Elisabeth Rosenthal

Kaiser Health News Editor-in-Chief Demands ‘Assault-Style Weapons’ Ban
April 13th, 2021 11:18 AM
A leftist Washington Post contributor played loose with the facts on guns in her attempt to convince readers to support banning “assault-style weapons.”

NY Times: India Heat ‘Hits Poor Hardest,' Opposes Air Conditioning
July 19th, 2018 7:41 AM
Somini Sengupta made Wednesday’s New York Times front page with “In India, Summer Heat Becomes a ‘Silent Killer’ -- 111-Degree Days Hit Poor the Hardest.” First, insert the Mort Sahl joke about a post-Armaggedon Times headline: "World Ends, Women & Minorities Hardest Hit." Then notice that one obvious solution goes almost completely unmentioned: Air conditioning. Why not? That’s where the…

NYT's Hot Air: Air Conditioning Vital for Prisoners, Bad for Planet?
August 16th, 2016 11:51 AM
Air conditioning: Great for prisoners, bad for the environment? That’s the unwitting and contradictory takeaway from Tuesday’s New York Times. The lack of air conditioning in some Southern prisons led the National section. Alan Blinder fretted: “In U.S.’s ‘Sweatbox’ Jails, a Constitutional Clash Over Air-Conditioning.” But the same day's Science section asked rhetorically: "...can I use my air-…

Ann Coulter: Debunking Elisabeth Rosenthal's 'More Guns = More Killing
January 10th, 2013 12:41 PM
In Sunday's New York Times, Elisabeth Rosenthal claimed, as the title of her article put it, "More Guns = More Killing." She based this on evidence that would never be permitted in any other context at the Times: (1) anecdotal observations; and (2) bald assertions of an activist, blandly repeated with absolutely no independent fact-checking by the Times.
There is an academic, peer-reviewed,…
NYT Reporter Elisabeth Rosenthal, Who Took on Air-Conditioning, Now Go
January 7th, 2013 3:08 PM
Last year, New York Times reporter Elisabeth Rosenthal said air conditioning was hurting the planet. The latest Sunday Review features more left-wing activism from the paper's supposedly impartial science reporter, this time on gun control: "More Guns = More Killing," which takes on the NRA's assertion that "a good guy with a gun" is the best way to protect school children.
In the wake of the…

NYT's Rosenthal Again Tries to Get World to Turn Off the Air: 'We Can
August 20th, 2012 8:01 PM
New York Times environmental reporter Elisabeth Rosenthal's latest 1,600-word attack on air conditioning,"The Cost of Cool," made the front of the Sunday Review. " The text box: "Air-conditioning makes us feel better, but it's hurting the planet."
Rosenthal previously argued in a June 21 post on the paper's "Green" blog complaining that she can't buy an environmentally correct air conditioner…

New York Times Asks: Should Air-Conditioning 'Be Rationed Away
June 25th, 2012 2:59 PM
An online "Room for Debate" segment posted on the New York Times website June 21 posed a left-leaning question to a symposium of six left-leaning outside experts: "Should Air-Conditioning Go Global, or Be Rationed Away?" While it may have been acceptable for New Yorkers to beat the heat with air conditioning, when developing countries like India strives for the same comfort, it becomes an…

Disdain for 'Right Wing' Position on Global Warming in NYTimes: 'We Lo
October 18th, 2011 11:11 AM
The Sunday Review cover story lament by New York Times environmental reporter Elisabeth Rosenthal, “Where Did Global Warming Go?”, collected examples of conservative “climate deniers” (does anyone actually deny that climate exists?) being mocked by environmental experts like Bill Clinton, as well as all of Europe, for not signing on to crippling regulations in the name of halting rising…

NY Times Environment Reporter Tells China and India: Just Sweat It Out
August 31st, 2011 9:39 AM
Elisabeth Rosenthal, an environment reporter who has blamed about every problem under the sun on global warming, called on China and India to turn off their air conditioners to save the planet in the Sunday Review – “Oh, to Be Warm In Summer’s Heat.”
Rosenthal's personal temperature preferences (she complains of shivering in air-conditoning crazy Hong Kong) are apparently to be locked in as…
NYT Quotes Biologist Likening Housecats to Environmental Threats Like
March 23rd, 2011 2:14 PM
New York Times reporter Elisabeth Rosenthal has found another unlikely environmental menace: Cats, an invasive species that disturbs the natural order, like kudzu. That’s the takeaway from Monday’s report on the grave danger felines present to birds: “Tweety Was Right: Cats Are a Bird’s No. 1 Enemy.”
While public attention has focused on wind turbines as a menace to birds, a new study shows…

For NYT Reporter Elisabeth Rosenthal, Everything is Global Warming's F
March 11th, 2011 8:55 AM
New York Times reporter Elisabeth Rosenthal found a familiar villain for her Thursday Business story on the woeful state of Colombia’s coffee crop - "climate change" (“Coffee Source In Colombia Suffers Setbacks – Climate Change Poses a Threat To the Popular Arabica Crop”).
Like most of the small landowners in Colombia’s lush mountainous Cauca region, Luis Garzón, 80, and his family have…