Douglas Elmendorf
WashPost's Furious Pro-ObamaCare Spin: 'Health Law Will Boost Employme
February 6th, 2014 1:09 PM
Desperately working to keep his patient from bleeding out, the Washington Post's William Branigin set about emergency surgery on ObamaCare's public perception in his February 6 page A4 article, "CBO director: Health law will boost employment."
"Congressional Budget Office Director Douglas Elmendorf testified Wednesday that the new health-care law will spur employment by boosting overall…

Huffpo Reporter Claims 'ObamaCare Opponents Freak Out' Over Workers' N
February 5th, 2014 7:36 PM
Michael McAuliff, a former New York Daily News reporter who now writes for the liberal Huffington Post website, stated on Wednesday that people who oppose the Affordable Care Act refer to a report released by the Congressional Budget Office that the shift of full-time employees to part-time work would result in employees losing working hours equivalent to about 2.5 million jobs during the next…
Media Tout CBO Stimulus Numbers, Ignore Their Disconnect From Reality
May 27th, 2010 1:19 PM
Update - 5/27, 3:08 PM | Lachlan Markay: A new Harvard study finds that increased government spending actually reduces economic activity, contradicting the basic premise behind CBO's assumptions. Details below. Good economic news is so rare for the current administration, that when some does emerge, many in the media parrot it as fact without really examining the claims that undergird it. New CBO…
CNN's Lou Dobbs Program Picks Up on Obama/Humana 'Gag Order' Controver
September 24th, 2009 1:00 PM
CNN’s Kitty Pilgrim followed the lead of ABC News in reporting the Obama administration’s attempt to use regulatory power to suppress criticism of its health care proposal on Wednesday’s Lou Dobbs Tonight. Pilgrim noted how “[health] insurers are angry because...the government Medicaid office instructed them to cease sending what it called misleading...information about the bill to clients.”…