ABC's Bill Weir Touts: Obama Is 'Keeping a Campaign Promise' to Air He

February 22nd, 2010 12:50 PM
Good Morning America's Bill Weir on Sunday trumpeted Barack Obama for "keeping a campaign promise" to broadcast the health care debate on C-SPAN. Counting the upcoming televised summit between Republicans and Democrats on the issue as fulfillment, Weir gushed, "...The revolution will be televised." He extolled the event, saying, "And for the first time, live in your living room, President Obama…

ABC Touts Blizzard of 2010 as Obama-esque 'Mini-Jobs Program

February 8th, 2010 10:42 AM
Amid all of the snow news on Sunday night’s World News, ABC reporter David Kerley tossed in a positive reference to President Obama’s supposed abilities to create jobs. “While President Obama didn’t come up with it, the storm is its own mini-jobs program,” Kerley touted, talking about the extra cash some people made helping to shovel out their neighbors.Actually, the jobs “created” by the snow…

ABC News: 'Is Obama 'Too Nice' to Make Tough Decisions

October 19th, 2009 12:16 PM
ABC News's Web site includes the article "Is Obama 'Too Nice' to Make Tough Decisions?" by correspondent David Kerley.  The piece begins:With problems for the president in Afghanistan, health care and unemployment, some critics on both the left and right are asking: Is the president essentially "too nice" to make the important decisions?The National Journal magazine asks in a just-out edition, "…

ABC: Did Lack of Insurance Drive Hillary Hostage-Taker to Crime

December 3rd, 2007 1:07 PM
Did the New Hampshire man who took several Hillary Clinton staffers hostage on Friday do so because of a lack of health insurance? That's what "Good Morning America" reporter David Kerley seemed to imply during a segment on Monday's show. First, he pointed out that the individual, Leeland Eisenberg, was turned away from a mental health support due to a lack of "money or insurance."Then, after…

Knight Column: New Study Exposes Anti-gun Bias in Media

August 29th, 2007 4:36 PM
On Tuesday, Jesse Jackson, the Brady bunch -- not the TV folk but the anti-gun lobby -- and other liberal activists rallied against “the national scourge of illegal guns” in cities around the nation. The networks ignored the event, probably because turnout was so embarrassingly low. The Chicago Tribune reported that “about 200” piled out of three buses in Lake Barrington, Illinois, the Chicago-…

ABC Uses Craig Scandal to Again Predict Doom for GOP

August 28th, 2007 12:29 PM
Tuesday’s "Good Morning America" used the arrest of Senator Larry Craig in a men’s bathroom as an excuse to again herald the end of the Republican Party. Guest co-host Bill Weir teased a story on the Idaho legislator by wondering, "Is the GOP losing its grip?" Reporter David Kerley saw this as a case of Republican hypocrisy. He pointedly observed that "Craig is a conservative who lists among his…

‘World News’ Compares 'Clean Coal' to ‘Fat-Free Doughnuts

August 8th, 2007 1:29 PM