as Washington Post “D.C. Sports Bog” reporter Dan Steinberg pointed out in calling out his journalistic…

Irate Lady Gaga Fans Get WaPo Front Page; Angry Vets Calling for Shins
May 6th, 2014 4:30 PM
"The nation’s largest veterans group called Monday for the resignation of Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki and two top administrators due over alleged issues with quality of care and cover-ups at some VA medical centers," staff writer Josh Hicks reported in the May 6 edition of the Washington Post. "His patriotism and sacrifice for this nation are above reproach....However, his record…

DC Area Sports Talk Hosts Suspended for Mocking 50-Year-Old Transgende
December 12th, 2012 12:25 PM
Two veteran DC area sports talk radio hosts, ESPN980's Andy Pollin and Steve Czaban, were suspended, on Tuesday, for making fun of Gabrielle Ludwig, a 6-6, 50-year-old former male college basketball player, who came back to play the woman's game.
According to the Washington Post's Dan Steinberg, the two were suspended for engaging in a discussion last week about the fairness of a transsexual…
WashPost Sports Section Blames Bush for Roger Clemens Prosecution
June 20th, 2012 8:34 AM
The Washington Post can’t even keep the liberal politicking out of the Sports section. On Wednesday, sports columnist Sally Jenkins somehow blamed a George W. Bush speech snippet for the Roger Clemens prosecution: "The Clemens case came about because a handful of zealots who are presumably bored by their real jobs were overly empowered by former president George W. Bush’s mention of the…