Daniel Gross

Daily Beast Slams 'Benedict Arnold' Burger King for Planned 'Inversion
August 25th, 2014 4:53 PM
"Patriotism may be the last refuge of a scoundrel, as Samuel Johnson put it, but a lack of it may be the last refuge of corporate executives who have run out of ideas on how to improve their business," groused Daily Beast global finance editor Daniel Gross in the open of his 9-paragraph screed "Burger King Plots Canadian Invasion to Save His Faltering Kingdom." "It’s one thing for a fairly…

Daily Beast's Gross Steamed at Starbucks CEO for His Shutdown Shtick
October 11th, 2013 4:43 PM
For someone whose job title is global business editor, Daniel Gross seems far more concerned with bashing businessmen for not toeing the liberal line than reporting business news. Then again, perhaps we shouldn't expect that much from The Daily Beast.
Gross, who has slammed Apple's penchant for legal tax avoidance as being "too greedy for its own good" turned his attention today to Starbucks CEO…

Newsweek's Gross: Apple 'Too Greedy For Its Own Good
May 30th, 2013 4:48 PM
As we've documented time and again, Newsweek global business editor Daniel Gross has a history of anti-business and pro-big government bias.
Gross stayed true to form in his latest attack on a successful American business enterprise in his May 29 Newsweek feature, "Is Apple Too Clever By Half?" Gross's answer, unsurprisingly, was yes, and that the company was greedy because it has followed U.…

Yahoo: 'America's Credit Rating Was Intentionally Sabotaged By Congres
August 6th, 2011 12:09 PM
"[I]t's difficult to escape the conclusion that America's credit rating was intentionally sabotaged by Congressional Republicans."
So wrote Yahoo Finance economics editor Daniel Gross Friday evening:

Yahoo! Finance's Daniel Gross: Roberts Court 'Hostile to Workers
March 29th, 2011 10:38 AM
Handicapping a case heading to oral argument before the U.S. Supreme Court today, Yahoo! Finance's Daniel Gross insisted that "Wal-Mart has to like its chances" because "[t]he Supreme Court under Chief Justice John Roberts has generally been pro-business and hostile to the cause of workers."
Gross, who is also a senior editor for Newsweek, cited the 2007 ruling -- erroneously writing that the…

'Don't Sweat' High Gas Prices -- They're a 'Good Sign
January 8th, 2011 10:11 AM
You've probably noticed that those prices at the pump have risen considerably over the last month or so. But don't worry! It's not that big a deal! Well, according to Yahoo! Finance's Daniel Gross, that is. Why? Well, Americans are consuming less gas per capita than a few years ago, cars are more fuel efficient, and people are just plain getting weary of more and more traffic (and, hence, are…
Newsweek Mocks 'Poor Little CEO's,' Attacks Private Sector
July 21st, 2010 9:44 AM
The news media love to bash businesses and support regulation, so Newsweek's mockery of the CEO class and claims that they accomplished nothing between 2001 and 2009 shouldn't be a surprise. In his July 20 "Poor Little CEO's" story, Newsweek's Daniel Gross, known for his "tea bagging" comments and staunch defense of Obama, derided a July 12 "Jobs for America" summit held by the U.S…
Brian Williams, Media Critic? Anchor Questions Newsweek's Headline 'Am
April 13th, 2010 10:07 AM
After the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) cracked the 11,000 mark on April 12, some are asking if the economy is back. And while some want to credit President Barack Obama for this so-called recovery, is this financial market rally a true indicator of returning economic prosperity? The anchor of "NBC Nightly News" asked just that question, pointing out the cover of the April 19 issue of…
The Real Reason for CNBC Ratings Decline: 'Experts' Ignore Left-Ward T
August 5th, 2009 7:04 PM
When in doubt blame conservatism, even when it comes to the struggles of a media outlet - and ignore the possibility that liberalism might be to blame. Ever since Nielsen came out with the July numbers for CNBC that showed the network had suffered a 28 percent ratings decline over a year ago, some of the financial media intelligentsia have been eager to point to what they perceive are the right-…
Newsweek's Gross Confronted on 'Teabagging' Schtick
April 15th, 2009 3:52 PM
When a senior editor from Newsweek goes on MSNBC to discuss conservatives who protest the massive tax and spend agenda of the Obama Administration, why shouldn't he join in the fun of disparaging them with juvenile sexual innuendo? After all, he's among friends and fellow travelers. But eventually, someone may call that senior editor to account for his "pornographic" slurs, as St. Louis radio…
Kurtz Acknowledges CNN’s Lack of Tea Party Coverage -- On His CNN Sh
April 12th, 2009 7:48 PM
With the Tax Day tea party rallies just three days away, outside of the Fox News Channel, the coverage has been lacking. And, it was something that even Washington Post media columnist and host of CNN's "Reliable Sources" Howard Kurtz acknowledged on his April 12 program. "The folks at Fox News have found something to be for in this age of Obama," Kurtz said. "They are firmly in favor of tea…
Predictable: MSNBC’s Shuster, Newsweek’s Gross Belittle and Miscon
April 11th, 2009 2:37 PM
Even before a single bag of tea has been dumped as a form of protest over government economic policies, the gang at MSNBC is in full-attack mode over the notion these protests merit any recognition. On MSNBC's April 10 "Countdown," fill-in host David Shuster imitated his MSNBC colleague Rachel Maddow's juvenile and overdone description of the tea party protest to disparage the upcoming…
From the Ones Who Brought Us 'We Are All Socialists Now': Tax Cuts Won
February 13th, 2009 6:24 PM
Sigh. Here we go again. First it was our capitalist society deemed gone as Newsweek magazine declared, "We're socialists now." This time - it's the death of supply-side economics, according to Newsweek Senior Editor Daniel Gross. To sum it up, Gross declared tax cuts obsolete, a theory that only works on paper, in a time when employers come and go and institutions aren't stable like they once…
One Year Later: Murdoch's WSJ Purchase Not So Bad Says CNBC Panel
December 16th, 2008 6:14 PM
Rupert Murdoch has his critics - from those who think his papers are too tabloid-ish - The Sun, The New York Post - to those who find his cable television networks too right-leaning for their tastes. And back in 2007, there was a fear that his purchase of The Wall Street Journal would result in a hybrid of his newspapers and his cable news channels. However, a year after Murdoch's acquisition,…