David Gibson
Just Before Canonization, NBC Hypes John Paul II Critic Saying Many Fe
April 25th, 2014 2:38 PM
The Friday before the Catholic church would celebrate the canonization of two popes, NBC's Today hyped the "controversy" of the jubilant fans of Blessed John Paul II "drowning out dissent" from those who felt "stomped on" during his papacy.
Raining on the canonization parade, NBC's Anne Thompson said the crowds who chanted "sainthood now" at John Paul II's funeral were "drowning out dissent…

Religion Reporter Helping Leftist Nun Write Memoir Has History of Gauz
August 12th, 2013 4:39 PM
On Friday, I noted how ostensibly objective religion reporter David Gibson of Religion News Service has been tapped by Sister Simone Campbell to co-author her memoirs. Proceeds from the project will go into the coffers of NETWORK, Campbell's left-leaning "social justice" organization. Campbell, you may recall, addressed the Democratic National Convention last year and was a mini-celebrity on…

Ostensibly Objective Religion Reporter to Co-Author Memoir with Libera
August 9th, 2013 12:29 PM
Imagine the hand-wringing that would ensue among secular journalists were Franklin Graham or Bishop Harry Jackson to write a memoir with a mainstream media religion reporter on board as a credited co-author. Surely much ado would be made about an ostensibly objective journalist assisting a politically engaged, conservative clergyman to write a book the proceeds of which would go into his…

Religion Writer Forwards New Feminist Complaint: We Never See Depictio
December 11th, 2012 6:45 PM
As I argued yesterday, the Advent season is exploited every year by the liberal media to tweak faithful Christians, using the holidays as a hook for liberal political and religious themes or to advance ancient heresies. Ditto with the Lenten season.
Well, the latest example comes from David Gibson of the Religion News Service, who has picked up on a new complaint from a feminist scholar,…

CNN Cites Fictional Book 'The Da Vinci Code' In Report on the Catholic
June 26th, 2012 1:15 PM
Has CNN's integrity sunk so low that it is now using works of fiction as sources to round out its own reports?
While covering the story of Fox News reporter Greg Burke moving to the Vatican's own communications team, CNN mentioned his membership in Opus Dei and referenced the organization's (quite negative) portrayal in the fictional book and movie The Da Vinci Code. [Video below the break.…
CNN Hints Pope is Guilty of Mishandling Abuse Case, Leaves Out Details
September 23rd, 2010 10:01 PM
CNN played an excerpt of its upcoming documentary "What the Pope Knew" on Thursday's Newsroom (see CNN's commercial promoting the documentary at right), and if this preview and its past coverage of the Church abuse scandal is any indication, the documentary left out key information in order to paint Benedict XVI in the worst possible light. Correspondent Gary Tuchman failed to explain how then-…