Eduardo Saverin
Cal Thomas Column: What Price U.S. Citizenship
January 6th, 2013 10:44 PM
HONG KONG -- We read about famous people like French film star Gerard Depardieu, who moved to Belgium to avoid a 75 percent income tax on millionaires proposed by France's Socialist government (a measure rejected last week by a French council, though French leadership has vowed to resubmit a similar proposal). Then there is Eduardo Saverin, who took the extreme step of giving up his U.S.…

Bashir to Facebook Co-Founder: Go 'Play with the Traffic
May 25th, 2012 11:29 AM
On Thursday’s edition of his eponymous program, MSNBC afternoon anchor Martin Bashir continued his shtick of using vile language to attack people with whom he disagrees, wishing a co-founder of the Facebook social network to go "play with the traffic."
Bashir's death wish on Eduardo Saverin came at the end of a segment in which he criticized conservative activist Grover Norquist. Norquist,…